i think the truth is that there is no such thing as time, only space. Time is an illusion created by our limited perception. the RATE of time is determined by how fast our mind proccesses information ( like for example with phsycodelics people feel like time is slowing down, because thier mind starts proccessing info faster). Time is the 4 dimensional crossections of our 3 dimensional selfs. if you where to see your entire body in the 4th dimension, it would be like seeing your birth, death, and everything in between in a single instance infinitely. But really time is acually space. Its hard to explain but lets say you picked up a pencil and if you moved it, the pencil would leave a trail of itself behind it . The pencil in the fourth dimension (time as we call it) would acually take up more space than in the 3rd dimension because not only would it have: length, width, and height, but it would also have "moved" from one spot to another" which by looking at it from a 4D perspective would take up space from point (A) which was a desk lets say to point (B) which is the other side of the room. So the only way to imagine the pencil taking up 4D space is to imagine the pencil taking up the 3d space in point (A), point (B) and all movements/locations between point (A) and (B). So the pencil would look like a "snake like" entity in the 4th dimension ( or at least thats the only way we can imagine it)
> "|" < - pencil
DESK------------------>>>OTHER SIDE OF ROOM
Point A |||||||||||||||||||||| Point B
[1 sec.] [2 sec.] [3 sec.] [4 sec.] [5 sec.]
unfortunatly i cant show a better illistration but if this line was really a 3d pencil then u could measure its 3 dimensions, and also measure its size in the fourth dimension as "movement". Our bodies and everything else in the universe has more than 3 dimensions. and we only see "frames" if you will, of the fourth dimension which we call the "present" Memories are only info. that we collected as we move through the 4th dimension which we call the "past". Keep in mind that time is only created by our limited perception and the only way we could see the 4th dimension as a whole, is if our minds could hold an infinit amount of information at once, or at least enough info. to see your birth, life, and death as one instance.
The 4th dimension also creates "faith", which is the unescapable destiny everything has in the universe. Whatever you're going to do in the 3rd dimension, already happened, will happen and is happening in the 4th dimension. Except your can only see 1 moment of the 4th dimension at a time so it kind of creates a false sense of "choice". If you choose to kill some one, or take a nice shower instead, it doesnt matter in the 4th dimension, because whatever your picked, is already there in the 4th dimension. The thing is in 4D space, it seems like objects or point particles would collide and fold onto themselves, for example: if you stayed in your chair for 2 minuts lets call this - ( Point A), then got up, walked into another room, came back and sat down for another 2 minuts -(Point B), your body in the fourth dimension would collide your (Point A) self, with the your ( Point B) self.

So its like your would be sitting inside yourself but in a diffrent point in "time", or "space" should i say.