Zero Time Dimensions

Discussion of theories involving time as a dimension, time travel, relativity, branes, and so on, usually applying to the "real" universe which we live in.

Zero Time Dimensions

Postby anderscolingustafson » Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:16 pm

I was thinking about a universe in which there are multiple spatial dimensions but there are no dimensions of time. What would the physics of this type of universe look like considering that physics equations for this universe could not involve time? What would be in this type of universe that only has space and no time?
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Re: Zero Time Dimensions

Postby Prashantkrishnan » Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:33 am

If we were in such a universe, we would have no time to think about it :D
People may consider as God the beings of finite higher dimensions,
though in truth, God has infinite dimensions
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Re: Zero Time Dimensions

Postby PatrickPowers » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:26 am

I would think that there could be no motion whatsoever. No energy either, as that is a form of motion. Nothing would ever change. The future would always be identical to the past.
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Re: Zero Time Dimensions

Postby quickfur » Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:28 pm

Yeah it's be a pretty boring universe, in which everything is static. :lol:
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Re: Zero Time Dimensions

Postby foursquare » Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:24 pm

I have my doubts that it would be boring, as without time, there would be nothing to compare. Consciousness would be static also. :o_o: . Both boredom and interest would be non-existant. In fact, you wouldn't even live for the moment, as without time, the moment wouldn't exist!
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Re: Zero Time Dimensions

Postby fallfromgrace » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:42 am

on the 1st wink, that universe is easier to imagine than an universe with zero space dimensions

why space have precedence over time as something of meaning? could be some side educational deformation
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