Pointspace View?

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Pointspace View?

Postby Tetronia » Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:31 pm

If a 4D person sees in 3D, 3D people see in 2D, 2D people see in 1D, and a 1D person saw in 0D, what would be the view of a 0D person?

I suppose it would either 0D or no view at all, because the person would be infinitely small and so would his universe, but I'm not entirely sure which one. What do you think?
What's with those "fun size" candy bars? There's nothing fun about getting less candy!

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Postby jinydu » Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:00 pm

A 0D person would be just a point. So he would have no internal structure, let alone eyes.
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Postby solodeath » Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:02 pm

but one can also disagree and say just because something have no eye dose not mean it can not see. but a 0D person could never see a 4D or 3D oe a 2D would. just like a gold fish dont know there is a world outside water. But for the agruments, lets say "it" can see the 1st to 4th D then it could never understand it.
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Postby brasileiro » Sun May 08, 2005 8:31 pm

Ah the thing there is that a 3D person sees in both 2D and 3D. The 3rd dimension of view comes in when the second POV is added, ie-the second eye. When you close one eye, although you can see objects have depth, you cannot judge the depth of the objects or distance, and therefore, are restricted to the 2nd dimension. When the second POV is added, you now can see which objects have depth, and which do not. You can judge depth and then know that Depth is the 3rd dimension. And no matter how much time you spend on a picture to make it look 3D, it will never be 3D. It is on a flat surface, so there is no depth. Just like CGI movies. It may be 3D to the computer, being as on the inside, there's depth, and electronically, there's depth, when we see it, it's flat, with shading. Other than that, the world around us is 3D, and we see 3D... if we are looking with both eyes. That's the catch. You have to have both eyes looking to make things 3D.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."
~Albert Einstein

If you teach someone in the 2nd dimension, they will live in the 2nd dimension... if you teach them in the 3rd, they will live in the 3rd.
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Postby brasileiro » Sun May 08, 2005 8:36 pm

As for the 0D person... if you wanna call it a person. It would, according to our knowlege of lesser creatures and objects that "see", have to be an extremely complex figure. It would have to have a system that either takes in light, senses electronic pulsation, works off echolocation or supersonic location (whatever you wanna call it), and all have to fit in that little spec which, to our eyes, is invisible; because if it were any bigger, then it would take up space, and become at least 1D.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."
~Albert Einstein

If you teach someone in the 2nd dimension, they will live in the 2nd dimension... if you teach them in the 3rd, they will live in the 3rd.
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Postby houserichichi » Mon May 09, 2005 12:39 am

See 99% of the time when people are talking of planespace and linespace and pointspace beings they're referring to them in a mathematical viewpoint, wherein light doesn't exist, everything is infinitely dense, and the laws we live our lives by through physics don't necessarily apply. So while your 0D man must be at least 1-dimensional in the real world, in the current argument that wouldn't be the case (I'm assuming as per the original poster)
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Postby Neues Kinder » Sat Sep 24, 2005 5:05 pm

I have to agree with jinydu. 0D is just a point, it has no size, it is nothing. Therefore nothing can exist in 0D.
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Postby thigle » Sat Oct 01, 2005 12:18 am

i think that pointspace view is possible. it is not a question of whether such a being can survive, being just nothing - a point. life doesn't dwell exclusively within 3dimensions anyway - without life we would be just heaps of rotten & unaware meat already. I disagree on the fact that points have no internal structure. abstract points, perhaps. but actual points, we don't know. they might be internal symmetry spaces. the presupposition that space is indivisible is unholdable. we never tapped under planck scale. zenon was making fun of this. feynmann was not sure on continuity of space, and thought it discontionuous. einstein used his cosmologocal constant to get rid of discontinuity popping out his equations.. weyl wrote whole book on presuppositions in calculus. the nothing (point) and infinity are diadic.
the structure of points under planck scale might well be spinor, or twistor-like. check out for exemple hu.wu: 'spin as primordial self-referential structure driving quantum dynamics, spacetime & consciousness'

pointspace-view is when the whole FOV, not just pi, but 2pi(or even more), is given at once, front & back copresent, (or left&right, or whatever halves of sphere of vision you have, depending on greatcircle orienting the vision). it is widening the FOV until meeting the horizon of vision & then beyond until the initial sight-direction is inverted. compare this report by robert bruce, describing phenomenon of what he calls "spherical vision". (note also that critchlow in his 'order in space' calls and models points explicitly as 'spherepoints'): quote:

...In the physical body ... 220 degrees of vision, ...can only see in front of us, but not behind, above and below at the same time. In the Astral body...MORE than 360 degrees of vision ... can see on all sides at once. ... Spherical vision. During projection, habit forces us to focus our attention in one direction only, where we feel the forward part of our vision is. The view behind, above, below, left and right is still there, and seen all at once, but it can not be assimilated by the brain, all at once. This goes against the brains lifelong habit of frontal vision. Spherical vision is like being one huge multi faceted eye that can see in all directions, up, down, left, right, front, back, but all at once!
In the astral body...no physical organs, i.e., eyes. You are a non-physical point of consciousness floating in space. You are also unaffected by gravity and other laws of physics. In this state there are no ups or downs, backs or fronts, left or rights... only lifelong habit that tries to force ... perspective... during projection.
... important to understand spherical vision, if you are to operate competently...

any [single-pointed] concentration is a training[or mind-gymnastics] in point-like perception. which allows for full experience of nonĺocality.
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Postby Batman3 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:30 pm

I think a 0d person would be only aware of time changes in color initially. Then when he realized that there are more than 4 colors and that these blend into each other he might set up a 2d bases based on color variations as the bases in his mind. He could then use this notepad to take notes from the morse code messages sent to him from God. God might even give him this idea. Or if God is not interested some other being that could affect his color state could give him this idea. I've tried this:it worked! It wasn't very nice though, more like Hell.
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