Hexagonal prism (EntityTopic, 16)

From Hi.gher. Space

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  • The hypervolumes of a hexagonal prism with side length l are given by:
total edge length = 18l
surface area = 3(2 + √3) · l2
volume = 3√32 · l3

Incidence matrix

Dual: hexagonal bipyramid

0 Va = point ;
1 Ea 2 = digon ;
2 Eb 2 = digon ;
3 4a 422 = square ;
4 6a 606 = base of prism: hexagon ;
5 C1a 1261262 = hexagonal prism ;

Usage as facets

Notable Trishapes
Regular: tetrahedroncubeoctahedrondodecahedronicosahedron
Direct truncates: tetrahedral truncatecubic truncateoctahedral truncatedodecahedral truncateicosahedral truncate
Mesotruncates: stauromesohedronstauroperihedronstauropantohedronrhodomesohedronrhodoperihedronrhodopantohedron
Snubs: snub staurohedronsnub rhodohedron
Curved: spheretoruscylinderconefrustumcrind