The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Discussion of theories involving time as a dimension, time travel, relativity, branes, and so on, usually applying to the "real" universe which we live in.

Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby wendy » Thu Jun 19, 2014 8:14 am

It's pretty much a wave caused by moving tension. Nothing really fancy. It's much the same way a fan belt works. One part of the chord follows the next, and in effect, although the points rise and fall under neighbouring tensions, the thing looks like a wave is moving along it, even to the point that the energy of the wave might be disappated in a crack or flick.

The great majority of forces in nature, might be described by a radiant flux, where the flux expands in three dimensions. Invoking a fourth dimension invalidates all of this.
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the dream we dream together is reality.

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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby jeffrey.sharpe » Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:07 am

There is no tension in a pajama cord, dummy.
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby Klitzing » Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:07 am

Two points to drop in:

Please stay cool and do not become harsh in your answers.
"dummy" supposingly was meant in a mood of "probably careless". Even so it derives from german "dumm" which translates to "stupid" / "ignorant" / "asinine" ...

Obviously you have worked out some non-standard model for all of physics (and might be even beyond). But you just refer onto your book, which asks us to buy a copy of (to your benefit) just in order to be able to discuss with you those topics. That in fact is unfair. - Sure no publisher likes their authors to freely supply electronical pdf copies of the full texts. But that is not asked for here. We just want to know
  • about your motivating ideas, axioms, hypotheses, ... for your complete rewrite of physics,
  • about your new basic approaches, concepts, ...
  • about some examplifying applications on more standard physics (which then probably ought to be supposed to come out with equivalent predictions),
  • about some examplifying more striking applications (which then should show up the superiority of your theory to standard physics)
Only this would allow us to discuss (and perhaps later even contribute or improve) on/to your ideas. Else you just kind of backtrack onto "I do know evrything better, and you are all stupid!" - Not a good base for any discussion, I fear.

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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby jeffrey.sharpe » Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:43 am

If one can't tell the difference between a pajama cord and a fan belt, my advice is not to pretend to offer wisdom on car engines - or waves in general.

Where do you stand on the subject of a wave traveling along a pajama cord, proving the existence of a fourth dimension?

This idea dramatically changes our ideas about standard physics.

One doesn't need a microscope or a telescope or any other instrument to evaluate it.

But if you cannot or will not accept this basic proposition, the principle of which is also demonstrated by a gyroscope and a bicycle wheel, then we cannot move forward.

On second thoughts, let me explain the rotating bicycle wheel conundrum.

According to standard physics, all the 'forces' involved MUST lie in the plane of rotation.

But this is not the case. There is an extra force, which acts in a direction at right angles to the plane of rotation of the wheel and resists it moving out of its plane of rotation. The faster the rotation of the wheel, the greater is this force.

Standard physics offers no explanation for the existence of this force. No 'radiant fluxions' can be invoked to explain it.

Standard physics therefore must be wrong, or at the very least, incomplete.

Would you not agree with this proposition?
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby ICN5D » Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:44 pm

Lead by example, as they say. Just for the heck of it, here's some of my thoughts on the model of our universe:

After all the initial particles condense out of the beginning soup, and the energy fields condense around the matter cores, empty space clears out. Soon after, the light atoms begin to clump together under the lowest energy force. As the condensation continues, the first matter complexification engine forms that exists within a balance of the highest and lowest energy forces. The engine will run through its sequence and fuse light matter cores into the initial heavy cores. The end sequence to the engine is a rapid omnidirectional dispersion of the newly created atoms. During this process, even more heavy atoms are created with exotic properties. This cloud will condense yet again into a planet system rich with exotic heavy atoms. On the surface of the green zone planets, oceans fill the lowest points and spontaneous molecular generation begins. At some point when molecules accumulate to such a high density, automatic replication begins and sprouts the first single cell beings. After single cells evolve together for some time, they begin to attach and specialize into a caste society. They soon gallop off as autonomous colonies that we call animals. These floraforms and faunaforms take on a whole new level of perceived reality. Eventually at some point one or more of these faunaforms will develop an intelligent brain unique to its own animal class. On earth we have mamallian, avian, cephalopod, etc intelligences for each neuron architecture.

The Omniverse is an n-dimensional hypersphere that represents the mathematical landscape of String Theory. Every possible solution is contained within the void and those that create functional universes are the dimensional plane cross sections. Each axis represents a constant of nature. A grand unified formula represents an intersection point to the laws of nature of a particular universe. By rewriting E=mc^2 in the form of E/c=Mc, then a peculiar relationship emerges. By increasing the dimensions of our calculations and formulas, we can find these patterns as intersection points. The constant "c" is at the intersecting focal point of E and M. Our Universe rests within a valley of equilibrium separated by peaks of total chaos, the realms of pure energy. The between worlds are the energy-planes in regions called the Transmatter Interverse. Our matter-plane exists within a constructive interference pattern next to the energy-planes, where energy and matter coexist. The forces of energy we observe are vastly diluted by our distance to their peaks of equilibrium. There is so much energy to harness if one had the technology. The Omniverse is the container of all Peaks and Valleys, the true transspatial landscape of all possibility. There is only probability, likely-hood of occurrence. The matter-fields are most likely to occur in the lowest point of the valleys, where energy condenses into tightly confined areas of high equilibrium. These areas are intersections of convergent relationships with the constants of nature. When a universe forms, these valleys become encompassed by a hyperbolic vacuole, the event horizon is the matter-energy boundary layer. This is the current now moment that we live on, expanding inward as time proceeds.

A little mind game to play is to imagine a princess wearing a big dress sitting atop a giant glass sphere. This represents the Peak of Equilibrium of pure chaotic energy. It's important to note that the princess cannot make any motions at all or she will slide off to her death. This is what's considered a false vacuum. It appears as if everything is at rest, no stored energy. But it is quite the opposite. Any slight fluctuation will cause catastrophic disaster. The end result is inevitable and can be measured as a probability of occurrence. Time is the enemy for it will happen eventually. But for the time being, she sits on top of it, denying the lower states of energy.

Each universe is only a slice or cross-section of a given angle, depth, and thickness of the Omniverse. Some universes rest on a more perpendicular angle to ours, and thus exhibit highly distorted versions of our laws of physics. Out in the energy-planes exist bound pairs of matter-antimatter and pure energy. Combined in a state of existence and non-existence, of creation and annihilation. Somewhere between borrowed energy and freed energy, this strange combination is a 50-50 chance of becoming real or remaining in chaos. The matter-planes attract the particle pairs away from their pure energy state. On the boundary layer of matter and energy, these matter-antimatter particle pairs erupt into existence and most recombine, giving back their energy : the Quantum Foam. But, some escape annihilation, usually on the edge of a black hole where one falls in, the other flies off into the universe : so-called Hawking Radiation. These packets of borrowed energy form the gas clouds, planets, stars, and galaxies that fill our universe. It's strange to think that we are made of energy taken out on a long term loan from the bank of space-time, borrowed when the antiparticle twin became separated at birth, preventing the mutual annihilation that was supposed to happen : the Philosophy of Matter.

Each universe typically has some sort of matter complexification engine that naturally emerges out of inherent mass-energy harmonics. Our universe manifests this in the form of stars. Stellar atomic fusion exists within a state of equilibrium between the attraction of gravity and the repulsion of matter. Since gravity is so much weaker than nuclear repulsion, stars turn out to be very large. Starting with the proton and electron, the fusion process happens when attraction overcomes repulsion uniting two protons into a combined entity. As the joining occurs, both protons reduce in mass and emit pure energy in the form of gamma rays, which are the highest energy photons. This new nucleus exists as one object combined, containing two matter waves. It seems that protons stick together to satisfy their need for energy. After all, they are pure energy locked up into this matter wave. By releasing photons, they create a vacancy. Containing a certain amount individually, releasing energy makes them unstable. Much in the way atoms combine into molecules to satisfy electron field instabilities, these protons fill in the missing energy gap by uniting together, adjacent to another conveniently unstable proton.

The protons still want to repel each other, though. Given enough within a nucleus they will, with explosive results from nuclear fission. A good way to hold back this instability is with the introduction of a new particle : the Neutron. This freak of nature cares not about electrical charge for by itself it exists as a combined pair. A side effect of nuclear fusion is the absorption of electrons into protons. This happens on a low frequency in normal stellar fusion and only accounts for a small percentage. Only the energy of a core collapse and reflection during a supernova can mass produce neutrons in this way. A curious result of combining electrons with protons is that the electron part still exists. It is this electron part of a neutron that attracts the proton. This explains the Electroweak force of nature. At first, it was believed that four forces of nature exist. After exploring the realm of the nucleus, we found that at a high enough temperature, the electromagnetic force actually united with the weak nuclear force. That is, the magnetic field envelope of an atom became the same thing as the glue holding the nucleus together. When a proton gets close enough to a neutron, it feels the electron inside and sticks to it. Being positively charged, it always seeks out it's polar opposite, the negative electron. Combining positive and negative will neutralize this charge and give us the neutral neutron. A neutron star is the end result of a stellar nova where all of the electrons were combined into the protons, leaving behind a 10-mile wide mountain of insanely high gravity neutronium matter.

Our universe allows for 92 protons immersed within a sea of 146 neutrons to exist before it becomes unstable, the uranium-238 atom. By separating the repulsive protons and sticking them together with neutrons, an equilibrium arises. To a certain degree, though. Too many neutrons and the mass wants to eject a few : beta radiation decay. Too many protons or too few neutrons and the mass wants to separate in half : nuclear fission and alpha decay. Since the nucleus is positively charged, two large repulsive masses at extreme proximity will accelerate away with incredible energies, much like the same poles of two magnets pushing away. Through a process of elimination and time, only a few stable isotopes remain of each element. Given the name Half-life, this term describes the time increment at which an unstable nucleus will eventually dissolve into a lighter element. Even protons and neutrons have a measurable half life. On the order of 10 to the 30th power years, an extremely large multiple of the age of the universe.

When a giant star reaches a critical step in the fusion process and begins to make iron nuclei, no more energy is released. It takes more energy to fuse iron than what's released. This begins a runaway chain reaction in the core and iron nuclei start to pile up. As gravity attraction increases and fusion can't keep the star inflated, the core undergoes an interesting process. More like a core bounce, matter collapses inward so quickly reaching a maximum quantum density and reflects off each other. This reflection expands into the mantle of the star. The accelerations are on the order of a trillion g's. Geez that's a lot of g's( Had to do it). This wave front then impacts the several hundred million miles of material and supercharges the fusion process. Scientists still aren't sure how this creates nuclei heavier than iron, but sure enough this is the moment when it happens. It very well could be that the substance called quark-gluon plasma is created. We've made it in particle colliders, smashing gold nuclei. The nuclei are essentially melted down into their elementary parts. For a moment, a millionth of a trillionth of a second, a liquid-like substance forms burning at 10 trillion degrees. It is said that there are 3 quarks in a proton/neutron. In this fluid they exist uncombined allowing a blank slate upon cooling. Perhaps when condensing, more neutrons than protons are created. Regardless, this is hoe all of the elements heavier than iron are created. The supernova then disperses the freshly created never before seen elements into a huge nebula. Parts of the nebula will then undergo a reaggregation process into a new star and planetary system, with more complex material than before. This is what happened in our solar neighborhood more than 6 billion years ago. A giant star had to form then supernova, then reform again with new stuff and give us all of the heavy metals we use today.

All matter exists as wave packets, or sine-wave segments, of pure energy. All structures of this universe are made of these wave packets. As they interact, the packets combine into larger structures of molecules. Each element is enveloped by its own unique electron field. Related to the number of protons, electrons fill up the inner and outer energy fields as needed. The real interesting area is the outer, unstable fields. Some atoms really want to give up an electron, whereas others want to gain one. These are the most reactive in chemistry. When the two extremes come together, they ignite a fire by the speed and energy of the reaction. A fiery match made for each other. Like dropping a lump of sodium metal into a container of chlorine gas. The sparks fly like crazy, to create salt, NaCl, a very chemically stable atom system. Other elements have several weak outer shell instabilities. These are the metals, most of which are rather stable. They are indifferent to other nearby electron fields and are not in a hurry to combine. A few elements have complete outer shells with no reactive index known, like the noble gasses. Some combinations of atoms will satisfy their outer shells when many combine into a large molecule.

Molecules themselves have their own electron field configuration, more complex than a single atom, with multiple peaks and valleys of polar equilibrium. On a planet like primordial Earth, trillions upon trillions of molecular interactions on the sea bed lead to more complex form, each with its own unique electron field. At a certain level of complexity and density these molecules begin to interact based on shape alone. Given a limited number of molecules to work with like amino acids, these building blocks can be assembled into protein chains. Life down to its most basic function is a self replicating molecular system. The action of a self replicating system is when a carrier molecule brings a structure molecule along and releases into place on a code molecule. The carrier is an enzyme, structure is an amino acid, and the code is an RNA segment. A long strip of RNA code translates into a chain of amino acids linked together. As parts of the chain release from the code strip, it begins to kink and fold up to relieve stress. To satisfy its electron field needs of the individual atoms and molecules. Fully detached, this crumpled mass has a unique shape that defines it in a new light. This shape will now determine its usefulness on a whole new level when reacting with other tangled masses. Fitting these 3-D jigsaw pieces together ended up forming the first prokaryotic life form 3,800 million years ago in the ocean. Multicellular life forms are actually living fractals based on the DNA formula code. Our bodies are the end result of pressing the equal sign for trillions of iterations. Our outside reflects the code within, and our structure mirrors the tiny cells in between. We are the emergent phenomena of unanticipated complexity by interfering wave packets of energy stirred up from the First Ripple.

As these multicellular life forms begin to interact, they take on a particle like behavior of their own. Each individual sees the world in a unique way, based on the interaction history stored in memory. A complex personality allows many likes and dislikes. These affinities are the poles for an "electric" charge. There are as many poles as there are questions of opinion: virtually infinite. Certain people group together based on like-minded activities. This is a coherent beam like a laser, where all move in unison. Changing a person's mind is simply a matter of emitting pulses of energy to change polarity, to satisfy an affinity. Is this not what electrons do when they quantum entangle themselves? When you find something you like about someone after digging around, and become their friend. Is this not what a proton does with an neutron? When millions of individuals come together in a large city, they all take part in a superbeing pulsing to the day-night cycle. The residential areas are the energy storage sites and the downtown metro is the cerebellum. The buildings and skyscrapers become the exoskeleton much like a coral reef. A crystalline concrete slime mold that thickens in the middle and expands outward and glows in the dark at night like bioluminescence. That's how it looks from an airplane. We are the advanced highly evolved land dwelling coral polyps that act more like blood cells during our arterial commute to work. At some time a fully global human superbeing will arise and make way for leaving the petri dish that we all came from.

I believe that our universe was created from a cosmic-scale matter-antimatter reaction. When this explosion happened, most of the material turned into the super massive black holes that became galactic cores. This is where most of the mass is in our universe, leaving behind four percent normal matter to accumulate around the cores over time. But perhaps no matter was left over and only the galatic cores existed. On the event horizon of this super massive black hole, the effects of quantum randomness occur to create particle-antiparticle pairs. According to the Hawking Radiation theory, some of the pairs are separated before annihilation and liberate one of particles into being. This could be a matter generation process that seeds all of the matter around a galaxy that we see today. At the edge of the event horizon, freshly liberated particles stream outward and collect in the gravity wells of the arms.

I believe that we are looking in all the wrong places for the elusive graviton. It does not exist in the subatomic realm because it is too weak. The super massive blackhole at the core of every galaxy seems to be where we should be looking. A solar system rotates under gravity according to Newtonian physics. But, a galaxy rotates very differently. This should not be the case according to what we think we know. The laws of physics should be the same on every size and time scale everywhere in the universe. Something is happening on the galactic size with gravity that is very strange. Studying the red shift of stars in galaxies, we see that the material on the edge is moving way too fast. The galaxy should spin itself apart. What it looks like is that a galaxy rotates as a disk, where space itself is being pulled around like a fixed wheel. This explains the structure of a barred spiral galaxy. The straight spokes of material tens of thousands of light years long are impossible, according to Newtonian Laws. But, if we assume that space itself is being pulled around, and this material accumulates in the bottom of a gravity wave, then it all starts to make sense. A spiral galaxy has these gravity waves as well, emanating outward from the core. Within the valley of the waves is where matter collects and forms nebula, stars, and planets. These wells rotate around the core, pulling all of the matter along with it. This is pretty cool, because it means space warping is real and can be used as a means of transportation and hovering cars. This is probably how the flying saucer moves, by generating a gravity wave to warp spacetime. This is all irrefutable evidence that is staring us in the face, at least it is for me. One just needs to know where to look for it.

I believe that the universe is not undergoing accelerated expansion. The effects we see can be manifested by curved space alone. Much like the gravity well of earth curves space creating a static acceleration field, the curvature of the universe can also create static acceleration. If farther galaxies are accelerating apart faster than the closer, this can be described as having hyperbolic curvature. The galaxies are actually not moving away, we are measuring the static acceleration field of hyperbolic curvature. Dark Energy and the Cosmological Constant is a manifestation of Hyperbolic Curvature.

For all I know, theoretical physicists are struggling to understand the nature of the Planck scale universe. The scale where pure energy turns into matter and anti-matter, then recombines and reimburses space. But how does this happen? How does energy turn into matter? I believe that by combining Condensed Matter Physics with String Theory, Random Quantum Convergence, Electrochemistry, Wave-Particle Duality, and Polarity Angular Momentum, I have come up with a solution. The secret here is how we interpret matter vs energy.

Looking into the nature of wave-particle duality, a basic principle can be derived. Interpreting protons and photons as both a wave and particle, we get an ultra tiny wave snippet, having ripples within a well defined boundary. The tiny wave takes on a solid particle nature at high temperature as they bounce off each other like solid objects. At low temperature, the collisions are much slower allowing enough time for the tiny wave-part to interact like waves do. We see wave-particle duality in laser cooling as well. Red photons travel just as fast as blue photons, but blue has more energy in its wave part in the form of frequency. This means blue photons have more up-down undulations in the same area of space. Laser cooling works by shining red photons on an object and it reflects blue. Since there is more wave energy being reflected than absorbed, the object loses energy and cools down, even though the waves impact at the same speed.
In the nature of flourescence, we see photons behave like both waves and particles. Since photons travel at the same speed, their wave part affects the outcome. Electrons at the outer valence shell interact with these incomming photons and either absorb them or absorb and reflect them. The energy of the wave-part determines whether it is to be reflected. With a low wave-energy, photons are absorbed by an electron. At a sufficiently higher critical wave-energy, the photon is absorbed, then reflected as if knocking off a photon like a solid object. It behaves like a solid billiard ball only if its wave energy is high enough.

Let's assume a particle wave of mass takes the form of a tall and skinny peak, pointing in only one direction. Then a particle of energy can be interpreted as a very small double peak wave pointing in two directions away from each other. The double-peak nature creates a dual-state superposition containing both states of being, like Schrodinger's Cat. Unobserved, the cat is both alive and dead, much like the photon is a small piece of combined matter and antimatter. Similar waves repel, opposite waves attract, and dual waves are neutral, having the appearance of being massless. Associating a matter wave as pointing "up", an anitmatter wave will point "down" as the polar opposite. This allows an "up-down" wave to interact as a massless entity. Two "up" or two "down" repel. An "up" is attracted to its polar opposite "down". But an "up-down" is both and neither, interacting neutrally in the language of mass.

We understand how matter combined with antimatter turns into pure energy. We also know that the universe loves symmetry in all shapes and sizes. In the field of electrochemistry, adding electricity separates molecules. Physics also favors the reversal where combining molecules creates electricity, in the case of the hydrogen fuel cell. If we assume the reversal of mass into energy is possible, then theoretically speaking, combining photons of energy should create protons of mass. In my readings of condensed matter physics, I learned how cooling down a cloud of atoms and getting them really close together will quantum entangle their wave parts into a single huge wave.

This constructive interference pattern is seen everywhere in the realm of waves. At the beach we see two or more smaller waves of water overlap and converge into a huge wave. Same thing inside the magnetic bottle. Condensing the atom waves together overlaps them to constructively interfere into a larger version of the starting ingredients. Of course, it is the electron orbitals on the outside that are being entangled here, the nuclei just follow orders as to where to clump. So, if we quantum entangle photons together, we should get a super massive photon, in the form of a large "up-down" twin-peak wave. This appears to be on the right track, seeing how waves of mass are large "up" or "down". There would have to be some critical binding energy between the two peaks. The large double-wave super photon would have to overcome this binding energy and split apart into separate waves of "up" or "down", thus creating the matter-antimatter pair. How would this happen?

It may have something to do with the compactified dimensions in String Theory. The realm of the self intersecting, space tearing conifold transition Calabi-Yau manifold. Regardless of the structure, it is a curved repeating space embedded on every point in the universe. By traveling straight along the extended dimensions, we unavoidably circumnavigate the compactified many times over. I get the feeling that this may have something to do with the speed of light. Having the appearance of an escape velocity, an object that travels fast enough could feel the effect from some sort of centripetal acceleration around the compactified. This helps to explain why mass increases when approaching "c". If a taller matter wave is a heavier one, and a matter wave travels faster around the circle, the peak bulges outward increasing in height, as if being flung off of the manifold. Perhaps the age old analogy of a bowling ball on a rubber sheet isn't too far off. In this case, a rubber tube with a bowling ball inside. Rotating around inside faster and faster causes it to bulge out further.

It is known that photons travel at the speed of light through "empty" space. It is also known that photons carry an angular momentum with their polarity. Let's say that single photons begin to condense and converge. As this cloud of randomly rotating photons converge, their individual rotations also entangle into a single rotating mass. Much like how a star rotates faster as it collapses, this collapsing cloud of rotating photons also begins to spin faster. As they unite into a larger wave, the dual-peak bulges futher outward and feels the effect of centripetal acceleration. When a rotating super-photon reaches a certain wave height, circumnavigating the compactified dimensions could tear itself apart. At a critical mass and speed, the centripetal force overcomes the binding force of the two wave peaks. This could be when the "up" wave of matter and the "down" wave of antimatter burst into our plane of existence. So how does one quantum entangle photons?

The answer may be found on the surface of our oceans. The nature of rogue waves 30m tall suddenly emerging out of the smaller may be a clue. We understand it to be an effect of random quantum convergence, where the surrounding waves donate wave energy into a large one out of the blue (no pun intended). When scientists scanned the surface of the ocean with fancy radar, they found 30m waves all over the world at random places. It was believed that they would be predominant in the south ocean, known to have large waves. But instead, they emerged randomly and separate from the environment.

So, perhaps hidden just outside our plane of existence, there exists a rolling wavy ocean of photons. This could be related to the Cosmic Microwave Background. Waves are undulations conducted along a medium. When referring to "empty" space, what medium does a photon wave undulate to? Perhaps the CMB, haven't looked that deep yet. When this ocean takes on the characteristic of our sea and randomly generates a rogue wave super photon, this starts the process of matter-antimatter creation. As the twin-wave builds in height, centripetal acceleration affects the increase in angular momentum and rips the dual peaks apart into being as separate entities.

It would make sense to assume that protons are made of photons. If photons came together to create a proton, a minimum required energy level was established. This means an individual proton contains a certain amount of photons to be stable. Basic nuclear fusion happens when two protons unite, reduce in mass, and emit photons. When joining protons release photons, they stick to satisfy their instability and fill in the energy gap. There is the mass to energy conversion.

And, for some creationism ideas:

Some have asked me if I believe in God. Well, of course I do. I believe that God is a group of alien scientists. They are far more technologically advanced giant humanoid alien beings. Their technology is sufficiently advanced enough causing everything they do to appear magical. Much like a microwave oven is a magical box that heats water without fire. They are here right now, are watching us and have been around forever. They are the Overseers that have been tweaking and fine tuning us as smaller, shorter lived versions of themselves. Across two hundred thousand years they have assisted in the developement of many advanced societies that have come before us. Nearly all knowledge and evidence becomes erased across tens of thousands of years after each cycle.

If we can send ourselves and robots to the moon and other planets, then it is very reasonable to suggest that another even more advanced race of beings can travel an incredible distance through space to come here. If they created us in their image, then they must have many of the same social problems that we do. They very well may be just as fallible as ourselves and wish to learn from us. All throughout our history we have seen how technologically superior man dominates another. The "gods" are not perfect. Biblical stories have referenced this again and again. The infighting, jealousy, mutiny, lust for power and control. All of which we find ourselves battling as well. It would only make sense. Perhaps there really is a perfect "god", and it is the god to our alien scientist creators. There could be an endless sequence of more advanced beings dominating a lesser.

This could make way for a Prime God race, who created all of our universe as beings at the technological pinnacle. Who took pure energy and induced a Planck-scale quantum event to create matter and antimatter. Who understood how the particle pair normally recombined to unlock the stored potential energy. Who separated the matter away from the antimatter, thus giving us a soup of very long lived energy waves that began to collect and react. The Prime God gave us our universe made of tiny pieces of locked up energy that weren't supposed to be in this quantity. It is the natural order that matter recombines with the antimatter twin immediately after creation and give back the energy. The Prime God intervened by discarding all destructive twin particles, allowing matter itself to coalesce and form its complex structures.

The very existence of this "antimatter" forces me to ask a fundamental question. Mass itself is the only thing we know to be real. It's weight on earth, it's incompressible solidity. It's the only thing we can hold in our hands and use to construct our world. But it's almost as if matter isn't supposed to exist at all. Something happened where a large quantity escaped annihilation allowing it to exist in an open, free-roaming state of being. Some time ago, a huge quantity of pure energy as photons was drawn together into a tiny area of space. The tiny energy waves were pulled together into a concentrated mass of a tightly confined, very tall and skinny wave. The skinny nature is the interaction distance of influence. Protons don't interact until they are very close. Perhaps matter is some level of quantum enatngled photon energy waves. The miniscule energy waves behave as individuals when separated. But draw them together, and their wave nature begin to collectively overlap into a single wave. At some threashhold of proximity, all single waves unite into a combined wave.

When I step into the subatomic realm and visualize the creation of matter from energy, I see very clearly a simple effect. Observing how matter is a DOWN wave and antimatter is an UP wave, I begin to see some hidden meaning there. If matter exists as a wave pointing in one direction, then it behaves like a particle of mass. If energy (photons) is a tiny wave with an UP AND DOWN direction, it will behave like a massless entity, as it really does. When enough is concentrated into a small space, the up/down waves converge and combine together. As this happens, the up/down wave height grows into a taller peak and valley. At some amplitude height, the UP AND DOWN nature splits apart, and co-creates the matter-antimatter pair as individual UP or DOWN waves. Tapping into some undiscovered law of physics, this very tall UP AND DOWN converged wave snaps in half into individual waves that are either UP or DOWN. This is the particle pair of mass, which we hold so dearly as the only thing we know to be real. All energy is in the form of tiny wave snippets, or segments. The nature of waves is to have a specific height and direction that determine energy magnitude and charge. Another nature of waves is their ability to overlap and interfere. This can create a larger wave or cancel out. We're all familiar with playing in the surf. At the beach, when two waves of water overlap, they converge into a larger wave, a larger version of the starting ingredients. Same thing is happening with waves of energy. Overlapping similar waves converge into a larger version. When tiny up and down waves converge, they overlap into a larger up and down wave. When the dual-peak wave reaches a certain distance from each other, they rip apart into individual waves as up or down. If one were to combine the up wave with the down wave, they cancel out and collapse back into tiny up/down waves. The super photon wave may separate from angular momentum. It may be that photons cycle around the compactified dimensions of our universe. When they converge into a super massive photon, taking on the form of a tall, skinny dual-peak wave, the polar ends feel the centripetal acceleration and rip apart from each other, bursting into reality, creating the matter-antimatter pair. The polar ends of the dual-peak wave reach a critical mass equal to their binding force. They separate like they're being flung apart during a rotation. Perhaps this is the speed of light. If the ends are rotating around, increasing speed towards "c", the increased mass from kinetic momentum will overcome the binding energy of the dual-peak super photon. Flying apart as tall skinny waves of either an up OR down direction. Discarding one or the other so that only an up or down is leftover very well may be what the Prime God did.

The alien gods designed us to have enhanced intellect and reproductive ability. Biblical references point out how Adam did not want to procreate with Eve at first. So the gods tweaked him to have enhanced sexual desire. Combined with greater intellect, the human population exploded. When humans started to populate and group together, they shared ideas and created culture and religion. We see the current end result of seven thousand million people communicating together combined with the rise of the internet. This is a remarkeable advance in a many-to-many communication system. Perhaps with the inclusion of a monetary system, the global internet system is the experiment for our time. I wonder how many times we have created the transistor, or the computer chip, or fiber optic cables?

Why would they want to do this? Better question is, why not? Imagine if you could engineer a race of intelligent one foot tall microhumans that had a 2-3 year lifespan. What an opportunity to learn about systems of governance and moral ethics, evolutions of culture and religion. Introducing a key piece of technology at a certain stage of society and measure how they adapt and change. This effect would have rapid progression due to their signifigantly shorter lifespan. Whole generations rise and fall within 10 years, and bring with it vast changes of old ideas into new, during the rapid evolution of society. Answering questions like : What will this society will do with advanced computing power?. What will they do with safe and reliable fusion power? What will they do with widespread radical religion? What will they do with genetic engineering and 3-D printed tissues? What will they do with antigravity devices? What will they do with zero point energy fields? Or what will they do when only one group is far more technologically dominant? What an opportunity to learn.

It is believed that they visit in waves every 3,600 years. Some of the ancients were constantly visited by these far more advanced beings. Bringing math, reading and writing to begining cultures, they seeded our knowledge for future visits and experimentation. Ancient Sumerian cuniform is one example, estimated to be 8,000 years old. Thousands of clay tablets describe business dealings, marrige contracts, academics, and astronomy. The Sumerians tell of the Gods saying " We created you in Our image". They made drawings of the sun at the center of the solar system, all of the planets correctly positioned. With the addition of a tenth planet, the home world of the aliens on a 3,600 year highly elongated orbit. The Sumerians were an advanced culture and society far before the Egyptians, Romans, and our time. Other societies in other places such as the Ancient Mayan, Chinese, and Hindu constructed pyramids and wrote in pictographic hieroglyphs just the same. Ancient Ethiopian ruins describe Judaism and directly worshipped the Gods themselves. Sumerian words are nearly identical to Hopi Indian words, yet separated by thousands of miles.

There is a city with ruins and roads on the bottom of the ocean off the northwest coast of India. The fabled lost city of Dwarka ruled by Lord Krishna. Ancient Hindu texts and drawings depict a man on a hilltop shooting lightning out of a staff at a flying saucer, also shooting lightning down below. The boulders at the city's foundation show Dwarka, along with the whole west coast of India was reclaimed by the sea about 3,600 years ago. An even more ancient city has been recently found estimated at 150,000 to 250,000 years old. Who knows if the age is correct, it was only investigated about ten years ago. Thought to be the Gold Mining City of Abzu, located in South Africa, there are thousands of roads lined with rock walls connecting large circles within circles across a massive area. Also dating back to this time is the location of Mitochondrial Eve, the prime decendant in which all people that have ever lived are genetically related to. Ancient Sumerian and Zulu lore describe beings from another planet artificially creating Homo Sapiens to do their bidding : mine gold. Very old stories tell of when the worker gods went on strike, the ruling gods sacrificed one of them and mixed his DNA with clay to create a hybrid enhanced intellect human. Scientists are aware of this Mitochondrial Eve, but have no explanation for the sudden appearance of modern human.

It may be that the lore about the Lord of the Rings or the Elder Scrolls where different humanoid species fought and lived together acutally existed at some point. Maybe not the part about magical rings, but the idea of several bilogically distinct humanoid species living together at one time and possesing advanced culture and technology. There is only one kind of human genetically related from 200,000 years ago inhabiting the entire planet. This makes no sense to me. With such a wide diversity of lemurs and apes, cats, dogs, fish, birds, etc, but only one kind of human thrives today. Where are all of the Neanderthals? All of the Cro-Magnon? Ancient Zulu lore tells about the First People from another planet artificially creating man to do his work. And they also wanted new man to defeat the Ogo-man. Who were the Ogo-man? Since ancient times the Dogo, an African tribe, worshipped a race of people from another planet, who said they came from Sirius B, a dim white dwarf star orbiting Sirius A. The Dogo have detailed informatioin about the 50 year orbit of Sirius B. How do they know this? There's no way any of them could see it without a powerful telescope.

I believe that our dreams are ancient memories from previous lives we had, over hundreds of thousands of years. Our souls are essentially recycled intelligent fields of energy, that keep getting recombined with some creature or human. Over 200,000 years human civilization has risen and fallen, with it's own technological advancements and ethical code. Each time it forms, the population explodes once a food cultivation and distribution system advances to a certain level. The spread and quantity of food is ultimately the prime limiting factor of a population, other than sanitation and genetic pool size. These souls have lived many lives all throughout the ancient societies. Perhaps this is the secret to our intelligence. Our natural instinct to be an advanced human in an age of technology. Why are young children so adept to the digital age of computers? Perhaps we have done this many times before.

Perhaps varying degrees of intelligence comes from how many lives a soul has had. Sheer repetition further ingraining our natural responses in the world of advanced man. Some of us would have ancient souls, the visionaries and thinkers. Others possesing a more feral instinct may be young souls, new to the ways of society. Acting on instict before thinking can bring them trouble in a society of advanced man. They should be identified as such and carefully rehabilitated back into society, not housed among their kind. The current penal system does not rehabilitate for the many. Only those with a strong will to change will make it. It is damaging to house inmates together for when similar people are grouped, a culture develops between them. This creates a society, and futher evolves their own ethical code and means of survival. Jail becomes a way of life and without it, they wouldn't know how to live. Many go back through the only means they know how: repetitive criminal action. At the same time, substance abuse should be decriminalized and treated as a public health issue. Nations that have done this experienced a miraculous change. One should not be punished for their biological function to adapt to a chemical. That's what we do as biological machines, regulate with chemistry.

I believe that the alien god beings are waiting for human kind to advance in ethical code and governing. We are not yet ready for a next age of enlightenment. This may happen once human kind has finally established a single world economy, using a single currency, as previously separate nations become nation-states in a united world government. This effect has been repeated in history and is staring us in the face. Anytime a group of individual governing bodies combine into a single one, a great leap is made in technology, academics, resources, and overall way of life. Uniting the world resources, intellects, and currency may have a much larger impact than anything we have ever seen. But until we do, the alien gods are holding back and not allowing us to have some of their even more advanced technology. We are the fruit flies to the gods. From their omnipotence and long lived perspective, they look down on us as tiny squirming busy-bodies dashing here and there, directly mimicking their own kind. What an opportunity to learn. There are a few individual "fruit flies" that are aware that they are the fruit flies imbedded in this massive controlled experiment. What we see today may not be normal evolution. Technology may not advance or accumulate like the way we see.

Perhaps the Overseers create an illusion of free will with our nuclear power. The destructive potential of this new energy level under strict control, preventing us from mutual annihilation. The Overseers know that we are not ready to openly use it, so it becomes an experiment, to see how we will react. The threat of nuclear war is only a figment of our imagination. Had we really been in control, it would have happened several decades ago. We are still in a state of tribalism, not yet morally evolved out of our natural beginning. In prehistory this tribalism was a beginning stage in our governing, and the first communities arose. Now only a vestige of our birth, tribalism still continues to some degree, and is so ingrained from our history. Many warring factions only hold back the true potential of a single world governing body. When all of humankind's resources and intelligence is combined into a coherent goal, only then will we begin to see the future of our preservation. Not without some preservation of identitiy. This must still exist to some degree. It must be preserved and allowed to exist, or allocate a place for it. Provide a means of expression of identity.

I believe the alien gods will not openly show themselves until man has abolished money. When humankind finally realizes that vestigial hoarding of resources beyond one's own need is damaging to the rest of society. There is so much money out there that no person has to be homeless or starve or suffer from easily cured disease. By adopting the idea of advanced technology being used to support and enhance mankind, we will perceive these machines to be invaluable. The importance of its function far outweighs any monetary value. Placing a dollar amount on such a device will only prolong or prevent its construction. Since some other business serves to profit money by providing the means of construction, there will always be a dollar value attached. This is the idea in any of the Star Trek series. When Man abolished money and decided that benefiting to mankind was more important than making money, they developed into a new age of elightenment.

This will only be possible by creating a society around the idea. Indoctrinate a new culture and practice a new religion focused on the belief that "Man's Creations are for the Betterment and Future of Mankind". This philosophy may serve to bring us to a new ethical code. An infallible governing system immune to corruption may only form when enough people hold on to such precious beliefs. It's in our own interest to do so. But not without the preservation of a rebel society. We should also allocate a place for those not interested in participating. It would be fair and could potentially eliminate any hostility. For those who do not want to work and live in the advanced society, there is a place set aside and encouraged to exist. This may aid in preserving some sense of identity for them. Not to be confused with religious and cultural conquest, the preservation of one or more alternate societies provides the freedom of choice. Nothing is surrendered or sacrificed in either society. Only the division of labor will be the biggest difference. We have the technology and resources right now to construct massive rotating space colonies. In each one an entire ecological biosphere sustains itself, representing a safe and effective means to travel through the solar system. The rotation provides gravity by squishing us against the walls inside. The biosphere provides oxygen, water and food for many decades. This colony effectvley becomes a back up hard drive ecosystem, kept fully intact and self sustaining. However, the $100 trillion price tag will forever prevent its construction in the ideas of now.

The invention of money as a universal trade medium is certainly a powerful force in economics. It may be a new experiment for our time. To measure the effects of monetary exchange between producer/distributor/consumer. The producer is any manufacturer of products or academics. The distributor is any business that provide a good or service. The consumer is the people. By institutionalizing the consumers into a system where one needs money to live in this age of advanced man, a dependance is made between consumer and money. They must work a job to accumulate this money for redistribution in order to perpetuate their existence as it is now. An interesting effect in this monetary trade system comes from how the money storage system is controlled. Most consumers wish to have all of the money that is necessary to purchase any goods or service that exist. Allowing a consumer itself to create a business that controls the flow of money can lead to abuse. Establishing a limit on payroll wages will hold back the external flow of money. This creates a higher demand for money itself rather than goods or services. The next step was to create a system based on this demand. By allowing money itself to cost money when borrowed, a runaway chain reaction occurred and the banking centers profitted massively. As the population grows and products increase in their expense, the need to borrow money became commonplace.

This concept strays away from the direct services-for-goods bartering system. Free market capitolism is a powerful concept, theoretically. Functioning best in a highly competitive environment between hundreds of similar business models, the system fails when fewer models are available, creating a monopoly. A vestige of our greed from the ancient days of survival, monopolies arise when individuals accumulate and fail to redistribute their vast wealth of billions of dollars, maintaining a majority that have only thousands. This is now unneccesary with a system of grocery stores, fresh water, and electricity to all. The basics of life preservation are easily attained at a great convenience in modern times. It is no longer needed to leave on week long hunting trips to acquire a beast of the wild for food. If several hundred banks competed for the lowest interest rates, there wouldn't be such a large division of wealth. The economy will stabilize once the wealth is redistributed, which will in turn bring even larger profits to the top, which is how it was created in the first place. An effect that many top profiteers fail to realize, only planning for short term goals; potentially related to a generational time span.

I believe that when we die, we don't ACTUALLY die. We know our consciousness is made from a tightly confined and deeply interconnected field of energy in our nervous system. Our bodies are the material vessel that contains the energy. It is meant to nurture and develop the energy pattern in the form of learning and memory storage. When this material vessel expires, the energy evaporates into a larger volume of space. We all know that energy cannot be destroyed, it changes into another form.

Almost 100 years ago, Einstein and several other particle physicists discovered an affect called Quantum Entanglement. It happens when two subatomic particles, like electrons, interact and move apart. What Einstein and others continue to see was that they are still interacting with each other after moving apart. This happens instantaneously. That means infinitely fast, as in infinitely faster than the speed of light. This didn't settle well with Einstein, because it violated his law of relativity. He called it "spooky action at a distance". Some current technology doesn't only rely on this effect, it won't work without it! Take LED lights, for instance.

So, all our lives , this electrical energy field has been tightly confined and deeply interconnected with quantum entanglements. When this field is dispersed, it is STILL connected, and continues to function as a connected whole. This can be called our "spirit". Spirits have no emotion. I believe that our thoughts are electrical, but our emotions are chemical and are only created by the material vessel. Emotions are for survival, to keep the material vessel intact for as long as possible. Adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, these are molecules of atoms, not electricity.

Our material vessel has severe handicaps. It's in the way we observe the world. All energy exits as quite literally waves of probability. When you walk into a dark room and flick the light on so you can see, there's so much more going on here. In order to "see" anything, you have to bounce something off of it. Light, sound, your finger. Turning on a light is more like activating a particle generator that spews out trillions of tiny objects. These objects have to bounce off of something to come back to your eye. So, your eye is recording the echo, like sonar. Each reflected photon represents a specific location in space and time that an object was in. What we are really doing here is collapsing the spread out wave function of matter/energy into an exact point-like position. Recording the photon having bounced off that particular atom, in that location, at that particular moment. We really see in reflections of the past. Furthermore, we're not even seeing matter itself, only the electron field around the nucleus.

I once had a dream where I believe I was in an unobserved universe. I was standing in the middle of an intersection in a city. There were no people around. Everything around me, the light pole, the mailbox, even the road had this weird wave-like emanation of itself from within. From the center would be this repeating hall-of-mirrors effect moving outwards. The edges has this choppy, rippling effect, as if parts of the object were being cast off and disappearing. Every object was reflecting off of each other, and there seemed to be some weird pattern to it. As if I were emanating the waves of the surroundings, like some centralized wave machine in the middle of a pool. The complex undulations became objects around me. It was very strange. And, no, at that point in time, I wasn't on any crazy mushroom trips. I was dreaming while asleep

The ancient Greeks believed that before you were born, you chose every aspect of your life. You chose who your parents were, where you were born, who your friends were going to be. You chose the problems in the world, the problems in your life. And you also chose what you were going to be good at. Your superpowers, which come strangely close to your zodiac sign. There's something about that.

You chose these things on one condition: that you had to forget all of it. You are born blindly into a world of stunning complexity, with all of these things going on. The purpose of this life is to rediscover those choices and powers. Are we not content doing what we love? As if born to them? Hmm. There's something about that.

I believe that before I made those choices, I was a giant cloud of energy that flew through the universe, just like everyone else. I was much, much bigger than the earth, and even the solar system. I knew everything there was to know about everything, because I was an energy field quantum entangled with the universe. Everything just made sense in some indescribable way, like a strange, continuous deja-vu. I was unbounded by time, I could perceive any timescale I wanted. This is my spirit form, and will be again after my life cycle on this world. In this form, there is no color or solid objects. There is no hot or cold, only faster or slower agitation. All matter clumps are in fact opaque, I could see right through any object or heat source. I could see right into the heart of a supernova if I wanted. The stars are clustered like camp fires scattered throughout out a chilly night. All the cool things were happening close to the camp fires. Really close.

So, I traveled around, observing many different worlds. I guess I came to this one, and observed it for some time. I watched this tiny "blue marble" zip around the tiny heat source, crazy fast. Then, as I got closer, I slowed time down, so I could see what was going on down here. The clouds turned from a white blur into clumps that swirled around. Then, I began to notice something on the dark side. There were glittering lights, actually several patches of orange lights all around. Like some sort of fluorescent slime mold that glowed in the dark. In the day, it was just this unremarkable, plain gray patch.

Then, I slowed time down even more, and got even closer. I was really curious about the glowing patches. As I got closer, I started to notice the gray patches were very thin and widespread. I noticed that there were tall, rectangular crystals growing out of the ground, thicker in the middle of the patches. Between the crystals were these complex networks of tendrils, that interlaced everything together. Some tendrils stretched out very far, to other crystalline patches. Some came off the ground and curved their way around into other tendrils. I noticed something moving on the tendrils, but I couldn't make it out. It was like some substance was flowing along them, like a river. This substance even glowed in the dark as well. Sometimes, it stopped completely in the thickest parts. That didn't seem healthy to me, if this was some sort of life form. There would always be these extra glittering lights at the choke points. I always wondered what was going on down there.

Then, at some timescale, I was able to make out what the flowing rivers were. They were these little crystalline structures themselves, that could move around. Maybe these were the life forms? They seemed to travel around, foraging for food at these random places. They would get hungry, stop for a few moments, then start going again. But, they seemed to have their own homes. They never ate at their homes, and most slept outside. That seemed kind of strange to me. Why would they have a cave shelter, if they never went inside it? Plus, during the day, almost all of them went to other places and slept around. Why did they travel so far, only to slumber far away from the comforts of their homes? That didn't make any sense at all.

It was only when I slowed time down really really far, that I figured out what was going on. The crystal life forms were actually inhabited by even tinier things. They moved in an even slower, more random way. These strange little things were not gray or crystalline, nor did they glow in the dark. It was THEM that lived in the cave structures, and moved around during the day. Maybe they were the shepherds of the crystalline beings? But, they probably just used them like tools, an extension of themselves, since the little squishy beings moved so slow, and their crystalline slime molds were so large. The little squishy beings were giant self-replicating molecular forms. At that moment, I think I decided to become one. I wanted to condense my energy into one of those tiny little beings, and live one of their lives. It was gong to be really really short, but I wouldn't know the difference anyway. I was probably going to see about 80 or so orbits around the central heat source. That was all, not even a thousand. Compared to the blue marble world that was there for 4,600 million orbits, it was an instant poof of perception at that level.

I chose to become one on a small peninsula, next to one of the oceans of water. It was a warm place, with nice weather year round. The technology level was just starting to revolutionize in a novel way, with use of small computation devices. This time frame was also before any of the beings had gone to other worlds like their own. So, it was an intermediate time, kind of boring in a ways. But, who knows what future I chose. Or, what I was going to accomplish. I know I chose some good attributes, but with a price. A mind that can think so much comes with side effects! I have to remain aware of this, and use its powers for good. Some of the abilities I gave myself annoy the crap out of me, but I'm learning how to use them properly. It got better once I discovered higher dimensional geometry. It seems to be a perfect place for my mind to explore, rather than what than what the US government is doing that their not telling us.

So, that's what I have figured out so far. Some of my dreams are strangely close to the higher perception level in the cloud-form. Being a cuspid of Capricorn-Aquarius gives me a power of vision, and I can see very far outside the normal thinking box. I also can manifest reality with my thoughts. It's very random and unpredictable, but it does work. I have to be careful what I think about. I'm okay with 3 or 4 times as coincidence. But, 10 or more is something strange going on. It's never predictable, though. I have tried to win the lottery by seeding the energy plane with thoughts. It hasn't worked out yet. Oh, well. But, I did achieve some things. It's always to do with people interaction. I think they can feel positive energy emanating from me, in some strange way. We live in an age where we have lost touch with our spirituality, but embraced technology. The ancients were far more in touch with the spirit realm, but lacked technology, as far as our recorded history goes. I believe an ultimate goal is that of high tech meets high spirituality. We could be tech-wise enough to explore some of those beliefs, and perhaps even prove some of it. Who knows.

At least, that's just my opinion, in the last few years or so.

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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby Klitzing » Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:37 pm

Dear Jeffrey,

I'm well suited with standard wave theory, I even teach corresponding topics at our local university - even so still being an external lecturer only.
  • There is one of the characterisations of waves, which belongs to the dimension of its medium. There are 1D waves, like those on a guitar string or in the pipe of a flute, there are 2D waves like those of the water surface or that of the drum, and there are 3D waves like those electro-magnetic ones, esp. light, but also sound.
  • Waves can be dirrected longitudinally like sound in gases and/or transversially like those on a string or that of light. - In fact you have 3 completely independend vectors: one pointing to the place of observation, one providing the direction of the amplitudes, and one providing the direction of displacement.
  • Waves can be moving on (no node points) or being kept within (e.g. as a superposition with its own reflection, resulting in node points).
  • etc.
But so far I cannot see what shall be special to a pyjama cord or a fan belt, except that its medium has a rectangular cross-section. - Perhaps it might be, that you are after the 3 different magnitudes? I.e. at a global scale it looks like 1D, at a medium one it looks 2D, and at a still more mikroscopic one it is indeed 3D. ...

Then to you "bicycle wheel conundrum". Pure kinetical forces indeed remain in the plane of rotation. But even within classical mechanics there is the momentum of force and the angular momentum, which is related to the formers via exterior vector product, and thus acts perpendicular to the plane of rotation. These then are the forces which fix the orientation of the wheel, the more the faster it spinns.

Also in electro dynamics the same exterior vector product is used at several places. This is how electrical and magnetical fields become perpendicular.

I do not see where all those effects need for any 4D embedding to be described correctly. I'm sorry. - But that is not the point!

Perhaps you are willing to explain why yours still would be a better description? What benefits your way of viewing such things would bring up (besides of predicting the same empirical effects and results in just a different way - if they are at all correct).

(Sorry for that trailer. I'm not aiming to blame you nor your results. It is just that you so far were only postulating non-standard physics. But no-one else has seen anything so far, I fear. - We not even know how often your book was sold at all, neither by whom.)

Just to be clear: I'm truely open minded. I don't believe that the standard physics would be the only way to describe things. In fact it is just one, which grew up from the pasts. There might be many different descriptions out there, some of those even might be well better suited. - But so far we got no evidencs whether yours is indeed an error free 2nd way of viewing, nor that it would be better suited. We just got your claim. That's too little an evidence.

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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby jeffrey.sharpe » Fri Jun 20, 2014 4:37 pm

You have just won the 'Bullsh..... of the year' award. Congratulations! And your two mates also did well.
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby ICN5D » Fri Jun 20, 2014 4:54 pm

We're done.
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby jeffrey.sharpe » Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:00 pm

Who are 'we'? I take it you are the leader of the gang.
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby Klitzing » Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:26 pm

jeffrey.sharpe wrote:You have just won the 'Bullsh..... of the year' award. Congratulations! And your two mates also did well.

Sorry Jeffrey, that definitely is NOT a constructive contribution!
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby wendy » Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:28 am

One can find quite easily on google, how 'waves on a string' work. Surely google is not that hard.

One might also note that a pajama cord will support tension, since that's what happens to them when you do the string up tight.

In any case, moving one end of the cord creates tension in the string, and adjacent bits follow the leader. You can even create standing waves in the cord, by working one end, and producing a 1 1/2 wavelength ruffle.

You really don't need to invite a fourth dimension to explain it.
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby jeffrey.sharpe » Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:34 am

Re: Google - waves on a string.

If you set the parameters on the simulation model to 'low tension' and 'no end' or 'loose end' there is no wave at all.

A pajama cord will support tension, if stretched. But what causes it to support a wave is its tensile ability in a transverse direction, which is very low. In other words, it is flabby, pliant - it suffers from erectile dysfunction. That is why I chose a pajama cord to illustrate my argument. Sorry if I did not make myself clear before.

Where then does its wave come from in real life, if not from a fourth dimension?
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby Klitzing » Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:33 pm

jeffrey.sharpe wrote:Re: Google - waves on a string.

If you set the parameters on the simulation model to 'low tension' and 'no end' or 'loose end' there is no wave at all.

A pajama cord will support tension, if stretched. But what causes it to support a wave is its tensile ability in a transverse direction, which is very low. In other words, it is flabby, pliant - it suffers from erectile dysfunction. That is why I chose a pajama cord to illustrate my argument. Sorry if I did not make myself clear before.

Where then does its wave come from in real life, if not from a fourth dimension?

The "problem", that you there can't "see" any (moving) wave-like structure under these settings, is that your driving frequency then is just way too fast, i.e. that the wave line can no longer be "seen" just by those provided discrete points. If you there would slow down the driving frequency to say 10 (in the provided units), you well can "see" (i.e. visually interpolate) the moving wave!

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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby jeffrey.sharpe » Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:27 pm

No you are incorrect.

If you slow down the frequency to '10', there will no waves at all in real life. It is like waving goodbye to someone.

I suggested flicking one's fingers with a whipping motion, which would take one much closer to '50'.

In this case the waves carry on without dying out, regardless of the length of the cord. (You will have to flick harder in this case).

It seems the fate of modern science depends on one's interpretation of the wave of a pajama cord.
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby Klitzing » Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:23 pm

No. What I was going to tell is not that the change of frequency does change the behavior of the wave dramatically.
Rather it is the discreteness that makes one believe so. The waves are still there, also for faster frequencies. But at higher frequencies the eye would become misslead on how to interpolate these discrete point sets, i.e. when the wave-length of the sine gets too small with respect to the raster of point (x-positions).

Btw. this same effect is well-known in classical physics as the upper limit of hyper-sound frequencies. At the "Debye-frequency" of 10^13 Hz matter waves become impossible to be recognized. You always need a testing discreteness which is smaller than half the wavelength. Else you get fooled about the true interpolating wave. That Debye-frequency mentioned above is based on the distance of testing atoms of the supporting matter of sound-waves.

Just consider the following:
Code: Select all
    -           -           O           -           -       
  /   \       O   \       /   \       /   O       /   \     
 O     \     /     \     /     \     /     \     /     O   
/       \   /       \   /       \   /       \   /       \   
          -           -           -           -           -

The true supporting wave-sine is outlined (in ASCII art). And some discrete testing points are given in addition. But when "seeing" just these few discrete points, your eye would get fooled to spot nothing but one half of a sine only!

This is what fools you not to "see" any waves in that animation any longer at your mentioned settings with high enough frequencies!

--- rk
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby jeffrey.sharpe » Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:59 pm

First you said one had to slow it down to '10' to see the waves.

Now you say that doesn't change anything.

You are just resorting to trying to bamboozle everyone because I have proved you wrong.

Let me assure everyone that the simulation has no concealed waves.

What you see in the simulation is based on mathematical calculations, not the results of experiments.

If you interfere on my blog again I will be obliged to complain.
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby Klitzing » Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:35 pm

jeffrey.sharpe wrote:First you said one had to slow it down to '10' to see the waves.

Yes, in order to "see" the waves. I.e. in order not to be tricked by the "obvious" interpolation of these discrete points, which by higher frequencies in fact become non-obvious! - At least, we would agree on that there are moving waves for lower frequencies?

Now you say that doesn't change anything.

Yes, the underlying mathematical function is completely the same, just a continuous change of one of its parameter values.

You are just resorting to trying to bamboozle everyone because I have proved you wrong.

Not at all! In the contrary, I was pointing out that for wave-lengths, which get towards the size of twice of the testing distance of a discrete raster, or even smaller ones, the eyes get tricked on how to interprete these dots. I even provided the related technical term of "Debye frequency".

Let me assure everyone that the simulation has no concealed waves.

You would need the continuous function in order to see the true behaviour. Discrete rasters are not suitable any longer beyond that point.

What you see in the simulation is based on mathematical calculations, not the results of experiments.

I agree on that. But the function is modeled such that it describes the experiments well enough.

If you interfere on my blog again I will be obliged to complain.

Oh, I did not know that you have payed for this being YOUR blog! :lol:

No, in fact, it is an open forum. That means anyone (who once got access) can contribute to any of the topics. But contribututions shall be topic based and shall be informative to the benefit of the audience. - Whereas you claim to have information, but mostly hiding it away, and moreover often show up the mood to being insulting. - That latter one then might become a reason for someone being banned from this forum, my dear!

--- rk
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby jeffrey.sharpe » Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:07 pm

Thanks for directing me to Google, Wendy. I am considering this simulation model for inclusion in a future edition of my book 'The Fourth Dimension'.
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby wendy » Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:48 am

(One is mystified on to whom jeffrey might complain.)
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Re: The Fourth Dimension consists of Energy Levels

Postby ICN5D » Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:37 pm

Whereas you claim to have information, but mostly hiding it away, and moreover often show up the mood to being insulting. - That latter one then might become a reason for someone being banned from this forum, my dear!


(One is mystified on to whom jeffrey might complain.)

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