Snub disphenoid (EntityTopic, 14)

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Revision as of 11:45, 30 March 2014 by Hayate (Talk | contribs)

The snub disphenoid is the 84th Johnson solid, J84.

Incidence matrix

Dual: digon-unpinched pentagonal prism

0 Va = point ;
1 Vb = point ;
2 Ea 20 = digon ;
3 Eb 11 = digon ;
4 Ec 11 = digon ;
5 Ed 02 = digon ;
6 3a 211110 = triangle ;
7 3b 120021 = triangle ;
8 C1a 44448284 = snub disphenoid ;

Usage as facets

This polytope does not currently appear as facets in any higher-dimensional polytopes in the database.

Notable Trishapes
Regular: tetrahedroncubeoctahedrondodecahedronicosahedron
Direct truncates: tetrahedral truncatecubic truncateoctahedral truncatedodecahedral truncateicosahedral truncate
Mesotruncates: stauromesohedronstauroperihedronstauropantohedronrhodomesohedronrhodoperihedronrhodopantohedron
Snubs: snub staurohedronsnub rhodohedron
Curved: spheretoruscylinderconefrustumcrind