Truncated snub demitesseract (EntityTopic, 13)

From Hi.gher. Space

Revision as of 08:14, 27 March 2014 by Hayate (Talk | contribs)

The truncated snub demitesseract is a CRF polychoron derived from the snub demitesseract via truncation. Its surface consists of 24 truncated icosahedra, 96 tridiminished icosahedra, and 120 truncated tetrahedra. It was discovered by Andrew Weimholt in 2004.


Centered on a truncated icosahedron:



epacs<0, 1, 3*phi, 3*phi^2>
epacs<0, 2+phi, 1+3*phi, 3+2*phi>
epacs<0, phi^3, phi^4, 3+phi>
epacs<1, 2, 1+3*phi, phi^4>
epacs<1, 2*phi, 3*phi^2, 2+phi>
epacs<phi, 2, phi^3, 3*phi^2>

where phi = (1+√5)/2 is the Golden Ratio.

Software models