How many Temporal Dimensions would you choose to live in?

Discussion of theories involving time as a dimension, time travel, relativity, branes, and so on, usually applying to the "real" universe which we live in.

How many Temporal Dimensions would you choose to live in?

I would choose to live in 0 Temporal Dimensions
I would choose to live in 1 Temporal Dimension
I would choose to live in 2 Temporal Dimensions
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I would choose to live in more than 2 Temporal Dimensions
Total votes : 6

How many Temporal Dimensions would you choose to live in?

Postby anderscolingustafson » Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:04 pm

I'm curious to know how many Time Dimensions the people on this forum would choose to live in.
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Re: How many Temporal Dimensions would you choose to live in

Postby ICN5D » Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:17 am

I prefer MANY, as it would provide me more choices in life. Not only a time line, but a time plane, containing infinite time-lines. Even further would be a time cube. But, when you think about it, time is more circular, with cyclic patterns. It's more helical than anything else. Then this helix could be part of another, even grander helix, such as the trajectory of our sun around the galaxy.
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Re: How many Temporal Dimensions would you choose to live in

Postby Prashantkrishnan » Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:48 pm

ICN5D wrote:I prefer MANY, as it would provide me more choices in life. Not only a time line, but a time plane, containing infinite time-lines. Even further would be a time cube. But, when you think about it, time is more circular, with cyclic patterns. It's more helical than anything else. Then this helix could be part of another, even grander helix, such as the trajectory of our sun around the galaxy.

This strikes me as something similar to Hindu mythology. In Hindu mythology, it is believed that the universe keeps getting created and destroyed and regular intervals of time, and in each cycle, similar events would take place though not the same. There would be slight variations. I first thought of it as a time circle, but a time helix seems to fit much better. What you say about the grander helix is also there as 36000 of these cycles make another bigger cycle of creation and destruction.
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Re: How many Temporal Dimensions would you choose to live in

Postby ICN5D » Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:22 pm

Yeah, that's how everything would look to me, from the most outside perspective of the universe. Standing outside time and space, and looking down on it all, I imagine helices within helices, as the pathways of the large structure. And nested within that would be us, tiny strand segments of cyclic biology, entangled with the large helix of out planet. It's very fractal-like.
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