Bracketopic product (InstanceTopic, 5)

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Revision as of 21:14, 8 February 2014 by Hayate (Talk | contribs)

The three bracketopic products are rss, sum and max, as defined in this page. They are mainly used in bracket notation.

RSS (Root-Sum-Square)

rss(a,b) = (a2 + b2)2-1

RSS is the circular bracketopic product. It will produce something rounded in the dimensions concerned.


sum(a,b) = abs(a) + abs(b)

Sum is the tegmal bracketopic product. It will produce something tegmal, i.e. diamond-shaped, in the dimensions concerned.


max(a,b) = {abs(a), abs(a) > abs(b); abs(b), abs(a) ≤ abs(b)}

Max is the square bracketopic product. It will produce something rectangular in the dimensions concerned.