Runcinated snub demitesseract (EntityTopic, 13)

From Hi.gher. Space

The runcinated snub demitesseract, also known as the prismatorhombato snub 24-cell, is a CRF polychoron derived from the snub demitesseract via Stott expansion. It is vertex-transitive, but not uniform, thus it belongs to the class of scaliform polychora. It has 24 icosahedra, 24 truncated tetrahedra, 96 triangular cupolae, and 96 triangular prisms. It was discovered by Richard Klitzing in 2005.


Centered on icosahedron:



epacs<0, 1, phi, 3+phi>
epacs<1, 2, phi^2, 2+phi>

Software models