The great min-frame rotatope conjecture

Discussion of shapes with curves and holes in various dimensions.

The great min-frame rotatope conjecture

Postby PWrong » Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:40 am

Hq Sa1 x Sa2 x ... x Sak = the number of subsets of {a1,a2,...,ak} that sum to give q.
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Re: The great min-frame rotatope conjecture

Postby Keiji » Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:48 am

...where Sa is an a-net-space hypersphere (i.e. a=1 identifies the circle)?
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Re: The great min-frame rotatope conjecture

Postby PWrong » Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:17 am

Yep, otherwise we'd have to take one from everything.
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Re: The great min-frame rotatope conjecture

Postby Keiji » Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:30 am

Any idea how you'd go about proving this?

I'd guess it's right and will implement it in my Python program, but it still deserves a proof :P
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Re: The great min-frame rotatope conjecture

Postby PWrong » Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:42 am

I'd love to be able to prove it, if I knew where to start. I think it will take something stronger than Mayer-Vietoris. I'll ask my topology lecturer about it. He's marking my honours thesis, but I get the marks back on sunday so I'll talk to him after that.
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