Xylomesochoron (EntityTopic, 11)

From Hi.gher. Space

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http://teamikaria.com/dl/RrD85iGKIduJtWtfLtdhberVIUPT6PkNF3jI-Gl5dTSDC_sN.gif http://teamikaria.com/dl/XIHdr1UX6-rXZP2nEZSnAT11ZMTPo8hg2R_3v2Vx83ydLqDo.gif

The central cell, highlighted, at the front of the 4D viewpoint, is a truncated cube, as are all cells in the icositetrachoric rectate. Around it are (a) 8 truncated cubes in the positions of the cube corners (the octants), and (b) 6 truncated cubes in the positions of the cube faces (the cardinal directions). Six more truncated cubes which cannot be seen in either image due to lying on the "equator" of the shape and thus becoming flattened in the projection are attached to these (b) cells. There are another 15 truncated cubes in a mirror image arrangement on the back of the 4D shape.

Notable Tetrashapes
Regular: pyrochoronaerochorongeochoronxylochoronhydrochoroncosmochoron
Powertopes: triangular octagoltriatesquare octagoltriatehexagonal octagoltriateoctagonal octagoltriate
Circular: glomecubinderduocylinderspherindersphonecylindronediconeconinder
Torii: tigertorispherespheritorustorinderditorus