Relativity, Quantum, Strings Theory for Evolution Theory

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Relativity, Quantum, Strings Theory for Evolution Theory

Postby VishnuXXX » Mon May 17, 2004 7:49 pm

Oh Yeah, I have Found Something Ridicolous About Evolution Theory (Like Strings).

In 1998 there was movement from Islamic Figure, Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar). He wants to eliminate the Evolution Theory. Just try to open his sites, to search the Refuted of Darwin Theory.

I think Darwin is genius man, he can see the past of creatures. But he cannot give evidence, like fosil or something that make his theory perfect.

If you read the history of Prophet Noah, the Earth have a great flood/deluge of water. You will found the blurred History. If you see The Pole of Mars, you will think the flood water is from Mars. The Water from Mars goes to Earth and make Earth Flood. Or Maybe Noah Is from Mars Or Maybe Another Human or Creatures is from Mars.

The Evolution Theory not Refuted yet. Coz there still hope. When You see the disk of our solar system, you will see in the past that planet orbit is small and close to sun. It is proofed by The ICY AGE of Earth. Earth goes to Icy Age coz of Orbit that changed.

In Pluto (maybe still dust when it's happen) there was reaction to make first life substance like Amino Acid.
When You see Jupiter, you will think Dinosaurs live there. But how their fosil found on Earth?
Are Doraemon send them to here or teleportation? Or MAybe The Water from the flood take the body of death dino to Mars or Earth? Like In RPG games, Final Fantasy VIII, there was scenery about "Tears From The Moons"(Play or Ask the Gamers).

In India, there was City 12000 years ago that destroyed by nuclear explotion. That tell us, there was another creatures before us that have inteligence to create Nuclear Bomb.
And they found anti-gravitation technology too.

Maybe, The First Human live at Mars. And maybe there was another creatures that live in Another galaxy or planet that help us to go to earth. Maybe The Ancient Human already create Spacecraft. So we are not the first intelegence creatures in this earth so at Mars.

If Fosil found in another planet like Mars and Jupiter. We will see the Evolution theory Life again. (if the temperature or situation not destroy the fosil).

The New one is Migration between planets already done by people before us. Teleportation to another Planet has been done by people before us. Just Hypothesis.

Or MAYBE we are TRUMAN like In TRUMAN SHOW MOVIE, The Earth Just studio to make film.
All fosil on Earth just movie trick, to fool human. The Film Director is Alien (GOD in RELIGION).

The Theory's not perfect, coz need another things to complete it all.
(Where's Relativity Boy? Are Relativity Absolute? so What is the Absolute One in this World? Relativity? or Nothingness?)
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Postby RQ » Tue May 25, 2004 1:36 pm

I think your topics are becoming a bit off-topic Vishnu, but I would like to find out more about that city that supposedly got destroyed 12,000 years ago in India by a nuclear bomb if you have any more information, just post it.
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Postby elpenmaster » Wed May 26, 2004 5:03 am

the theory of evolution
much debated
i figure that the only flaw in evolution is that how was life created in the first place?
after being created, it should evolve, but it must be created first
so i think maybe god/alien creates life, and then it evolves. :P

an interesting note in cosmology
for the universe to exist, there must have been something (the universe before time, or god, or something) that did not experience time, and thus could create itself. :twisted:
i rememmber reading about stephen hawking doing some math and trying to prove that time is related to the expansion of the universe, and whenthe universe shrinks we will have exotropy. . :shock:

does anybody know what the latest development in that is? :?
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Postby Aale de Winkel » Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:02 am

The Vishnu threads might be a bit off topic, but nice to debate.

I'll never understand why so many people hold God to be some stupid alien who refutes the simple principles involved in Darwinistic evolution theory. Whether 'God' is an space faring alien (what ever created Him/Her?) of ancient times, or a personification of the Big Bang followed by spontaneous random chemical circomstance is left to the (dis-)believer.

In ancient times, some dinosaur race where thus intelligent, that they escaped from extinction by embarcing into space. Unfortunately when Voyager encountered their descendents in the Δ-quadrant their 'Doctrine' refuted the scientific evidence of that fact :lol: :cry: (probably they blew up that city :wink: )
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Postby mghtymoop » Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:36 am

if you believe in god you go through life not fearing death and if you're wrong you never find out about it
if you don't believe in god you go through life fearing death and if you're wrong you'll have that fact in your face for the rest of eternity
makes the choice really simple from my p.o.v.
darwin doesn't neccesarily refute god but the creation of life is not all that difficult to explain without a creator, rna strands have been formed in labs synthetically and the conditions they have been formed under are not unlike those present in the devonian when life first emerged
however genesis does follow both cosmic and biological evolutionary patterns quite well and there is nothing in genesis to suggest the manner of creation itself to be neccesarily different to the manner in which we theorise it to have occured based upon evolutionary theorum
as for an alien master race
i don't even think such a thing requires comment, if life does exist anywhere else (high probability but by no means 100%) and if it has the technology to cross the universe (low probability given our history and the age of the universe itself) and has some weird reason for populating a planet with another potentially competitivie species and then leaving them to it for possibly over 1 million years (seems just point blank stupid from my point of view)
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Postby Aale de Winkel » Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:16 am

He I believe in the big-bang, and the chaotic creation of life, don't read me wrong here. No doubt in my mind that we are not alone (though SETI don't work because of the limitation of speeds to stay beneath 'warp 1'). For me there is no need for some 'alien master race' as you call them. I just strung together some points.
Not beliving in God, does not make me fear death, iff possible i like to avoid it simply since I like to be alive. Whether my eternal energy (Physical law of energy preservation) after my death emerges somewhere else in tangible form future time will tell, I don't remember past live, but some of us seem to do(!?)
If some God exists "collecting soles" I don't think (s)he cares about the daily prayer, but more about the quality of life, the person lives. And frankly put many believer in God, would therefore more fear death then I do, when my time comes it comes, and as said my eternal energy will flow toward some other purpose.
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