Thirteen senses and Da Vinci's The Last Supper

Discussions about the possibility of consciousness, free will, spirits, deities, religions and so on, and how these might interact with time travel, the Big Bang, many worlds and so on.

Thirteen senses and Da Vinci's The Last Supper

Postby Akira Bergman » Wed May 28, 2008 5:45 am

The senses can be classified in an ordered stack of length 13;


Because of the complex relationships between the senses, the stack includes many symmetries.

The strongest symmetry is unity. They are all related to each other as they grow and evolve from a root sense. I call this sense Nothingness which is an identity and measurement protocol. It is the ground state of consciousness which is generally used to mean an overall sense of being.

The second strongest symmetry is duality. They all come in dualities, except the root sense. The general symmetry is of the form (Content,Container). Smell forms the background space for Taste. Without Smell, Taste weakens a lot. Similarly Hear is the background space for See. See uses more complicated but the same type of mathematics (FFT).

Are (Rhythm,Harmony) senses? Everything in the body is a clock with a special Rhythm, but Heart and Basal-Ganglia specialize on Rhythm. So it is a sense but hidden like the Balance sense. Harmony is the overall sense between and within the senses. (Rhythm,Harmony) are due to the self-referential or self-similar aspect of the senses.

The 6 strongest dualities have an overall duality that demonstrates the symmetry that simulates a four dimensional hyper space-time;


The corresponding shape is Tesseract.

There are also two dual-duality symmetries;



I think all these symmetries form around some kind of number simulation protocol. It seems to be a category calculator with base 13.


Vision obeys the same symmetry;


(Grey) ... Balance
(Bright,Dark) ... Brightness
(White,Black) ... Contrast
(Rhythm,Harmony) ... Texture
(Yellow,Purple) ... Color


Since Nothingness sits at the center and is neutral, many modules can attach themselves through their centers. This is demonstrated by two stacks of culture;



Politics and Interaction are the Nothingness of their categories, as the 10 elements of the Interaction stack are the fundamental methods of control in Politics.


Fields also obey the 13-symmetry, if 5 new fields are introduced;


This time (hopefully the last time) I rearranged the locations of (Time,Space) in line with the senses (Rhythm,Harmony) locations, since there must be deeper fields that contain (Time,Space).

6 strongest dualities simulate a hyper Space-Time;

(((A1,A2),(B1,B2),(Time,Space))), (Higgs), ((Light,Gravity),(Weak,W*),(Strong,Black-Hole)))


Mathematics falls into two broad categories, numbers and operators;


They also have some sequential symmetry;


Comparing gives some hints about the predicted fields;

(Derivative,Integral) --> (A1,A2)
(Exponential,Logarithm) --> (B1,B2)
(Probability,Statistics) --> (Time,Space)

(Real,Complex) --> (Gravity,Light)
(Natural,Integer) --> (W*,Weak)
(Rational,Irrational) --> (Strong,Black-Hole)

There seems to be good correspondence. Rational-Strong correspondence is good since Strong is based on the Rationals (1/3,2/3). Integer-Weak is also good since Weak has three bosons; (W-,Z,W+). Light's symmetry is Complex.


Da Vinci's The Last Supper has many symmetries that correlate strongly with the 13 senses.

(Nothingness) ... (Christ)

(Pain,Temperature,Rhythm) ... (Bartholomew,James,Andrew)
(Touch,See,Taste) ... (Peter,Judas,John)

(Smell,Hear,Balance) ... (James,Thomas,Philip)
(Harmony,Pressure,Pleasure) ... (Matthew,Jude,Simon)

Christ is demonstrating a triangle with the hands forming the base. The right hand is making a grabbing action on the table, while the left is open. This seems to represent the (Content,Container) duality. While this shows the duality of his self, it also points to the overall duality at the table. He wears red on the right, and blue on the left as a further illustration of this duality.

Bartholomew and Simon (Pain and Pleasure) sit at either ends of the table, thus setting the extreme boundaries. Peter leans over Judas to talk to John, indicating Touch-Taste relationship, while holding a knife pointed back towards Bartholomew indicating his nature.

Judas (See) is looking at Christ to synchronize the bread grabbing, while holding a bag of goodies, symbolizing the excessive dominance of vision. Judas betrays Christ since we usually believe what we see, not what we can not see.

Thomas (Hear) leans over James (Smell) to listen to Christ. James (Smell) looks appalled, by what is happening, since he is getting a rough deal. Philip (Balance) is leaning over while standing in front of a corner.

John (Taste) looks young, feminine and tasty.

There are windows behind Christ, James and Thomas, indicating their airy character (Nothingness,Smell,Hear).

The room has few related symmetries coded. The three windows show the fundamental mediated duality symmetry. Four openings at either side show the 4-symmetry. 36 (6*6) pattern on the ceiling show the (6+1+6) symmetry of 13.

How come da Vinci knew this to so much detail? Much seem to come from the so called sacred geometry and science, but his knowledge seems so advanced.
Akira Bergman
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:15 am

Or, as Elmer Fudd would have said it . . .

Postby zero » Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:09 pm

De senses can be cwassified in an owdewed stack of wengf 13;

(Pain,(Tempewatuwe,(Whythm,(Touch,(See,(Taste, (Nothingness), Smeww),Heaw),Bawance),Hawmony),Pwessuwe),Pweasuwe)

Because of the compwex wewationships between the senses, the stack incwudes many symmetwies. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

De stwongest symmetwy is unity. Dey awe aww wewated to each othew as they gwow and evowve fwom a woot sense. I caww this sense Nothingness which is an identity and measuwement pwotocow. It is the gwound state of consciousness which is genewawwy used to mean an ovewaww sense of being.

De second stwongest symmetwy is duawity. Dey aww come in duawities, except the woot sense. De genewaw symmetwy is of the fowm (Content,Containew). Smeww fowms the backgwound space fow Taste. Without Smeww, Taste weakens a wot. Simiwawwy Heaw is the backgwound space fow See. See uses mowe compwicated but the same type of mathematics (FFT).

Awe (Whythm,Hawmony) senses? Evewything in the body is a cwock wif a speciaw Whythm, but Heawt and Basaw-Gangwia speciawize on Whythm. So it is a sense but hidden wike the Bawance sense. Hawmony is the ovewaww sense between and within the senses. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! (Whythm,Hawmony) awe due to the sewf-wefewentiaw ow sewf-simiwaw aspect of the senses. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

De 6 stwongest duawities have an ovewaww duawity that demonstwates the symmetwy that simuwates a fouw dimensionaw hypew space-time;

(((Pain,Pweasuwe),(Tempewatuwe,Pwessuwe),(Whythm,Hawmony)), (Nothingness), ((Touch,Bawance),(See,Heaw),(Taste,Smeww)))

De cowwesponding shape is Tessewact.

Dewe awe awso two duaw-duawity symmetwies;

(((Pain,Tempewatuwe,Whythm),(Touch,See,Taste)), (Nothingness), ((Smeww,Heaw,Bawance),(Hawmony,Pwessuwe,Pweasuwe)))
(((Pain,Tempewatuwe,Whythm),(Hawmony,Pwessuwe,Pweasuwe)), (Nothingness), ((Touch,See,Taste),(Smeww,Heaw,Bawance)))

I think aww these symmetwies fowm awound some kind of numbew simuwation pwotocow. It seems to be a categowy cawcuwatow wif base 13.


Vision obeys the same symmetwy;


(Gwey) ... Bawance
(Bwight,Dawk) ... Bwightness
(White,Bwack) ... Contwast
(Whythm,Hawmony) ... Textuwe
(Yewwow,Puwpwe) ... Cowow
(Bwue,Owange) (Wed,Gween)


Since Nothingness sits at the centew and is neutwaw, many moduwes can attach themsewves thwough theiw centews. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Dis is demonstwated by two stacks of cuwtuwe;

(Anawchy,(Waw,(Histowy,(Communications,(Wogistics,(Economics, (Powitics), Ethics),Science),Aesthetics),Twadition),Peace),Dictatowship)
(Chaos,(Pwedation,(Adaptation,(Competition,(Pwoduction,(Wepwoduction, (Intewaction), Extewmination),Consumption),Coopewation),Wituaw),Union),Owdew)

Powitics and Intewaction awe the Nothingness of theiw categowies, as the 10 ewements of the Intewaction stack awe the fundamentaw methods of contwow in Powitics. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!


Fiewds awso obey the 13-symmetwy, if 5 new fiewds awe intwoduced;


Dis time (hopefuwwy the wast time) I weawwanged the wocations of (Time,Space) in wine wif the senses (Whythm,Hawmony) wocations, since thewe must be deepew fiewds that contain (Time,Space).

6 stwongest duawities simuwate a hypew Space-Time;

(((A1,A2),(B1,B2),(Time,Space))), (Higgs), ((Wight,Gwavity),(Weak,W*),(Stwong,Bwack-Howe)))


Mathematics fawws into two bwoad categowies, numbews and opewatows;

(((Natuwaw,Integew),(Wationaw,Iwwationaw),(Weaw,Compwex)), (Eqwation) ((Pwobabiwity,Statistics),(Exponentiaw,Wogawithm),(Dewivative,Integwaw)))

Dey awso have some seqwentiaw symmetwy;

(Dewivative,(Exponentiaw,(Pwobabiwity,(Weaw,(Natuwaw,(Wationaw, (Eqwation), Iwwationaw),Integew),Compwex),Statistics),Wogawithm),Integwaw)

Compawing gives some hints about the pwedicted fiewds;

(Dewivative,Integwaw) --> (A1,A2)
(Exponentiaw,Wogawithm) --> (B1,B2)
(Pwobabiwity,Statistics) --> (Time,Space)
(Weaw,Compwex) --> (Gwavity,Wight)
(Natuwaw,Integew) --> (W*,Weak)
(Wationaw,Iwwationaw) --> (Stwong,Bwack-Howe)

Dewe seems to be good cowwespondence. Wationaw-Stwong cowwespondence is good since Stwong is based on the Wationaws (1/3,2/3). Integew-Weak is awso good since Weak has thwee bosons; (W-,Z,W+). Wight's symmetwy is Compwex.


Da Vinci's De Wast Suppew has many symmetwies that cowwewate stwongwy wif the 13 senses. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

(Nothingness) ... (Chwist)
(Pain,Tempewatuwe,Whythm) ... (Bawthowomew,James,Andwew)
(Touch,See,Taste) ... (Petew,Judas,John)
(Smeww,Heaw,Bawance) ... (James,Domas,Phiwip)
(Hawmony,Pwessuwe,Pweasuwe) ... (Matthew,Jude,Simon)

Chwist is demonstwating a twiangwe wif the hands fowming the base. De wight hand is making a gwabbing action on the tabwe, whiwe the weft is open, uh-hah-hah-hah. Dis seems to wepwesent the (Content,Containew) duawity. Whiwe this shows the duawity of his sewf, it awso points to the ovewaww duawity at the tabwe. He weaws wed on the wight, and bwue on the weft as a fuwthew iwwustwation of this duawity.

Bawthowomew and Simon (Pain and Pweasuwe) sit at eithew ends of the tabwe, thus setting the extweme boundawies. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Petew weans ovew Judas to tawk to John, indicating Touch-Taste wewationship, whiwe howding a knife pointed back towawds Bawthowomew indicating his natuwe.

Judas (See) is wooking at Chwist to synchwonize the bwead gwabbing, whiwe howding a bag of goodies, symbowizing the excessive dominance of vision, uh-hah-hah-hah. Judas betways Chwist since we usuawwy bewieve what we see, not what we can not see.

Domas (Heaw) weans ovew James (Smeww) to wisten to Chwist. James (Smeww) wooks appawwed, by what is happening, since he is getting a wough deaw. Phiwip (Bawance) is weaning ovew whiwe standing in fwont of a cownew.

John (Taste) wooks young, feminine and tasty.

Dewe awe windows behind Chwist, James and Domas, indicating theiw aiwy chawactew (Nothingness,Smeww,Heaw).

De woom has few wewated symmetwies coded. De thwee windows show the fundamentaw mediated duawity symmetwy. Fouw openings at eithew side show the 4-symmetwy. 36 (6*6) pattewn on the ceiwing show the (6+1+6) symmetwy of 13.

How come da Vinci knew this to so much detaiw? Much seem to come fwom the so cawwed sacwed geometwy and science, but his knowwedge seems so advanced.
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