x5o x5o
x5x x5x
x5o x5o
x5x x5x
quickfur wrote:[...] The following CRF was described by wintersolstice as a gyrated version of the cube cupola:
Basically, take a cube cupola, cut off a square orthobicupolic ring, and replace it with a square gyrobicupolic ring. [...]
Note that this CRF is not in Klitzing's list, because its vertices lie on more than two parallel hyperplanes.
[x4o||(x4o||x4x)] + [(x4o||x4x)||(x4o||x4x)] + [(x4o||x4x)||o4x],
i.e.: K-4.73 + K-4.69 + K-4.64
This is wrong however.which I will tentatively name the gyro cube cupola
Yes I do, even so since that post of yours there have been 5 1/2 months...quickfur wrote:Does anybody still read this thread?
Your count is wrong, so. There are 4 tricues. - This would even be clearly obvious: the hips do connect at a square, not at a hexagon. Therefore there would be 4 hexagons to connect to. Accordingly there are 4 tricues needed.Well, I hope somebody's reading, 'cos I've discovered a new non-trivial CRF! Here is a projection of it:
(This is a cross-eyed stereo pair; see here if you're new to cross-eyed stereo viewing.)
Its cells are 1 cuboctahedron, 2 hexagonal prisms, 2 triangular cupolae, 4 square pyramids, 4 triangular prisms.
[...] I discovered this CRF while searching for maximally-diminished uniform polychora (defined to be a CRF polychoron obtained by some diminishing of a uniform polychoron, such that no more vertices can be removed from it without making it non-CRF). The cantellated 5-cell can have 3 vertices on one triangular face removed from it, producing a CRF with 1 hexagonal prism, 2 triangular cupola, 2 octahedra, 3 cuboctahedra, 7 triangular prisms, and 3 square pyramids. That polychoron I tentatively call the "triangle-diminished cantellated 5-cell"; the hexagonal prism is opposite a triangular prism. Another triangle of vertices can be removed from it, to produce the polychoron shown above. This triangle has 1 vertex touching the apex of a square pyramid and shares an edge with the triangular prism opposite the hexagonal prism. (It's important exactly which triangle to remove, since removing the wrong one produces a non-CRF polychoron.)
I think the result is maximally-diminished, but I'm not 100% sure. (Another maximal diminishing of the cantellated 5-cell is the bisected cantellated 5-cell, which is the same as the segmentochoron cuboctahedron||truncated_tetrahedron (4.48 in Klitzing's list).)
Anybody up for naming this little pretty? I'm thinking bi-triangle-diminished cantellated 5-cell, but I don't like the name; it sounds ugly. Any suggestions?
4 * * * | 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 2 2 0 0 0 hip-hip square ones
* 8 * * | 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 | 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 | 1 2 1 1 0 intermediates
* * 8 * | 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 | 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 polar ones of co
* * * 4 | 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 | 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 1 1 | 0 1 2 1 1 medial ones of co
2 0 0 0 | 4 * * * * * * * * * | 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 2 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 | * 8 * * * * * * * * | 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 1 2 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 | * * 4 * * * * * * * | 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 | 1 1 0 1 0 hip-lacing
0 2 0 0 | * * * 4 * * * * * * | 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 2 1 0 0 wedge-edges
0 1 1 0 | * * * * 8 * * * * * | 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 | 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 | * * * * * 8 * * * * | 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 | 0 1 1 1 0
0 0 2 0 | * * * * * * 4 * * * | 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 | 1 1 0 0 1 hip-base
0 0 2 0 | * * * * * * * 4 * * | 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 | 1 0 0 1 1 hip-lacing
0 0 1 1 | * * * * * * * * 8 * | 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 | 0 1 1 0 1 tricu-lacing
0 0 1 1 | * * * * * * * * * 8 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 | 0 0 1 1 1 squippy-lacing
4 0 0 0 | 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 1 * * * * * * * * * * * | 2 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 | 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | * 4 * * * * * * * * * * | 1 1 0 0 0
2 2 2 0 | 1 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 | * * 4 * * * * * * * * * | 1 1 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 | 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 | * * * 4 * * * * * * * * | 0 2 0 0 0
0 2 2 0 | 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 | * * * * 4 * * * * * * * | 1 0 0 1 0
0 2 1 1 | 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 | * * * * * 8 * * * * * * | 0 1 1 0 0
0 2 0 1 | 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 | * * * * * * 4 * * * * * | 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 | 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 | * * * * * * * 8 * * * * | 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 4 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 | * * * * * * * * 2 * * * | 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 2 2 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 | * * * * * * * * * 4 * * | 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 2 1 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 | * * * * * * * * * * 4 * | 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 2 1 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 | * * * * * * * * * * * 4 | 0 0 0 1 1
4 4 4 0 | 4 4 2 0 4 0 2 2 0 0 | 1 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 | 2 * * * * hip
2 4 2 1 | 1 4 1 2 2 2 1 0 2 0 | 0 1 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 | * 4 * * * tricu
0 2 2 2 | 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 2 2 | 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 | * * 4 * * trip
0 2 2 1 | 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 1 0 2 | 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 | * * * 4 * squippy
0 0 8 4 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 8 8 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 4 4 | * * * * 1 co
All changes of sign of:
(1, 1+√2, 1+2√2, 1+√2)
(1, 1+2√2, 1+√2, 1+√2)
(1+√2, 1, 1+2√2, 1+√2)
(1+√2, 1+√2, 1+2√2, 1)
(1+√2, 1+2√2, 1, 1+√2)
(1+√2, 1+2√2, 1+√2, 1)
(1+2√2, 1, 1+√2, 1+√2)
(1+2√2, 1+√2, 1, 1+√2)
(1+2√2, 1+√2, 1+√2, 1)
quickfur wrote:[...] The cells are: 2 x4xx's (great rhombicuboctahedra), 6 x4xo's (truncated cubes), 16 triangular cupolae, 8 triangular prisms, 12 octagonal prisms. (Please check, I may have counted wrong. ) [...]
I'm not sure if Klitzing has already found this one, I seem to recall reading something about tesseract family truncations recently.
<0, -√2, -√2, ±(2+2*√2)>
<0, √2, ±√2, 2+2*√2>
<0, ±√2, 2+2*√2, -√2>
<0, -√2, -(2+2*√2), ±√2>
<0, √2, ±(2+2*√2), √2>
<0, ±(2+2*√2), √2, -√2>
<0, -(2+2*√2), -√2, ±√2>
<0, 2+2*√2, ±√2, √2>
<±√2, 0, -√2, 2+2*√2>
<±√2, 0, √2, -(2+2*√2)>
<√2, 0, -√2, -(2+2*√2)>
<√2, 0, √2, 2+2*√2>
<±√2, 0, -(2+2*√2), √2>
<±√2, 0, 2+2*√2, -√2>
<√2, 0, -(2+2*√2), -√2>
<√2, 0, 2+2*√2, √2>
<±√2, -√2, 0, -(2+2*√2)>
<±√2, √2, 0, 2+2*√2>
<√2, -√2, 0, 2+2*√2>
<√2, √2, 0, -(2+2*√2)>
<±√2, -√2, -(2+2*√2), 0>
<±√2, √2, 2+2*√2, 0>
<√2, -√2, 2+2*√2, 0>
<√2, √2, -(2+2*√2), 0>
<±√2, -(2+2*√2), 0, -√2>
<±√2, 2+2*√2, 0, √2>
<√2, -(2+2*√2), 0, √2>
<√2, 2+2*√2, 0, -√2>
<±√2, -(2+2*√2), -√2, 0>
<±√2, 2+2*√2, √2, 0>
<√2, -(2+2*√2), √2, 0>
<√2, 2+2*√2, -√2, 0>
<-(2+2*√2), 0, -√2, √2>
<-(2+2*√2), 0, √2, -√2>
<-(2+2*√2), -√2, 0, -√2>
<-(2+2*√2), √2, 0, √2>
<-(2+2*√2), -√2, -√2, 0>
<-(2+2*√2), √2, √2, 0>
<±1, -(1+√2), -(1+√2), ±(1+2*√2)>
<±1, 1+√2, ±(1+√2), 1+2*√2>
<±1, ±(1+√2), 1+2*√2, -(1+√2)>
<±1, -(1+√2), -(1+2*√2), ±(1+√2)>
<±1, 1+√2, ±(1+2*√2), 1+√2>
<±1, ±(1+2*√2), 1+√2, -(1+√2)>
<±1, -(1+2*√2), -(1+√2), ±(1+√2)>
<±1, 1+2*√2, ±(1+√2), 1+√2>
<-(1+√2), ±1, -(1+√2), 1+2*√2>
<-(1+√2), ±1, 1+√2, -(1+2*√2)>
<1+√2, ±1, ±(1+√2), ±(1+2*√2)>
<-(1+√2), ±1, -(1+2*√2), 1+√2>
<-(1+√2), ±1, 1+2*√2, -(1+√2)>
<1+√2, ±1, ±(1+2*√2), ±(1+√2)>
<-(1+√2), -(1+√2), ±1, -(1+2*√2)>
<-(1+√2), 1+√2, ±1, 1+2*√2>
<1+√2, ±(1+√2), ±1, ±(1+2*√2)>
<±(1+√2), -(1+√2), -(1+2*√2), ±1>
<±(1+√2), 1+√2, 1+2*√2, ±1>
<1+√2, -(1+√2), 1+2*√2, ±1>
<1+√2, 1+√2, -(1+2*√2), ±1>
<-(1+√2), -(1+2*√2), ±1, -(1+√2)>
<-(1+√2), 1+2*√2, ±1, 1+√2>
<1+√2, ±(1+2*√2), ±1, ±(1+√2)>
<±(1+√2), -(1+2*√2), -(1+√2), ±1>
<±(1+√2), 1+2*√2, 1+√2, ±1>
<1+√2, -(1+2*√2), 1+√2, ±1>
<1+√2, 1+2*√2, -(1+√2), ±1>
<-(1+2*√2), ±1, -(1+√2), 1+√2>
<-(1+2*√2), ±1, 1+√2, -(1+√2)>
<-(1+2*√2), -(1+√2), ±1, -(1+√2)>
<-(1+2*√2), 1+√2, ±1, 1+√2>
<-(1+2*√2), -(1+√2), -(1+√2), ±1>
<-(1+2*√2), 1+√2, 1+√2, ±1>
x3o x3o
x3x x3x
w3x w3x
o3x o3x
x3w x3w
o3w x3X x3X o3w
X3x X3x
o3x o3x
u3w u3w
x3w o3Z o3Z x3w
X3x X3x
x3x x3x
x3X x3X
w3x Z3o Z3o w3x
w3u w3u
x3o x3o
x3X x3X
w3o X3x X3x w3o
w3x w3x
x3o x3o
x3w x3w
x3x x3x
o3x o3x
x3X x3X
X3x X3x
u3w u3w
x3w o3Z o3Z
X3x X3x
x3X x3X
w3x Z3o Z3o
w3u w3u
x3X x3X
X3x X3x
x = 1
w = x+q = 1+sqrt2
u = 2x = 2
X = 2x+q = 2+sqrt2
Y = x+2q = 1+2sqrt2
Z = 3x+q = 3+sqrt2
... so they should be correct): 3 x4xx's, 36 triangular prisms, 18 square cupolae, 18 triangular cupolae, 6 x4ox's. Total: 81 cells
Marek14 wrote:Thinking about the gyrated prismatotruncated pentachoron, I believe that the triangular cupolas and hexagonal prisms should definitely fuse into elongated triangular cupolas...
Now wondering about other possible gyrations of this kind. For example, tetrahedron || cuboctahedron is half a small prismated decachoron and it should be possible to glue two of them together wrong. You get a polychoron with the same cells (10 tetrahedra + 20 triangular prisms), but different connectivity (pseudo-spid?).
quickfur wrote:Marek14 wrote:Thinking about the gyrated prismatotruncated pentachoron, I believe that the triangular cupolas and hexagonal prisms should definitely fuse into elongated triangular cupolas...
Sorry, I'm unfamiliar with what the term "prismatotruncated" means -- are you talking about a truncated form of x3o3x3o? ...
Marek14 wrote:... Now wondering about other possible gyrations of this kind. For example, tetrahedron || cuboctahedron is half a small prismated decachoron and it should be possible to glue two of them together wrong. You get a polychoron with the same cells (10 tetrahedra + 20 triangular prisms), but different connectivity (pseudo-spid?). ...
quickfur wrote:Marek14 wrote:Thinking about the gyrated prismatotruncated pentachoron, I believe that the triangular cupolas and hexagonal prisms should definitely fuse into elongated triangular cupolas...
Sorry, I'm unfamiliar with what the term "prismatotruncated" means -- are you talking about a truncated form of x3o3x3o?
EDIT: nevermind, I found your original post, it's the x3x3o3x. Hmm, that's an interesting thought. I know, I'll try to construct it in my modeller and see if the cells come out fused or not! I'll let you know the results.
Klitzing wrote:Just thought a bit more about quickfur's tribathodiminished srico. (Batho here just means deep. Does not specify the number of stratos however.)
So I looked at srix. [...] So it shows clearly that you could chop off a tristratic cap from it. Thought a while, got that it should be: o3x5o || x3x5o || x3o5f || x3x5x. (The third layer would have to use f = tau = golden ratio sized edges. But not doing a section there, would leave that greater structure together.)
And then, as for your bistratic tridiminishing of srico had a lace city display, which was a regular triangle, here too is a tristratic pentadiminishing of srix, which would be displayed as a regular pentagon (connecting the outermost orange dots)! [...]
Klitzing wrote:[...] So I looked at srix. Here is a pic from wikipedia, meaning to display a projection; thereby it is nothing but a lace city display (just that the orthogonal space codings are missing):
So it shows clearly that you could chop off a tristratic cap from it. Thought a while, got that it should be: o3x5o || x3x5o || x3o5f || x3x5x. (The third layer would have to use f = tau = golden ratio sized edges. But not doing a section there, would leave that greater structure together.)
And then, as for your bistratic tridiminishing of srico had a lace city display, which was a regular triangle, here too is a tristratic pentadiminishing of srix, which would be displayed as a regular pentagon (connecting the outermost orange dots)! [...]
quickfur wrote:[...]Wow, that's interesting! Funnily enough, somebody (I think it was Mrrl aka Andrey, or maybe Marek) had already discovered the tristratic cap quite a while back, which is now listed under "rotunda" in the wiki's CRF project page, but nobody thought to look at what's left of the original polychoron after the cap was cut off. [...]
quickfur wrote:[...] Here's another line of investigation that I wanted to do, but so far haven't gotten around to: we know the dodecahedra of the 120-cell can be partitioned into 12 great circles of 10 cells each, which gives us a dodecahedral swirlprism sort of arrangement. Now, it should be possible to map each of these great circles to the x5ox's of the x5o3x3o, so that the x5ox's are partitioned into 12 rings. Then within each ring of x5ox's, we can gyrate (resp. cut off) the 10prism||pentagon segmentochora in between the x5ox's, and so we would obtain the swirlgyrated (resp. swirldiminished) x5oxo, which will have 120 parabigyrated x5ox's (resp. parabidiminished x5ox's).
The only thing I'm not sure about, is whether this gyration (resp. diminishing) is CRF, because I'm not sure if the 10p||5g segmentochora from adjacent rings would overlap, making it impossible to gyrate/delete them without making the result non-CRF. Is this possible?
quickfur wrote:Another idea occurred to me while looking at the wikipedia diagram: in the case of srix, the diminished caps are far away enough from the other cells, that it may be possible to do the same diminishing on the caps lying in the orthogonal ring and get a CRF result! Then, we should be able to get some kind of intricate structure with 5,5-duoprism symmetry (or derived), with two orthogonal pentagonal arrangements!
quickfur wrote:Another thought: I just realized that o5x3o3o can also be diminished to give a pentagonal arrangement of cells, and probably in two orthogonal rings too (if my previous analysis is correct). In this case, there is only a bistratic cap, which is the icosidodecahedral rotunda, but the same principle applies: the key point is that removing the cap whose top is a o5xo, also bisects the 12 o5xo's around that cell, and since 120-cell symmetry has the dodecahedral elements in rings of 10 around great circles, this means each diminishing cuts off 1 cell and 2 halves from the ring, so a ring of 10 can be cut into a ring of 5 in the diminished polychoron.
Anyway, I think I'll try to test my theory of 2 orthogonal pentadiminishings on o5x3o3o, since its coordinates are more manageable, and see if it works. If it doesn't, it wouldn't work on srix either -- there's a possibility that the diminishing in one ring will be too deep and you won't be able to diminish the other ring without making some cells non-CRF.
Marek14 wrote:What are the possibilities in augmenting duoprisms with 3||6p, 4||8p or 5||10p segmentochora (or line||cube)? If they exist, the possibilities would be enhanced by the fact that each of these can have two orientations (three in case of line || cube)
Klitzing wrote:quickfur wrote:[...]Wow, that's interesting! Funnily enough, somebody (I think it was Mrrl aka Andrey, or maybe Marek) had already discovered the tristratic cap quite a while back, which is now listed under "rotunda" in the wiki's CRF project page, but nobody thought to look at what's left of the original polychoron after the cap was cut off. [...]
Just to push my naming concept here:
I use (with respect to parts of larger (orbiform) polytopes, being cut out by 2 parallel hyperplanes)
- cap: any multistratic segment with one hyperplane being tagential
- cupola: in the stricter sense: as was defined in my paper on segmentochora; in a looser sense we could include all lace prisms (i.e. being monostratic!), which have a non-degenerate top base ("top" here will be the smaller one), and are neither prisms nor antiprisms. That is we might include esp. those monostratic caps (which I mentioned in my paper as a different possibility to extrapolate the §D term to).
- rotunda: hemispherical polytopes, i.e. caps, where the other hyperplane happens to be equatorial. (Esp. that tristratic cap of srix, you are refering, clearly is not a rotunda.)
- else: any other part between 2 parallel vertex layers is called (latin style) segment (more specifically also: sub-segment) or just (greek style) stratos. (We could use that term in a narrower sense exclusively, but in a broader sense also inclusively, that is, including caps here as well.)
- segmentotope: is then (in this specific application of consideration) just a monostratic segment (in the inclusive sense). (Note, this bows to my definition of the paper. By the mere ethymology of the word (segment + tope) it would like to include multistratic ones. So we should consider that restriction to monostratic ones as being implied here!)
Further we already implemented luna (or just: lune) for wedge-parts being cut out by 2 hyperplanes through vertex layers, which are both equatorial, and esp. not parallel. They further will be specified by the ratio of this dihedral angle between those hyperplanes (based on the full circuit: e.g. an 1/10-lune etc.). Clearly there will be always 2 complementary lunes, which will add to a rotunda (in the above sense) then. (Addition being possibly up to some minor parts, which correspond to some dissected edges etc., thus giving rise to pyramid-diminishings, so that, when adding, kind a rosette will have to re-inserted there.)
Rosettes I call polytopes, which are external blends (i.e. adjoins) of several wedges, which close while cycling around the wedge-angle. That is any polytope, being possible to be cut into lunes, trivially is a rosette from its lunes. But there are non-lune wedges too, which might give rise for rosettes. Rosettes further can be specified by the name of a regular polygon/polygram (which lives in the orthospace of that wedge-ridge.[...]
Klitzing wrote:quickfur wrote:Another idea occurred to me while looking at the wikipedia diagram: in the case of srix, the diminished caps are far away enough from the other cells, that it may be possible to do the same diminishing on the caps lying in the orthogonal ring and get a CRF result! Then, we should be able to get some kind of intricate structure with 5,5-duoprism symmetry (or derived), with two orthogonal pentagonal arrangements!
This I spotted too: the grid-section, being displayed to the left as a vertical line (of orange dots) is displayed as an perpendicular central ring (of red dots at the same diameter).
Quite interesting. That srit has a 4,4-dip subsymmetry is widely known. That srix thus would have a 5,5-dip subsymmetry, is new to me (at least).
Klitzing wrote:quickfur wrote:Another thought: I just realized that o5x3o3o can also be diminished to give a pentagonal arrangement of cells, and probably in two orthogonal rings too (if my previous analysis is correct). In this case, there is only a bistratic cap, which is the icosidodecahedral rotunda, but the same principle applies: the key point is that removing the cap whose top is a o5xo, also bisects the 12 o5xo's around that cell, and since 120-cell symmetry has the dodecahedral elements in rings of 10 around great circles, this means each diminishing cuts off 1 cell and 2 halves from the ring, so a ring of 10 can be cut into a ring of 5 in the diminished polychoron.
Anyway, I think I'll try to test my theory of 2 orthogonal pentadiminishings on o5x3o3o, since its coordinates are more manageable, and see if it works. If it doesn't, it wouldn't work on srix either -- there's a possibility that the diminishing in one ring will be too deep and you won't be able to diminish the other ring without making some cells non-CRF.
Yep, rox has the same pentagon, inscribed into its projection. The to be chopped of caps (not rotundae ) are o3x5o||o3o5f||o3x5x. - So, I cannot spot the vertices of the orthogonal ring of tids in that display (so far).
--- rk
Neither know whether I've writing access, nor how to locate all occurancies...quickfur wrote:[...] But maybe your terminology is more consistent. Would you mind updating the wiki to reflect this change?
Florets have 2 rings. One clearly is the flower, a rose is an example of. The other is that of a rapier. And that obviously leads into the wrong direction.I was using the term 'florets' for these polychora, but I guess rosette works just as well, too.
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