Klitzing wrote:[...]
What truely is fascinating here, that all these (from 3D onwards) can be considered as a 3 layered stack of vertex layers.
Klitzing wrote:There is a most remarkable dimensional sequence of polytopes, each having the same circumradius to edge length ratio of unity. Those are the expanded simplices. In fact those are the Stott expansion of the regular simplex of either dimension by its dual one. Most easily those polytopes are described by their Dynkin diagram.
Sphericality wrote:Thank you very much everyone for your replies -
I am in awe of the expertise here.
Sphericality wrote:A beginner's glossary of all the terms used
would make everything so much more useful to the uninitiated non-mathematician.![]()
I have been trying to find a good primer on Dynkin diagram basics.
In fact I would love to master the different notations used here on the Hi.gher space forums.
Googling them has so far produced only examples of complex Lie groups and worse.
All I want is an explanation for how these notations work with the basic polygons, polyhedrons and polytopes.
Did I miss one here on the forums ?
I have searched the Wiki and the Intro, and even made it to Bendwavy in my Googling.
Despite having what I think is a good conceptual grasp of higher space
I failed to find something about the notations basic enough for me.![]()
Sphericality wrote:I am still trying to understand how the triangular/tetrahedral honeycombs progress into higher dimensions.
I realise that in 3D the spaces between the tetra are octa, but what happens in 4D and beyond ?
Sphericality wrote:I note that in my original post that started this thread I made the grossly mistaken assumption that the
progression of kissing numbers from 6 to 12 to 24 would continue in some logically predictable way lol.
It seems the answer to my first question: what is the name and form of the 48 cell closest sphere packing in 5D ...
is that my assumption was incorrect and it is actually proven that the closest sphere packing in 5D has between 40 and 44 4D spheres,
and that figure has no name and is not a CRF ? Yes ?
Sphericality wrote:Do I understand correctly that @Klitzings answer to my second question is that the 5D VE is this form here
https://bendwavy.org/klitzing/incmats/spid.htm - called a Spid ?
And that the pattern does indeed continue to infinite dimensions ?Klitzing wrote:There is a most remarkable dimensional sequence of polytopes, each having the same circumradius to edge length ratio of unity. Those are the expanded simplices. In fact those are the Stott expansion of the regular simplex of either dimension by its dual one. Most easily those polytopes are described by their Dynkin diagram.
I think we 3 should continue somehow on that article, ain't we?student91 wrote:I have once written this down.
Yes, I guess so, My summer holiday starts in july, I could start then doing something about it. Last time we tried to collaborately make something of it I had the impression everybody just added everything they wanted to include about the subject. However, I think we should only include the fundamental concepts in order to make it as comprehensible as possible. I am far from happy with the thing I posted there, but it is a start. Considering this, Are you happy if I just try to do it on my own?Klitzing wrote:I think we 3 should continue somehow on that article, ain't we?
--- rk
student91 wrote:Yes, I guess so, My summer holiday starts in july, I could start then doing something about it. Last time we tried to collaborately make something of it I had the impression everybody just added everything they wanted to include about the subject. However, I think we should only include the fundamental concepts in order to make it as comprehensible as possible. I am far from happy with the thing I posted there, but it is a start. Considering this, Are you happy if I just try to do it on my own?Klitzing wrote:I think we 3 should continue somehow on that article, ain't we?
--- rkOf course you get to review it several times after I'm finished.
hmmm, I see your point. I think our main focus should be outlining the principles and ideas that underly the construction of the EKFs. Only when this is achieved people will be interested in articles full of lists (I think). Furthermore in my opinion the public domain does not yet have an comprehensible, complete and short explanation about the Coxeter-Dynkin notation.(It seems everyone here has his own explanation, I'm not sure my explanation is useful to people who don't understand it alreadyKlitzing wrote:Last time I retarded the process, cause we already have lots of EKFs, even way too much to enlist them all in a single article.
I think our work back then was fairly thorough, I think we will be able to proof completeness without a computer, given we restrict ourselves to the (in my opinion most interesting) .5.3.3.-symmetry. But again, my exams have my priority now. Feel free to write suggestions.But on the other hand those all had been selected manually. We well could have overlooked some. So it might be good not only to outline the process, but also to have some rigour in the to be presented part of the enlisting. E.g. something like completeness thereof. My last proposal of those days was to complement it possibly by some computer aided research. What would you think, could that be set up somehow? Or should we stick with the process only and presenting just some few examples?
--- rk
Klitzing wrote:There is a most remarkable dimensional sequence of polytopes, each having the same circumradius to edge length ratio of unity. Those are the expanded simplices. In fact those are the Stott expansion of the regular simplex of either dimension by its dual one. Most easily those polytopes are described by their Dynkin diagram.
- x3x = {6}
- x3o3x = co
- x3o3o3x = spid
- x3o3o3o3x = scad
- x3o3o3o3o3x = staf
- x3o3o3o3o3o3x = suph
- x3o3o3o3o3o3o3x = soxeb
- ...
What truely is fascinating here, that all these (from 3D onwards) can be considered as a 3 layered stack of vertex layers. The convex hull of the top one then is the corresponding simplex (of one dimension less) itself, which thus is a true facet of that polytope, the convex hull of the equatorial one then is rght that expanded simplex (of one dimension less), which thus happens to be a pseudo facet or crosssection, and the hull of the final, opposite one then is the dual simplex (of one dimension less), again a true facet of the polytope.
--- rk
Theorem 4.5. A regular simplex of dimension n can be inscribed in a hypercube
of dimension n if and only if n = 2^m − 1 for some m.
and the correction thereof:
Theorem 5.3. It is possible to inscribe a regular simplex of dimension n in a
hypercube of dimension n if and only if a Hadamard matrix of order n + 1 exists.
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