Parallel Worlds

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

Parallel Worlds

Postby illyana » Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:09 am

Does anyone have any thoughts on how the theory of parallel worlds can play into the fourth dimension? I've searched the internet and found precious little on a connection between the two. Yet if 2D is a series of parallel 1D lines stacked together to form a plane, and 3D is a series of parallel 2D planes stacked together to form a cube, shouldn't the fourth dimension hold a stack of parallel 3D worlds? Does anyone have any information or ideas on this?
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Re: Parallel Worlds

Postby Keiji » Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:33 am

Usually, composing an n-dimensional world of a stack of (n-1)-dimensional worlds is just a way to imagine it. If you really created such a world, it would imply a difference between the last dimensions and the one before.

If our 3D world was actually a stack of 2D planes, we would be able to move and see within each plane, and shift up and down between planes - we wouldn't be able to rotate into the direction through the stack.

Since we can't rotate into a fourth dimension (as far as we know), there could well be a fourth dimension formed by a stack of parallel 3D universes - but we're just unable to reach it.
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Re: Parallel Worlds

Postby Hugh » Sun May 19, 2013 7:59 pm

With Visual Reorientation Illusions (VRIs), one has the experience of being in multiple 3D parallel worlds, each at right angles to each other, and each with its own individual orientation.

Here's a link to another thread on this forum.
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Re: Parallel Worlds

Postby gonegahgah » Mon May 20, 2013 8:22 am

Hi Hugh. I haven't been on here of late. Just too busy.
I would suggest that this VRI is an example of a rotated & mirrored (+/-) set of four 3D spaces with each identical to each other except for different mirroring/rotation combinations.
I think that saying four spaces - for VRI - is a little more accurate than saying 'multiple'; and as long as they remain identical to each other while differently oriented.
This was one of the differences that I had been meaning to offer to you to explain the difference between your VRI 4D and the spatial 4D understood here.
The spatial 4D, generally discussed at this site, has a full 360° of rotation; not just 4 aspects of that rotation.
If you were limited to only flipping 90° at a time, in the spatial 4D here, then you would get a similar effect to your VRI.
In a true 4D space you would not be limited to this 90° flipping.
Having thought of this, but not having had a chance to express it to you yet, I hope this helps you to understand the difference better...
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Re: Parallel Worlds

Postby Hugh » Tue May 21, 2013 3:12 am

Hi gonegahgah, I have replied to your post in the VRI thread here:

Thanks! :)
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