Marek14 wrote:Minor stack of two ditoruses (((II)I)(I))
Major pair of tigers (((II))(II))
Two tigers (((I)I)(II))
The "major pair of tigers" is the slice we need. Here, the circle in "tiger along circle" exists as "middle" circle between differing diameters of the pair.
However, from this we can see that torus tiger is also "ditorus along circle" as it's a nonbisecting rotation of ditorus.
The more I thought about it, and the points you make are turning on the lights. Every way we cut a torus tiger infers that it is tiger along circle. I guess I didn't realize that there could be
two orthogonal circles to extrude along. Tiger along circle in the case of (((II)I)(II)) makes a 2x2 array of 4 circles turn into a 4x2 array of 8. This suggests an analogue to the two circles side by side cut of a torus. Except, this time we took a whole tiger, and ran it around the edge of a circle. Also taking a look at the vertical column of 2 ditoruses. This is a minor pair of toruses having a non-intersecting rotation into a minor pair of ditoruses, inferring a tiger along circle, as we see a tiger cut along circle happen. Not to mention the two tigers side by side. That can
only happen with a tiger along circle!
And we're still not done -- its nonempty 3D cuts are:
(((II))(I)) - vertical stack of two major pairs of toruses
(((I)I)(I)) - two vertical stacks of two toruses
(((I))(II)) - vertical stack of four toruses
Second and third of these show torus tiger as "torus along something". In second case, it's "torus along duocylinder margin" and in third case it's "torus along torus".
Hmm. I've thought about it some, and I think it's:
(((II))(I)) - cut of major pair of tigers, analogous to pair of circles cut ((II)), shows tiger along circle in the same way
(((I)I)(I)) - side by side of 2 tigers' cut of minor pairs, tiger along circle, analogous to ((I)I) cut
(((I))(II)) - side by side of 2 tigers'
other cut, but still in same position as (((I)I)(I)), tiger along circle
The rotation from (((I)I)(I)) to (((I))(II)) shows a tiger rotation x2, side by side, as the major stack of minor pairs morphs into a minor quartet. Along the minor quartet as 1,2,3,4: number 2 and 3 don't interact at all, only 1 with 2, and 3 with 4. In fact, all three 3D cuts show a tiger along circle in three different ways, which is really cool!
Here's that
reference animation again, start at 1:40
So, that makes duotorus tiger (((II)I)((II)I) a tiger along
duoring !

The tiger has gone along
both orthogonal circles, combined into one shape. The 4x4 trace of 16 circles also makes sense, as it is a quartet of quartets of circles. It's a tiger trace in the positions of a larger tiger trace! Oh my, this little conceptual breakthrough is very rewarding! I had a good feel for these shapes, at least I thought. Then came the "A along B" method of description, which breaks major ground in seeing how these things are built. It also shows how 4D works even better, with the rotation stages of a tiger into a duotorus tiger.
So, for tiger torus (((II)(II))I), we get "ditorus along circle" based on medium stack of two ditoruses (((II)(I))I) and "torus along duocylinder margin" based on 2x2 array of toruses (((I)(I))I). But, of course, we instinctively feel that there should also be a "circle along tiger", don't we?
The solution is simple. Since torus is "circle along circle" then we can change "torus along duocylinder margin" into "(circle along circle) along duocylinder margin", and by an unexpected application of associative law into "circle along (circle along duocylinder margin)" and thus into "circle along tiger"!
Yes I do! Which is definitely what it is! I had to visualize the 2x2 circle trace undergoing an inflation of an even more minor diameter, R4 in (((II)(II))I). That makes the tiger's initial R3 minor diameter into the new medium diameter, like a ditorus. And, interestingly enough, we see two ditoruses stacked in their medium dimension .... how about that? God, I love this stuff, seriously. Grokking Galore.
So, in final (for now) conclusion, it seems that the "along" suffers from having to take into account various different orientations. Even "circle around circle" has an alternate outcome -- apart from torus, we can also get the duocylinder margin. Torus is if we have circle in xy plane and replace each point by circle in (x~y,z) plane (where x~y refers to some combination of x and y). But if we replace each point by circle in zw plane, we get the duocylinder margin.
This is true, but we may be able to get around that. With the introduction of " along ortho circle", we can distinguish it between " along circle". But, I guess with a ditorus, we would need three ways to describe this circle. So, perhaps we should identify it by the diameter's hyperplane :
Circle along [...]
• [...] - circle : Torus
• [...] - ortho circle : Duoring / Duocylinder Margin
• [...] - duoring : Tiger
• [...] - torus : Ditorus (((II)I)I)
• [...] - sphere : Torisphere ((III)I)
• [...] - tiger : Toritiger (((II)(II))I)
• [...] - torus-tiger : ditorus-tiger ((((II)I)(II))I)
• [...] - toritiger : ditoritiger ((((II)(II))I)I)
Torus along [...]
• [...] - minor circle : Tiger
• [...] - major circle : Ditorus
Ditorus along [...]
• [...] - minor circle : torus-tiger (((II)I)(II))
• [...] - medium circle : toritiger (((II)(II))I)
• [...] - major circle : tritorus ((((II)I)I)I)
Tiger along [...]
• [...] - major1 circle : torus-tiger (((II)I)(II))
• [...] - major2 circle : torus-tiger (((II)I)(II))
• [...] - minor circle : toritiger (((II)(II))I)
... something to that effect.
So, what would be "tiger along tiger"? It would be the tiger torus tiger ((((II)(II))I)(II)), a 7D toratope.
Really? Well, I guess you're right, given the way a ((((II)(II))I)I) works: it's a torus along tiger. So, by rotating in such a way to make a torus into a tiger ((II)I) ---> ((II)(II)) , then it most likely is tiger along tiger, when considering ((((II)(II))I)(II)) . Wow, amazing! Freakin' crazy, man. I think a list should be made that places the " A along B " definition with all of the others. And of course, how to derive it from the notation.
So, it looks like this system can potentially describe some very high-D toratopes verbally and precisely. How about a real challenge of dissecting something like that 12D (((((II)I)(II))((II)(II)))((II)I)) , or the 17D ((((((((II)I)(II))I)I)(((II)I)I))(((((II)(II))I)I)) ? If not anything cool, how about a torus tiger along torus tiger? I feel it could be the 9D (((((II)I)(II))I)((II)I)) , given the new understanding. We would get (((((I))(I)))((I))) , a 4x2x4 array of major pairs of 64 toruses! Whoa!