How To Access 4th Dimension

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby Linh100 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:51 am

I think that in order to enter into 4th dimension you have to be sitting inside a shielded container (example: a flying saucer). The flying saucer
then generate an intense magnetic frequency, and then you are in 4th Dimension. I think manipulating magnetism will open
a door into 4th dimension, which video games and movies sometime refers to as hyperspace.
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby Keiji » Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:24 pm

Linh100 wrote:video games and movies

You've been watching too many of them =p
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby Sophocles_Mao_Zedong » Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:13 am

Imagine a piece of paper lying flat on the table, hence occupying 2 dimensions. You push it from all 4 sides until it cannot be compressed any more and then it will fold into the third dimension. Similarly, if you compress a 3 dimensional cube with great enough force, could it go into the fouth dimension? Maybe that's what happens to all the immense amount of matter that goes into black holes?
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby X-soldier » Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:03 am

the piece of paper is already technically 3 dimensions though, it may be very thin but it still has height so its 3D :)
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby Keiji » Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:52 pm

Yeah, a piece of paper is technically 3-dimensional, and there are miniscule but finite forces acting outside of its own plane - it's these forces which cause it to fold into the 3rd dimension when you try squashing it. We could not get something into the fourth dimension by squashing something, as it is impossible for us to exert a four-dimensional force on anything. Alternatively, matter in a black hole could potentially be going into the fourth dimension if space was curved to allow it.
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby Sophocles_Mao_Zedong » Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:46 am

No. I'm just saying that if we apply great enough a force on an object existing in a certain dimension, until the object is so compressed that there is nowhere for the force to be exerted to in that particular dimension, the force may then be exerted into a higher dimension.
If we assume that an n-dimensional object always has an infinitely small extension into the (n+1)th dimension, then this may be possible.
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby Keiji » Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:43 am

I wrote:there are miniscule but finite forces acting outside of its own plane - it's these forces which cause it to fold into the 3rd dimension when you try squashing it.

This is a fact, not a "maybe".

It is impossible for any number of forces to act outside of their lowest-dimensional common hyperplane.
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby X-soldier » Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:24 am

Actually i was thinking about it a little more and this idea isn't completely crazy.

what if, say fred invented some kind of compression machine that pushes down on a square from all 4 sides and is completely sealed off so that not even a single atom from the square would be able to escape. It pushes down on the square with such extream force that it starts to get smaller just by the atoms trying to fit closer together. If he keeps adding force the atoms would get so tight together they had nowhere else to go but after a certain point all the atoms wouldn't be able to get any closer together but still more force is being added so they would eventually have to go somewhere. Its possible they could bend out into a 3rd dimension as the only solution.

even if this method was possible though fred wouldn't be able to see the 3 dimensional figure he created since he is still 2d himself. so if we somehow did this on a cube in the 3rd dimension we wouldn't be able to tell if it worked or not either, and we couldn't put a person into it hoping to make him 4d so he can tell us if it worked because he would die long before the process finished :evil: .

this is all speculation though because the kind of force I'm talking about couldn't be realistically achieved, at least not with our modern technology. Think this could possibly work though?
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby zero » Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:13 am

As stated earlier, the reason this works with paper (an imperfect 3D model of two dimensions) is because the paper already has an extension -- however slight -- into a third direction.

I think it makes sense to imagine this working similarly if you did the same with an imperfect 4D model of three dimensions. Then the question becomes more empirical: Are you working with something that is already 4D to begin with, only so very, very thin in that fourth spatial direction that it appears for all practical purposes as 3D?
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby DefyGravity » Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:13 am

Changed my mind -- Honestly I believe the only true way to travel on all planes is to do it in a free floating invironment or in fluid. You can skim the top of the water in a north/south axis, you can skim it on a west, east axis and dive deeper on the zero point axis. Now in space and water you can travel in two simultaneous directions which everyone is unable to do on land without a latter of course. That I suppose is a glimpse of a 4D Invironment because you can stay in a stationary point then move in all directions of your own will. Our only problem is without oxygen we are unable to sustain that 4D Illusion for a long period of time.

Also another brain racker -- 4D Beings can see the entirety of a 3D Object. Not just one side but both sides and the top and bottom of the object. In order for this to occur the being would essentially have to be all around the object at any given point, which would be a nightmare. A 4D being would not be able to exist in any form we could even relate to but in a form where it can be anywhere and everywhere always.
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby monaroman » Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:42 am

no thats wrong. a bionian can't see a trionian if the trionian is standing a few inches depth away from flatspace. yet the trionian can see everything in the bionians world, except from the bionians perspective. thats why the bionian cant comprehend what the trionian sees.
all a tetronian has to do is stand tetra-up of tetra-down of our world and hes effectively invisible. yet he can see everything in our world except from our perspective, so we cant comprehend it :)
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby wehavemoreltd » Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:56 pm

i'm going to be honest, how do you know a cup is a cup and not a plate.? when you guys talk about all this questions and answers , ask youself my question , that should keep you from answering or posting anything , ex,= 3d is a cup and a cup is tea , green is plate?
you dont even really know what words are what so why ask anytrhing for posted anything till you have this answer
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby thephantomking » Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:18 am

One thing to consider: a two-dimensional being would only have to wear "clothes" on the left and right (from our perspective) of their bodies. Therefore we would see them naked (sry i know that that is not a nice picture but it's the best i've got). Therefore, since we only wear clothes which shield our naked bodies from thee-dimensional entities, a four dimensional being would see us from a different "angle" and completely naked. This occurs for all dimensions.
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby PWrong » Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:00 pm

Hi, welcome to the forum. If you click the "New Topic" button on any board, you can start a new thread about whatever you like. That way you don't have to post in unrelated threads from two years ago.

In regards to your post, we wouldn't just see them naked, we'd see all their insides as well.
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby anderscolingustafson » Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:38 pm

One thing to consider: a two-dimensional being would only have to wear "clothes" on the left and right (from our perspective) of their bodies.

Another thing about the clothes of a two dimensional being would be that those clothes would need some sort of glue to hold them on to the body as otherwise they would just fall off since there would be nothing to keep them on as there would be separate clothes on the left and right. It takes three dimensions to keep clothes from falling off without any kind of glue.
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Re: How To Access 4th Dimension

Postby anewkindofneo » Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:50 pm

Accessing the fourth dimension is deceptively simple. You do it every night when you dream. You do it each time you think about or imagine something. The doorway is via your 'pineal gland'.

When you dream or imagine something although you inhabit the world of 3-dimensions, your mind is entering, or is rather, the fourth.

The fourth dimension is akin to the wardrobe in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. In the 'real' world no time passes wheras in Narnia a whole age passes. Just like in the 'real' world you might be asleep a few hours whereas in your dream a whole age might pass.

As lucid dreaming is the ability to 'awaken' or become 'conscious' whilst in this fourth dimension/dream state you can imagine the fun that can be had whilst in this state of timelessness. In this sense YOU become time itself as you are not subject to it as you are in the 'real' 3D world.

Hope this helps. :-)
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