gonegahgah wrote:A 4D creature does not think left, right, ana, kata.
Vector_Graphics wrote:Is the "Duocylindrical projection" of a 3-sphere (for example, a 4d planet) attested anywhere? I.e. projecting onto a duocylinder, and then unwrapping said duocylinder into a 3d space as 2 cylinders, which allows double rotations to easily be visualized as each "equator" is the central line of one of the cylinders.
PatrickPowers wrote:gonegahgah wrote:A 4D creature does not think left, right, ana, kata.
I believe any intelligent creatures could and would. The same situation obtains here in our 3D world. The up-down dimension is distinguished by omnipresent gravity, but there is no distinguishing the two sideways directions. We usually distinguish them by reference to our bodies (left right forward back), more rarely by using the directions found on a compass. N dimensional beings could do the same. These concepts are far too useful to be missed.
PatrickPowers wrote:Vector_Graphics wrote:Is the "Duocylindrical projection" of a 3-sphere (for example, a 4d planet) attested anywhere? I.e. projecting onto a duocylinder, and then unwrapping said duocylinder into a 3d space as 2 cylinders, which allows double rotations to easily be visualized as each "equator" is the central line of one of the cylinders.
I have written a book that includes maps in 4D. In 4D a map is 3D, so it's possible to make a model of such a map here in our real world.
Here's version 0.1 of the book. A year ago Researchgate said it was going to shut down this service but didn't follow through. But who knows, it might disappear at any time. The book has no math, so if you want that hi.gher.space is the place.
I'm up to version 0.8 now. It's about twice as long. I could finish it off easily but can't get motivated. If you are willing to give feedback I will send you a copy. That would get me going.
Even here in 3D we have all sorts of maps. There is no perfect solution. The most popular was is the Mercator projection because it was the most useful for sailing ships. The Mercator projection appears to be one of those things that is impossible in 4D. My favorite 4D map is the Cucumber Zeppelin. It sounds like what you are suggesting is two solid cylinders, each of which is a complete map but from different perspectives. Seems like quite a reasonable thing to do. The Cucumber Zeppelin is similar to a cylinder but less distorted.
Once I made a wooden model of a 4D map that looked and felt quite nice. It turned out I'd made a math error. I then made a corrected model but it looked like a cow pie so I threw it away.
Hmm, come to think of it you can make a Mercator projection in 4D, you just have to have two maps, each distorted in a different way.
PatrickPowers wrote:I believe any intelligent creatures could and would. The same situation obtains here in our 3D world. The up-down dimension is distinguished by omnipresent gravity, but there is no intrinsic difference between the two horizontal directions. We usually distinguish them by reference to our bodies (left right forward back), more rarely by using the directions found on a compass. N dimensional beings could do the same. These concepts are far too useful to be missed.
gonegahgah wrote:simply because they cannot cement or distinguish clockwise from anti-clockwise.
Vector_Graphics wrote:Though what does make this interesting is how they would point out specific sideways directions without handedness (or, say, pointing). Because there'd still need to be a way to specify turning on a road, say - perhaps road intersections could have signs pointing "right" for each way you enter the intersection?
Vector_Graphics wrote:I mean... wouldn't they distinguish clockwise and anticlockwise relative to their "forward" and "up" (since, mirroring the two requires a rotation along one sideways direction and one non-sideways direction, so necessarily WY, WZ, XY, or XZ, changing their facing direction?) Like, I agree that the sideways directions couldn't be distinguished relative to forward and up alone, and would need a directional marker along the sideways plane, but your example of handedness COULD very well be that directional marker in most cases (though, multidextrous people would have a hard time with that)
PatrickPowers wrote:Let's say you have a two-lane road in 4D. It could be shaped sort of like a double barreled shotgun.
Any arrows would point wherever they point. So you are asking how the direction the arrow is pointing would be described. It would be relative to the center line of the "shotgun."
PatrickPowers wrote:Mathematically there is no difference between ana-kata and left-right but I don't see anything that stop some arbitrary standard from being applied. And the distinction is so useful that I'm certain such a standard would be.
Embi wrote:As for how 4D beings would perceive those "sideways" dimensions, it's hard to say since we're stuck in 3D.
Vector_Graphics wrote:Is the "Duocylindrical projection" of a 3-sphere (for example, a 4d planet) attested anywhere? I.e. projecting onto a duocylinder, and then unwrapping said duocylinder into a 3d space as 2 cylinders, which allows double rotations to easily be visualized as each "equator" is the central line of one of the cylinders.
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