Pyramid (EntityClass, 5)

From Hi.gher. Space

Revision as of 08:47, 9 February 2007 by INVERTED (Talk)
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A pyramid is a polyhedron formed by tapering any polygon. The polygon used in forming the pyramid is called the base of the pyramid.

In CSG notation, if x represents the base, then:

  • if x is solid,
    • xT represents the corresponding solid pyramid
  • if x is hollow,
    • xT represents the corresponding uncapped pyramid
  • if x is marked,
    • xT represents the corresponding (unknown) pyramid

Notable Trishapes
Regular: tetrahedroncubeoctahedrondodecahedronicosahedron
Direct truncates: tetrahedral truncatecubic truncateoctahedral truncatedodecahedral truncateicosahedral truncate
Mesotruncates: stauromesohedronstauroperihedronstauropantohedronrhodomesohedronrhodoperihedronrhodopantohedron
Snubs: snub staurohedronsnub rhodohedron
Curved: spheretoruscylinderconefrustumcrind

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