Have any one draw 4d pictures with an artist style?

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Have any one draw 4d pictures with an artist style?

Postby arsenic » Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:25 pm

Has any one drawn 4d pictures with an artistic style?
Today most people draw only mathmetician style
but has anyone tried to draw 4d pictures with artistic style?

I have tried to draw them an I have found that draw 4d pictures with artist style is very fun

the picture I have drawed is nature picture of 4d
and the picture make me feel fun
river will be 3d object and tree in 4d is beatiful

tree in 4d is make from brown cubinder for bottom part
and the upperpart(leaves) is some kind of green 4d cone
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Postby arsenic » Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:59 am

I think drawing a 4d food would be fun

a 4d pizza will contain a lot of 4d objects
and it is fun to see it

drawing a 4d object in an artist style can also help people to understand
4d picture easier

When I draw a 4d object in an artist style I usually write direction lines (it is a line that tell me a directon such as x,y,z,w) to help me understand
the picture easier

some people have a problem when see 4d pictures because they see only
a lot of 3d objects overlaped in 3d world

It is similar to fred see a lot of square stacked in Z direction and he think those square overlaped in 2d
but in fact those square is not overlapped They are just stacked in other
direction that is not existed in 2d

in 3d we can understand 3d object in paper because we used to live in 3d world so we can understand that line in the paper which is not a stright
line is a stright line in other direction(Z direction) but fred will think that line is just a line that is not a stright line in 2d direction

so I usually draw directional line when I draw a 4d picture to make me understand that some 3d objects in the 4d picture is not overlapped but
it is just stacked in other direction(W direction=marp and garp)
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Postby BClaw » Wed Feb 25, 2004 10:20 am

<snicker> I might just try to draw a 4D pizza! I can image a spherical pizza with a bumpy outer shell, spherical blobs of pepperoni.... We'll see! :wink:
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Postby Aale de Winkel » Wed Feb 25, 2004 11:57 am

Well eh perhaps you can view the impossible pictures by M.C. Escher in a way artistic 4d pictures, I don't know.

However the staircase that moves always downwards returning onto itself at the highest(?) point of the stairs remains essentially a 2d staircase, the downward move is impossible in a real 3d building.

Also the perpetuumly flowing river is still a normal river, but just as the simular staircase above is impossible in 3 dimensions

That darn E where the top and bottom opening ends like a cylinder while the middle horizontal ends in open space.

En fin, you probably kow the objects, might these be real objects in tetraspace.

I don''t know wheter Escher also has a picture of the Kleins Flask, (probably), but certainly also artistic versions of this object probably are around.

I know Escher based his pictures on the mathematics behind them, but certainly you also view them artistic.

The ant on the mobiüs belt, might have as counterpart some trionian on some Kleins Flask road(?).

Interesting project.
Aale de Winkel
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Postby RQ » Fri Feb 27, 2004 3:40 am

I know an optical illusion of MC Escher's. It represented the ol' E=mc2 equation, where the water flows up an impossible waterway and down again.
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