Triangular bipyramid (no ontology)

From Hi.gher. Space

The triangular bipyramid is the tegum product of a triangle with a digon. If the faces are equilateral triangles, it is one of the 92 Johnson solids, J12. This form can be produced by joing two tetrahedra at the base.


The coordinates of a triangular bipyramid with side 2 are:

(±1, -√3/3, 0)
(0, 2√3/3, 0)
(0, 0, ±2√6/3)


  • Variables:
l ⇒ length of edges of triangular bipyramid
total edge length = 9l
surface area = 3√32 · l2
volume = √26 · l3
[!x,!y] ⇒ Unknown [!z] ⇒ triangle

Incidence matrix

Dual: triangular prism

0 Va = point ;
1 Vb = point ;
2 Ea 11 = digon ;
3 Eb 02 = digon ;
4 3a 1221 = triangle ;
5 C1a 23636 = triangular bipyramid ;

Usage as facets