All right, this time I have proper CRFs, but the question is are they known already? Since they're only segmentotera, it's hard for me to believe that nobody thought of them before, but on the other hand, I think they would be on Incmats if someone had used or mentioned them, and they aren't there.
I've been affectionately referring to the general category of this find as "mutantifastegia." What this entails is a lace isosceles triangle
- Code: Select all
where "A atop B" is a segmentotope with height > 1/2. Hypothetically, A and B can be "exchanged" to form a different mutantifastegium, but this may not always work.
The polygonal pucofastegia and cupofastegia fit this definition. Nonconvex versions of these might even use a cupoliprism instead of a proper prism. Wherever segmentotopes can be sliced out of Archimedeans, these can likely be made. They might look similar to the "pseudopyramids" in 4D, rising to a sub-facet-dimensional apex that isn't quite as small as a point. None of that is what I'm concerned with here.
Some polytera that fit this description are already listed on the always-useful Segmentotopes page of Incmats. They often occur as slices of Archimedean polytera, for example, Opeatut, Tetacope, and Copatut are all derived from spix. But if we made a mutantifastegium based on H
3-symmetric polyhedra instead of small A
3 or B
3 ones, it clearly wouldn't come from a slice of any Archimedean polyteron, it might even be novel.
- Contains OFF files of ten potentially new segmentotera, my scrawled notes on them, and a bonus segmentoteron of the same kind that I didn't realize was already known. I would have uploaded the OFF files on their own, but the forum doesn't allow that.
- (40.81 KiB) Downloaded 358 times
About half of my attempts failed, and at first I didn't know why. I gave it a bit of thought, and while I haven't arrived at any solid conclusions, it probably has to do with the relative size of the two polytopes that make up the used segmentotope. For example, while Cubaope works and can be found on Incmats, its "opposite" (oct atop tes) doesn't work. And as for the other mutantifastegia that use segmentochora of the same height as octacube (≈0.67610), both of the Toatic possibilities fail while both of the Coasirco ones work.
It seems likely that the polytera I found aren't very notable, probably because of a lack of relations to Archimedean polytera, which would explain their absence from Incmats. Has someone already considered polytopes of this form?