Bitrigonal diminished pyrocantichoron (EntityTopic, 15)

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The bitrigonal diminished pyrocantichoron is a CRF polychoron discovered by Quickfur on August 2, 2012. Its cells are one cuboctahedron, two hexagonal prisms, two triangular cupolae, four square pyramids and four triangular prisms.


   <4/√10, 0, 3/√3, 1>
   <4/√10, 0, 3/√3, -1>
   <4/√10, 0, 0, 2>
   <4/√10, 0, 0, -2>
   <4/√10, 0, -3/√3, 1>
   <4/√10, 0, -3/√3, -1>
   <4/√10, -4/√6, 2/√3, 0>
   <4/√10, -4/√6, -1/√3, 1>
   <4/√10, -4/√6, -1/√3, -1>
   <-1/√10, 3/√6, 3/√3, 1>
   <-1/√10, 3/√6, 3/√3, -1>
   <-1/√10, 3/√6, 0, 2>
   <-1/√10, 3/√6, 0, -2>
   <-1/√10, 3/√6, -3/√3, 1>
   <-1/√10, 3/√6, -3/√3, -1>
   <-1/√10, -1/√6, 2/√3, -2>
   <-1/√10, -1/√6, -4/√3, 0>
   <-1/√10, -5/√6, 1/√3, -1>
   <-1/√10, -5/√6, -2/√3, 0>
   <-6/√10, 2/√6, 2/√3, 0>
   <-6/√10, 2/√6, -1/√3, 1>
   <-6/√10, 2/√6, -1/√3, -1>
   <-6/√10, -2/√6, 1/√3, -1>
   <-6/√10, -2/√6, -2/√3, 0>

Incidence matrix

Dual: (dual of bitrigonal diminished pyrocantichoron)

0 Va = point ; hip-hip square ones
1 Vb = point ; intermediates
2 Vc = point ; polar ones of co
3 Vd = point ; medial ones of co
4 Ea 2000 = digon ;
5 Eb 1100 = digon ;
6 Ec 0200 = digon ; hip-lacing
7 Ed 0200 = digon ; wedge-edges
8 Ee 0110 = digon ;
9 Ef 0101 = digon ;
10 Eg 0020 = digon ; hip-base
11 Eh 0020 = digon ; hip-lacing
12 Ei 0011 = digon ; tricu-lacing
13 Ej 0011 = digon ; squippy-lacing
14 4a 40004000000000 = square ;
15 4b 22001210000000 = square ;
16 6a 22201200201000 = hexagon ;
17 3a 12000201000000 = triangle ;
18 4c 02200010200100 = square ;
19 4d 02110001110010 = square ;
20 3b 02010010020000 = triangle ;
21 3c 01110000110001 = triangle ;
22 4e 00400000002200 = square ;
23 4f 00220000000022 = square ;
24 3d 00210000001020 = triangle ;
25 3e 00210000000102 = triangle ;
26 C1a 44404420402200122020001000 = hexagonal prism ;
27 C2a 24211412221020011202100010 = triangular cupola ;
28 C3a 02220001220022000002020100 = triangular prism ;
29 C4a 02210010220102000010120001 = square pyramid ;
30 C5a 00840000004488000000002444 = stauromesohedron ;
31 H4.1a 4884484488448814444848244424441 = bitrigonal diminished pyrocantichoron ;

Usage as facets

This polytope does not currently appear as facets in any higher-dimensional polytopes in the database.

Additional images

Single view
Stereo view
1 of 2 Edit gallery

Software models

ExPar [#models]: Unable to contact the polyview server at this time. Please try again later.

External links