Sphenocorona (EntityTopic, 14)

From Hi.gher. Space

The sphenocorona is the 86th Johnson solid, J86.

Cartesian coordinates

The Cartesian coordinates of the sphenocorona, resting on the origin and with edge length 2, are:

(0, 0, ±1)
(±A, B, ±1)
(0, C, ±D)
(±1, E, 0)

where A, B, C, D, E are roots of the following polynomials:

92 + 112A - 100A² - 24A³ + 15A⁴1 < A < 2
3600 - 96B² - 3176B⁴ - 24B⁶ + 225B⁸1 < B < 1.5
3600 - 96C² - 3176C⁴ - 24C⁶ + 225C⁸1.5 < C < 2
95 + 100D - 82D² - 36D³ + 15D⁴1 < D < 2
-20 - 4E² + E⁴1 < E < 2

Or, in closed form:

A = (1/15)(6 + √6 + 2√(213 - 57√6))
B = (2/5)√(1/6 + 6√6 - (1/3)√(538 + 18√6))
C = (2/5)√(1/6 + 6√6 + (1/3)√(538 + 18√6))
D = (1/15)(9 - √6 + 2√(213 - 57√6))
E = √(2(1 + √6))

Their numerical values are approximately:

A = 1.705453885692834
B = 1.044713857367277
C = 1.914399800381786
D = 1.578855253321743
E = 2.626590848527109



Notable Trishapes
Regular: tetrahedroncubeoctahedrondodecahedronicosahedron
Direct truncates: tetrahedral truncatecubic truncateoctahedral truncatedodecahedral truncateicosahedral truncate
Mesotruncates: stauromesohedronstauroperihedronstauropantohedronrhodomesohedronrhodoperihedronrhodopantohedron
Snubs: snub staurohedronsnub rhodohedron
Curved: spheretoruscylinderconefrustumcrind