This video makes me cringe many times.
Not everything can come out of this flower of life thing. Square tilings, hyperbolic geometry and most likely many other corners of math.
When the narrator said that people cannot learn much unless they draw the shape, I tried and I learned basically nothing other than "this doesn't work."
The reason why this image is everywhere is because it is very beautiful and nothing more. Also why would this image be 2D if it was really spiritual? That just seems very anthropocentric and counterintuitive, and I also noticed that this "spirit" makes a sphere which also seems anthropocentric. Then there the mention of male and female, which might be anthropocentric or just a general duo. It seems kinda sketchy that nobody ever mentioned the Kepler-Poinsot Solids which are pretty important as they are the only regular star, and in extension, non-convex polyhedra in the 3rd dimension. And then the elemental aspects of the solids. You would expect the tetrahedron to be Aether right? It is a self-dual and is quite distinct from the rest, much like Aether compared to the others. Then we have the other solids. The dual of the cube is the octahedron and the dodecahedron is the dual of the icosahedron which should be common knowledge here, but their elements are not opposite which perplexes me even more. In general this YouTube video seems really sketchy and innaccurate.