Hello, I've just finished this year of university, and thus I've receded to the CRF-polytopes again. Now I've been thinking about our current writing system. There seems to be some ambiguity on what e.g. x5o3o means: does the letter 'x' mean a value of 1, or a value of 1/2?
When you look at x5o3o as a coordinate in a skew coordinate system ("position polytope" I thought wendy called it), it would mean the initial vertex is at a distance 1 from one plane, and incident to the other planes. When you then reflect this, it would result in a dodecahedron with edges of length 2, instead of 1.
When x, on the other hand means a value of 1/2, (And thus f=ϕ/2), things go horribly wrong during the EKF-process. (You'd have huge amounds of 1/2's piling up, making the reflections all go more and more inward.)
So does x mean a value of 1, and do all of our polytopes secretly have edge-lengths of 2, or is something else going on?