Table of kanichora (Meta, 11)

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Revision as of 18:30, 24 August 2012 by Hayate (Talk | contribs)

This table shows the four-dimensional kanitopes arranged by their family and Dx number.

Forms enclosed in parentheses are non-canonical forms, which duplicate other cells of the table. In 4D, this occurs in the pentachoric and icositetrachoric families due to them being self-dual, and in the hexadecachoric family due to the hexadecachoron being equivalent to the demitesseract.

Dx Coxeter-
Variance group Polychoric group
Standard Krieger Conventional Alt. conv. Pentachoric Hexadecachoric Icositetrachoric Hexacosichoric
1xoooParentParentParent Kp1Ke1Kk1Ks1
2oxooRectateRectateHemicate Kp2Ke2Kk2Ks2
3xxooTruncateTruncateTruncate Kp3Ke3Kk3Ks3
4ooxo------Dual,hemic (Kp2)(Kk1)(Kk2)Ks4
5xoxoCantellatesm Rhombi-Cantellate Kp5Ke5Kk5Ks5
6oxxoBitruncate---Rectate Kp6Ke6Kk6Ks6
7xxxoCantitruncategr Rhombi-Cantitruncate Kp7Ke7Kk7Ks7
8ooox------Dual (Kp1)Ke8(Kk1)Ks8
10oxox------Dual,cantel (Kp5)(Kk2)(Kk5)Ks10
11xxoxRuncitruncate---Runcitruncate Kp11Ke11Kk11Ks11
12ooxx------Dual,trunc (Kp3)Ke12(Kk3)Ks12
13xoxx---PrismatorhDual,runcic (Kp11)Ke13(Kk11)Ks13
14oxxx------Dual,cantic (Kp7)(Kk3)(Kk7)Ks14