I've been doing some research on the perception of the 4th dimension for the past week or so. I've been interested in Theoretical Physics for a long time, and have excelled in the field.
During the reseach I came across the forums here, it seems as though there are a lot of intelligent, and polite people discussing ideas. I'd like to ask for your help/opinion with my latest question.
I have a colleague who says he's 'seen' the 4th dimension. Now before your warning bells go off about 'that's imposible', listen to what he says;
He was talking about staring at a 4 dimensional hypercube, as with all of us in the beginning it looks as though the lines are moving, seemingly randomly. If you stare long enough, you start to see that it's not moving lines at all, it's a shape...... but you just can't seem to visualize 'what' that shape is.
What he told me is that (not just him, he says this is a relatively common experience) after a time, the hypercube spins just right, it aligns itself just right, and your brain is able to make the leap of intuition that allows it to comprehend the shape it's viewing.
He describes is as seeing a cube in a cube, only that cube is the same size as the cube it's in -- yet it's inside the 1st cube. And all around it are more cubes, only they're insicde too, and the same size.
Obviously he looks at this as being an epiphany. He still can't see/visualize the shape, but he thinks that the brain is capable of it, even if they eyes aren't.
Anyway, that was a long-winded way to get to my question;
Have any of you had or know someone who claims a similar experience?