by Marek14 » Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:56 am
5D notable animations:
1. Pentasphere (IIIII)
1 4D slice: glome (IIII)
1 3D slice: sphere (III)
Sphere cut can only evolve into glome slice.
No rotations.
2. 41-torus ((IIII)I)
2 4D slices: pair od glomes ((IIII)), torisphere ((III)I)
2 3D cuts: pair of spheres ((III)), torus ((II)I).
Pair of spheres cut can evolve into torisphere slice or pair of glomes slice.
Torus cut can only evolve into torisphere slice.
1 rotation is animation of torisphere.
3. 311-ditorus (((III)I)I)
3 4D slices: minor pair of torispheres (((III)I)), major pair of torispheres (((III))I), ditorus (((II)I)I)
4 3D cuts: quartet of spheres (((III))), minor pair of toruses (((II)I)), major pair of toruses (((II))I), two toruses (((I)I)I).
Quartet of spheres cut can evolve into minor pair of torispheres slice or major pair of torispheres slice.
Minor pair of toruses cut can evolve into minor pair of torispheres slice or ditorus slice.
Major pair of toruses cut can evolve into major pair of torispheres slice or ditorus slice.
Two toruses cut can only evolve into ditorus slice.
3 rotations are animations of ditorus.
2 new rotations: quartet of spheres - minor pair of toruses (((IIx)x)) and quartet of spheres - major pair of toruses (((IIx))x).
1 double rotation: quartet of spheres - two toruses (((Ixy)x)y)
4. Tritorus ((((II)I)I)I)
4 4D slices: minor pair of ditoruses ((((II)I)I)), medium pair of ditoruses ((((II)I))I), major pair of ditoruses ((((II))I)I) and two ditoruses ((((I)I)I)I)
7 3D cuts: minor quartet of toruses ((((II)I))), major/minor quartet of toruses ((((II))I)), two minor pairs of toruses ((((I)I)I)), major quartet of toruses ((((II)))I), two major pairs of toruses ((((I)I))I), four toruses ((((I))I)I), empty cut (((()I)I)I)
Minor quartet of toruses cut can evolve into minor pair of ditoruses slice or medium pair of ditoruses slice.
Major/minor quartet of toruses cut can evolve into minor pair of ditoruses slice or major pair of ditoruses slice.
Two minor pairs of toruses cut can evolve into minor pair of ditoruses slice or two ditoruses slice.
Major quartet of toruses cut can evolve into medium pair of ditoruses slice or major pair of ditoruses slice.
Two major pairs of toruses cut can evolve into medium pair of ditoruses slice or two ditoruses slice.
Four toruses cut can evolve into major pair of ditoruses slice or two ditoruses slice.
Empty cut can only evolve into two ditoruses slice.
15 Rotations: minor quartet of toruses - major/minor quartet of toruses ((((II)x)x)), minor quartet of toruses - two minor pairs of toruses ((((Ix)I)x)), minor quartet of toruses - major quartet of toruses ((((II)x))x), minor quartet of toruses - two major pairs of toruses ((((Ix)I))x), major/minor quartet of toruses - two minor pairs of toruses ((((Ix)x)I)), major/minor quartet of toruses - major quartet of toruses ((((II))x)x), major/minor quartet of toruses - four toruses ((((Ix))I)x), two minor pairs of toruses - two major pairs of toruses ((((I)I)x)x), two minor pairs of toruses - four toruses ((((I)x)I)x), two minor pairs of toruses - empty cut ((((x)I)I)x), major quartet of toruses - two major pairs of toruses ((((Ix)x))I), major quartet of toruses - four toruses ((((Ix))x)I), two major pairs of toruses - four toruses ((((I)x)y)I), two major pairs of toruses - empty cut ((((x)I)x)I), four toruses - empty cut ((((x)x)I)I)
6 Double rotations: minor quartet of toruses - four toruses ((((Ix)y)x)y) and ((((Ix)y)y)x), minor quartet of toruses - empty cut ((((xy)I)x)y), major/minor quartet of toruses - two major pairs of toruses ((((Ix)x)y)y) and ((((Ix)y)y)x), major/minor quartet of toruses - empty cut ((((xy)x)I)y), two minor pairs of toruses - major quartet of toruses ((((Ix)x)y)y) and ((((Ix)y)x)y), major quartet of toruses - empty cut ((((xy)x)y)I)
Note: Specific double rotations can be shared, for example ((((Ix)y)x)y) can be between minor quartet of toruses and four toruses or between two minor pairs of toruses and major quartet of toruses, based on how the initial values for parameters are chosen.
5. Tiger torus (((II)(II))I)
2 4D slices: minor pair of tigers slice (((II)(II))), two ditoruses stacked in medium dimension (((II)(I))I) and (((I)(II))I)
3 3D cuts: vertical stack of two minor pairs of toruses (((II)(I))) and (((I)(II))), empty cut (((II)())I) and ((()(II))I), 2x2 array of toruses (((I)(I))I)
Vertical stack of two minor pairs of toruses cut can evolve into minor pair of tigers slice or two ditoruses stacked in medium dimension
Empty cut can evolve only into two ditoruses stacked in medium dimension.
2x2 array of toruses cut can evolve into two ditoruses stacked in medium dimension, but in two different orientations.
4 rotations: vertical stack of two minor pairs of toruses - alternate vertical stack of two minor pairs of toruses ((((Ix)(Ix))), vertical stack of two minor pairs of toruses - empty cut ((((II)(x))x), vertical stack of two minor pairs of toruses - 2x2 array of toruses cut (((Ix)(I))x), empty cut - 2x2 array of toruses cut (((Ix)(x))I)
2 double rotations: vertical stack of two minor pairs of toruses - alternate empty cut (((xy)(Ix))y), empty cut - alternate empty cut (((xy)(xy))I)
6. 221-ditorus (((II)II)I)
3 4D slices: minor pair of spheritoruses slice (((II)II)), ditorus slice (((II)I)I), two torispheres slice (((I)II)I)
5 3D cuts: minor pair of toruses (((II)I)), two pairs of spheres (((I)II)), major pair of toruses (((II))I), two toruses (((I)I)I), empty cut ((()II)I)
Minor pair of toruses cut can evolve into minor pair of spheritoruses slice or ditorus slice.
Two pairs of spheres cut can evolve into minor pair of spheritoruses slice or two torispheres slice.
Major pair of toruses cut can evolve only into ditorus slice.
Two toruses cut can evolve into ditorus slice or two torispheres slice.
Empty cut can evolve only into two torispheres slice.
3 rotations are animations of ditorus.
4 new rotations: minor pair of toruses - two pairs of spheres (((Ix)Ix)), two pairs of spheres - two toruses (((I)Ix)x), two pairs of spheres - empty cut (((x)II)x), two toruses - empty cut (((x)Ix)I)
3 double rotations: minor pair of toruses - empty cut (((xy)Ix)y), two pairs of spheres - major pair of toruses (((Ix)xy)y), major pair of toruses - empty cut (((xy)xy)I)
7. 320-tiger ((III)(II))
2 4D slices: vertical stack of two torispheres slice ((III)(I)), tiger slice ((II)(II))
3 3D cuts: empty cut ((III)()), vertical stack of two toruses A ((II)(I)), vertical stack of two toruses B ((I)(II))
Empty cut can evolve only into vertical stack of two torispheres slice.
Vertical stack of two toruses cut A can evolve into vertical stack of two torispheres slice or tiger slice.
Vertical stack of two toruses cut B can evolve only into tiger slice.
1 rotation is animation of tiger.
1 new rotation: empty cut - vertical stack of two toruses A ((IIx)(x))
1 double rotation: empty cut - vertical stack of two toruses B ((Ixy)(xy))
8. Torus tiger (((II)I)(II))
3 4D slices: minor stack of two ditoruses slice (((II)I)(I)), major pair of tigers slice (((II))(II)), two tigers slice (((I)I)(II))
5 3D cuts: empty cut A (((II)I)()), vertical stack of two major pairs of toruses (((II))(I)), two vertical stacks of toruses (((I)I)(I)), vertical stack of four toruses (((I))(II)), empty cut B ((()I)(II))
Empty cut A can evolve only into minor stack of two ditoruses slice.
Vertical stack of two major pairs of toruses cut can evolve into minor stack of two ditoruses slice or major pair of tigers slice.
Two vertical stacks of toruses cut can evolve into minor stack of two ditoruses slice or two tigers slice.
Vertical stack of four toruses cut can evolve into major pair of tigers slice or two tigers slice.
Empty cut B can evolve only into two tigers slice.
7 rotations: empty cut A - vertical stack of two major pairs of toruses (((II)x)(x)), empty cut A - two vertical stacks of toruses (((Ix)I)(x)), vertical stack of two major pairs of toruses - two vertical stacks of toruses (((Ix)x)(I)), vertical stack of two major pairs of toruses - vertical stack of four toruses (((Ix))(Ix)), two vertical stacks of toruses - vertical stack of four toruses (((I)x)(Ix)), two vertical stacks of toruses - empty cut B (((x)I)(Ix)), vertical stack of four toruses - empty cut B (((x)x)(II))
3 double rotations: empty cut A - vertical stack of four toruses (((Ix)y)(xy)), empty cut A - empty cut B (((xy)I)(xy)), vertical stack of two major pairs of toruses - empty cut B (((xy)x)(Iy))
9. 32-torus ((III)II)
2 4D slices: torisphere slice ((III)I), spheritorus slice ((II)II)
3 3D cuts: pair of spheres ((III)), torus ((II)I), two spheres ((I)II)
Pair of spheres cut can evolve only into torisphere slice.
Torus cut can evolve into torisphere slice or spheritorus slice.
Two spheres cut can evolve only into spheritorus slice.
1 rotation is animation of torisphere.
1 rotation is animation of spheritorus.
1 double rotation: pair of spheres - two spheres ((Ixy)xy)
10. 212-ditorus (((II)I)II)
3 4D slices: ditorus slice (((II)I)I), major pair of spheritoruses slice (((II))II), two spheritoruses slice (((I)I)II)
5 3D cuts: minor pair of toruses (((II)I)), major pair of toruses (((II))I), two toruses (((I)I)I), four spheres (((I))II), empty cut ((()I)II)
Minor pair of toruses cut can evolve only into ditorus slice.
Major pair of toruses cut can evolve into ditorus slice or major pair of spheritoruses slice.
Two toruses cut can evolve into ditorus slice or two spheritoruses slice.
Four spheres cut can evolve into major pair of spheritoruses slice or two spheritoruses slice.
Empty cut can evolve only into two spheritoruses slice.
3 rotations are animations of ditorus.
4 new rotations: major pair of toruses - four spheres (((Ix))Ix), two toruses - four spheres (((I)x)Ix), two toruses - empty cut (((x)I)Ix), four spheres - empty cut (((x)x)II)
3 double rotations: minor pair of toruses - four spheres (((Ix)y)xy), minor pair of toruses - empty cut (((xy)I)xy), major pair of toruses - empty cut (((xy)x)Iy)
11. 221-tiger ((II)(II)I)
2 4D slices: tiger slice ((II)(II)), vertical stack of 2 spheritoruses slice ((II)(I)I) and ((I)(II)I)
3 3D cuts: vertical stack of 2 toruses ((II)(I)) and ((I)(II)), empty cut ((II)()I) and (()(II)I), 2x2 array of spheres ((I)(I)I)
Vertical stack of 2 toruses cut can evolve into tiger slice or vertical stack of 2 spheritoruses slice.
Empty cut can evolve only into vertical stack of 2 spheritoruses slice.
2x2 array of spheres cut can evolve only into vertical stack of 2 spheritoruses slice, but in 2 different ways.
1 rotation is animation of tiger.
3 new rotations: vertical stack of 2 toruses - empty cut ((II)(x)x), vertical stack of 2 toruses - 2x2 array of spheres ((Ix)(I)x), empty cut - 2x2 array of spheres ((Ix)(x)I)
2 double rotations: vertical stack of 2 toruses - alternate empty cut ((xy)(Ix)y), empty cut - alternate empty cut ((xy)(xy)I)
12. 23-torus ((II)III)
2 4D slices: spheritorus slice ((II)II), two glomes slice ((I)III)
3 3D cuts: torus ((II)I), two spheres ((I)II), empty cut (()III)
Torus cut can evolve only into spheritorus slice.
Two spheres cut can evolve into spheritorus slice or two glomes slice.
Empty cut can evolve only into two glomes slice.
1 rotation is animation of spheritorus.
1 new rotation: two spheres - empty cut ((x)IIx)
1 double rotation: torus - empty cut ((xy)Ixy)