D4.15 (EntityTopic, 13)

From Hi.gher. Space

Revision as of 01:06, 14 March 2016 by Hayate (Talk | contribs)

This consists of a cuboctahedron as the top cell, surrounded by 4 J83's in tetrahedral symmetry, with triangular prisms and tridiminished icosahedra filling in the gaps between them. The bottom of the shape is closed up with more tridiminished icosahedra, cuboctahedra, triangular prisms, metabidiminished icosahedra, triangular cupolae, and capped off with a truncated tetrahedron at the bottom. The full symbol of this CRF polychoron is xxFVF(Vx)fox-3-ofxxf(oF)xxx-3-xoooo(xo)xfo-&#xt (with V=2f, that is, twice the Golden Ratio).