What do you think? (life after death)

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What do you think? (life after death)

Postby cedrec » Sun Feb 22, 2004 1:26 am

wow, this post will be the 1000th. I was reading one of the posts on heaven being a higher dimension and hell being a lower dimension than 3D. It kind of relates to what I think the fourth dimensional beings are. Everyone possesses energy (tachyons?) and when you die, I think that energy is freed out of our physical body and released into the fourth dimension. After all, a "dimension" is just an illusion in a way. Our receptors (see, smell, touch, and hear) tell us that we exist in a third dimension, but our receptors are only tools for our physical body. Basically, our physical body limits us to interact with higher dimensional beings. Therefore, when we die, we (life energy if you will) leave our bodies and move on to the fourth dimension. There was a German scientist that believed this as well; of course he was mocked for it, since it was way back in the day. What do you think?
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Postby RQ » Sun Feb 22, 2004 7:46 am

Yes, it is a possibility that the universe does not exist if we don't observe it, but that is only to our perception, which defines the senses, other than that, it is through our senses that we perceive the universe to exist, not the universe existing through our senses. It's kind of like Confucious' all-time question: If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody's around to hear it, did it make a sound? It certainly fell, as given, maybe not sound, but it didn't make noise, but if it fell it fell, otherwise if by your analogy if there indeed was someone to be near by to hear it, since there wouldn't be anyone to perceive it in the first place, it wouldn't be there and the person would see the tree falling but not hear it (assuming he/she's not deaf).
Of course the person coming would not be accounted for as one of the people who wouldn't hear the tree by given definition, so it wouldn't be a closed system. If it were, then the tree simply wouldn't make noise for the people who haven't heard it (makes sense).
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Postby 4dlayman » Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:29 pm

Everyone possesses energy (tachyons?) and when you die, I think that energy is freed out of our physical body and released into the fourth dimension

Who knows? You could be right on or way off the mark here. We all have lots of energy (our body mass).
After we die we stop breathing, the heart stops pumping and our brain activity stops; but I think our bodies are not physically any different one microsecond before & after our death. We need to figure out what death is and what (if anything) happens after death before we relate it to 4D which surely could be one of the possibilities. We could say anything here because what happens after death is totally unknown (& unknowable ?) to us.
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Postby RQ » Mon Feb 23, 2004 4:54 am

Here is a link to possibly some people's answers:

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Postby cedrec » Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:03 am

thanks for the link RQ :)
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Re: What do you think? (life after death)

Postby Aale de Winkel » Mon Feb 23, 2004 8:04 am

cedrec wrote: Everyone possesses energy (tachyons?) and when you die, I think that energy is freed out of our physical body and released into the fourth dimension.

A here it was! A tachyon is a particle that travels faster then light and thus backwards in time, so has nothing to do with the energy someone possesses. The Chinese call this Chi, and maintain a balance between Yin and Yang, acupuncture is there healing method influences this balance of Chi.
I guess though you are right, there is a general principle in physics called the conservation of energy so the energy is freed out of our physical body, releasing it into the fourth dimension though would mean energy drain on our dimension, which is contraditionairy to the mentioned conservation of energy principle which is entirily a 3d-concept, so I conclude that the released energy remains in our dimension. :twisted:
I might be though that our "soul-energy" is somehow replaced, when the soul recieves its trength, by devine intervention :wink: .
Aale de Winkel
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