Time the 4th Dimension? Gravity the 4th Dimension?

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Time the 4th Dimension? Gravity the 4th Dimension?

Postby VishnuXXX » Tue May 11, 2004 8:01 am

Black Hole is The 4D object? Maybe Black Hole is The hole that made by "Emily's" tetranail. So we see the Black Hole is like the Hypersphere Hole, that can see from all direction. You know that, the 3d hole only can see in one direction, if we change, the hole become flat.

So that's why 4th Object that created up in 3d realms become more crazy.
Black hole with billion solar mass and have super Gravitation that light can't escape.

Why everybody things time is the 4th Dimension? In my opinion, the 4th dimension is Gravity acceleration. The Earth gravity accell same like the the gravity that happen when rocket in vaccum moves with acceleration. We see the earth only move circle and revolute.
So why gravity accel appear? Quantum Physic cannot explain it.

If we think the Gravity is the 4th Dimension (coz time doesn't exist), so the earth and another planet and star are move in 4th Dimension direction.

What's Affect The Gravity accell?
1. Planet Diameter
2. Mass
3. Distance between mass.
4. etc, I dunno.

The Gravity is one Magical things that happen, but in 4th Dimension, Gravitation accel can happen without Distortion Mind.

If we can prove, what's thing that in earth and another star or planet that 4th D hole that created by 3D objects material that distorted coz of pressure.

That Explain Blackhole Gravity too, coz the distortion from pressure is really Superhigh from collapses of the star.

Galaxies have Black Hole at the center, coz the distortion of high mass of the Billion of Star that turning around that black hole.
If there no star there no Black Hole, if no Black Hole there's no Galaxies. Crazy Looks like.
So it looks like a System that make Galaxies.
When The Tetranail Close Black Hole, so We Will see the DoomsDay in our Galaxy.

Am I Wrong??? Just My Imagination!
Black Hole Worm Hole & White Hole
For Go to another Universe.
And For Back to our Universe.
The way we appear at the life star.
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Postby Geosphere » Tue May 11, 2004 4:16 pm

I find this post unreadable. Are you using a translator program?
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Postby Keiji » Tue May 11, 2004 5:08 pm

I wouldn't think so - according to that post's IP, his/her ISP is http://cogentco.com/ , which is English. :?
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Postby elpenmaster » Wed May 12, 2004 2:57 am

vishnu is saying that he/she believes that black holes are caused by 4th dimensional matter being driven through our 3-d universe

vishnu is also stating the opinion that the 4th dimension is what causes the force of gravity
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Postby RQ » Wed May 12, 2004 7:46 am

Well, first thanx elpen for the translation, I stopped after the 3rd sentence.
But, not to criticize, but to the point, gravity is "H" shaped gravitons which as far as I know are all superstrings, which create the laws of physics as it was mentioned somewhere. Simple as that, if you want to find out more about gravity check out a search engine like google. If gravity was indeed from the 4th dimension, we wouldn't have laws and theories that so clearly describe the movement of heavenly bodies.
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