Universe Material System, Absolute Things in Universe

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Universe Material System, Absolute Things in Universe

Postby VishnuXXX » Tue May 11, 2004 8:08 am

Quantum Physic explain all about things or matter are in wave form or particle form. Like a light, is photon (like wave and particles too).

Relavity example(see Microsoft Encarta hehe):

In space ship that move near the c speed, with tools to record the time when light travel in short distance.
On the ship, the time is slower than on people who stay, and see the light on ship.

People Conclude that time is relative from the observer.
But if you think to record the time with another clock, light atom clock, sand clock, ar another clock at the ship, you still get the same time.

I think it's the effect from all matter that in c speed.
The matter system become change, so all proton electron , etc become more slower.

This prove that ether is really exist,, and proove that ether is the absolute things in this Universe. All wave and particle use ether for substrat.
When wave & particles (matter) in c speed, it relative from the ether that absolute, the matter system (material system become more slow down).

It is possible, that people on another galaxy have another age length from people on earth (andromeda move faster to Milky Way).

From Quantum Physic, I conclude the time doesn't exist, for go to past is imposible. If we go to future, it only can go to hundreds years (Enstein Relativity, distortion happen when we on the space ship with c speed).
And so we cannot go back, and we get older, and we need many years, to go to hundreds years.

It's not time machine, just want live longer than every one.

So Ether is the absolute ONE, and I conclude the ETHER is the GOD Substance.

If Ether can be manipulated, so we can make wave or particles go over the speed of light. And so we can Manipulated all things, change all things, that 4th Dimension people can do.
So it's explain all Magician at Television how they gone and David C, do for women and Lyberty statue, and so BERMUDA TRIANGLE that the ETHER become more Unstable, that make electronic matter not work.

Am I wrong?
Black Hole Worm Hole & White Hole
For Go to another Universe.
And For Back to our Universe.
The way we appear at the life star.
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Postby Geosphere » Tue May 11, 2004 4:18 pm

Again, the language here is fractured so that fine points are missed. I'm unsure what to reply, since I'm not sure if you mean what appears to be said, or if a language difficulty is changing your thoughts.
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Postby elpenmaster » Wed May 12, 2004 3:06 am

vishnu is saying that ether exists. vishnu's argument is that when you go near the speed of light, time appears to slow down. vishnu states that when you go near the speed of light, the electrons stop spinning as fast in their orbits, and this makes time go slower for the people going near the speed of light. vishnu states that the electrons slow down because they are moving quickly through the ether, and this friction slows them down. because the electrons are slowed down, all reactions of matter and the rate at which we percieve information and everything is slowed down
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Postby RQ » Wed May 12, 2004 7:52 am

This could all be as true as the sun, but I do believe the existence of ether was disproved by the Michelson-Morley experiment, which showed that light from the sun does not travel faster than light coming from any other star, therefore showing that space is an empty vacuum.

Science's goal is to find a set of laws which can accomodate to all observable events, and if that's not the case, we have these and we're doing a good job already.
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Postby elpenmaster » Sat May 15, 2004 4:54 am

well, actually, the michelson-morley experiment just proved that there is no ether that affects light. it could still affect electrons though
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