Paper cutting (ConceptTopic, 4)

From Hi.gher. Space

This page documents the results cutting a twisted loop of paper.

Cutting in half


  • A 0-twist (hose) goes to two separate 0-twists:
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
  • A 2-twist goes to two linked together 2-twists:
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
  • A 3-twist goes to a long 8-twist containing a trefoil knot:
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
  • A 4-twist goes to two linked together 4-twists:
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
  • A 5-twist goes to a long 12-twist containing a knot with five crossings:
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) ?
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) ?
  • A 6-twist goes to two linked together 6-twists:
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)

General rule

We can deduce that, when n > 0, cutting an n-twist will produce a single strip with n crossings and 2(n+1) twists if n is odd, or two linked strips each with n twists if n is even.

Cutting in thirds

It is easy to see that cutting a loop into thirds rather than in half would be the same as above for an even number of twists. Therefore, the following concerns only loops with odd numbers of twists.

  • A 1-twist goes to a short 1-twist linked to a long 4-twist:
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
  • A 3-twist goes to a short 3-twist linked to a long 8-twist containing a trefoil knot:
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)
(image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image) (image)

(There are more crossings between the two loops than shown above)

Repeated cuttings

  • Cutting a 3-twist in half produces an 8-twist with a trefoil knot. Cutting this in half produces two interlinked 8-twists, each with their own trefoil knot, but also crossing in multiple other places.
  • Cutting a 1-twist in thirds and then cutting the new 1-twist in half produces two 4-twists, linked in multiple places.

See also