x3o3x (top cuboctahedron)
x3f3o (top half of (upside-down) teddies)
F3x3o (end of teddies)
V3x3o (V=f+f, I think. This is half of the decagons)
F3f3o (not 100% sure about the f, this is 2nd last set of vertices of decagons)
/ \
x3B3o C3o3f (not sure what B and C are, this is last vertices of decagon and 2nd set of teddies)
\ /
f3x3D (2nd last layer of vertices of tetrids, not sure what D is)
o3x3f (last vertices of tetrids)
x3x3o (bottom cell, it turns out to be a truncated tetrahedron!)
apacs<0, √2, √2> ~ <-3*φ²/√2>
apecs<1/√2, 1/√2, (1+2*φ)/√2> ~ <-(3*φ+2)/√2>
apecs<φ²/√2, φ²/√2, (φ+3)/√2> ~ <-2*φ²/√2>
apecs<φ*√2, φ*√2, φ²*√2> ~ <-φ²/√2>
apecs<φ²/√2, φ²/√2, (1+3*φ)/√2> ~ <0>
apecs< 1/√2, 1/√2, (3+2*φ)/√2> ~ <φ/√2>
apecs<(2*φ-1)/√2, (2*φ+1)/√2, (2*φ+1)/√2> ~ <φ/√2>
apecs<1/(φ*√2), φ²/√2, (φ+3)/√2> ~ <2*φ/√2>
apecs<-φ/√2, φ/√2, (φ+2)/√2> ~ <(2*φ+1)/√2>
apecs<1/√2, 1/√2, 3/√2> ~ <3*φ/√2>
quickfur wrote:In other words, the "slope" of the J83's in the magnaursachoron relative to the chosen vertical axis is the same as the "slope" of the J62's in the tetrahedral ursachoron. So there ought to be some way to make a CRF closure of this tetrahedral configuration of J83's that resembles the closure of the tetrahedral ursachoron. The analogy ends there, however, because the magnaursachoron has quite a bit more cells that are needed to fill in all the gaps, and not all of them have direct analogues to the cells in the tetrahedral ursachoron. The relationship between the two is also not that straightforward, AFAICT, because I didn't really perform the construction as some kind of edge-truncation of the tetrahedral teddy, but started with 4 J83's in tetrahedral formation as the basis, and then tried to fill in the cells so that it would close up in a CRF way. So the relationship is rather complex, and probably should be thought more as a variety of different local Stott expansions of cells assembled together, rather than some global operation that derives the magnaursachoron directly from the tetrahedral teddy.
Klitzing wrote:"Magnaursachoron" sounds quite good to me.
"Cell-expanded (axially-)tetrahedral ursachoron" might work as well.
quickfur wrote:On a tangential note, due to the same correspondence between J62 and J83, I have been speculating for a while now that it should be possible to create a analogue of bidex with J83's instead of teddies, with suitable filler cells to close up the gaps. I'm pretty sure this should be some diminishing of x5o3x3o or x5o3x3x, but so far I haven't dared to attempt constructing it just yet, due to the sheer number of elements that must (currently) be manually selected and modified by hand. The resulting polychoron should have 48 J83's in the same arrangement as the teddies in bidex. (In fact, I'm pretty sure this diminishing must be already known due to its obvious analogy to bidex, probably by Jonathan Bowers and/or Klitzing et al.)
quickfur wrote:(In fact, now I feel tempted to examine every CRF we've ever found that sports teddies as cells, and substitute J83's for the teddies and see if the result is CRF-able.)
x3o o3f f3o o3x ike
o3x x3f F3o f3f o3F f3x x3o id
x3o x3f oF3Vx f3F V3x x3V F3f Vx3oF f3x o3x srid
x3o f3o o3x teddi
o3x F3o f3x x3o
x3o x3f F3x V3x F3f Vx3oF f3x o3x tedrid
quickfur wrote:In any case, looking at the cell configuration, it seems that it may not be possible to construct the analogue with octahedral symmetry after all -- because you would end up with 4 tetrids surrounding a cube
Keiji wrote:quickfur wrote:In any case, looking at the cell configuration, it seems that it may not be possible to construct the analogue with octahedral symmetry after all -- because you would end up with 4 tetrids surrounding a cube
Hang on - where does the cube come from? I don't see any tetrahedra in the tetrahedral magnaursachoron...
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