non-dimensional being & consciousness

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Postby thigle » Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:55 am

But I never saw you developing new scenarios or applicate your knowledge to concrete situations.

check out my 200 and something posts, and tell me again that i never develop anything, or that i don't apply at all.
i surely do 'perceive' more than i do of 'willing', contrary to the massive majority that tries to DO it. things are self explanatory, no need to force them, i just abide.

you say:
The top of this kind of discussing I already told: that you claim there is no self or it is a misconception, and if you explained one you also explained other. And on the other hand still use 'I' and 'you' and distinct between them. And then explaining that there is nothing to bring to together.

E X A C T L Y. and you don't get it, as i've seen you not getting it all this thread, that's why i am still trying. :?


how can one claim no self to things and subjects,
...and still distinct them ?
and even explain then that ther's nothing to bring together ?"

RE: (using mirroring process analogy)
let's travel a little mi(c)roRing, looking at the mirroring:
a mirror has nothing in itself, it's empty, that's why it shows spontaneously(beyond willing) whatever is put in front of it, your face, my face, world's face.
so the mirror's essence is emptiness, void, nothingness, it has no self, no own face, it's very essence is essencelessness. mirror's essence is invisibility.
but STILL, regardless of, and just because of that, it doesn't stop mirroring ! it FUNCTIONS continually, it mirrors whatever.
so it DISTINCTS all the time, despite and because of being empty: each object has its image (a subjective manifestation from the POV of mirror), this duality of object-image is what mirroring brings about due to its openess.

then it's a matter of simple glance, to perceive that there's nothing to bring together. mirror cannot mirror without what to mirror, images(representations) cannot appear without objects of which they are images, mirroring cannot happen without the other reflection space and object space. the whole mirroring is indivisible, only the whole triality is what can be called "mirroring".

This is for me: saying one thing and doing the other thing.

is it still, after thinking through the above 'mirroring' symbolic explanation ?

And you must admit that it is quite unrealistic that I run to the library, lend the collected works of Husserl, only to realize after, that it was completely irrelevant for what I try to develop here.

i surely admit that it's quite unrealistic that you run into library and chew through husserl's manuscripts. :lol: that's why i gave you essentials, to avoid that ! you react again to a different thing form what i meant. (you see ?) i meant what i wrote and that was that the thinking on Idea/Essence distinction took place already, that it was not my own distinction, and i gave you reference for those who gave the gifts of their thoughts to these matters, which you didn't. and i was doing that just in reaction to your accuse that it's me who's inventing these distictions. which you did instead of understanding them.

In the same way irrelevant as the 5 skandhas and the 4 buddhistic truths are to the mason that wants to build a house.

that nothing that you can back up, apart from your Doxa - or personal opinion, Plato's dual to Ratio. Doxa/Ration - which one you think your above statement belongs to ?
actually it's quite the opposite: these are higly relevant to the mason, only if he knew them. but your affective ignorance blinds you, and you don't wanna know what you don't know already, like a baby that doesn't want to eat some food that it never tried yet, but it just refuses stubbornly to try it, claiming in tears "I DONT LIKE IT!"
If you have something relevant, I guess it (s relevance) is explainable in simple words and examples.

if the above mirroring analogy is not as simple in words and as an exemple, give a better one for that level of complexity (that includes objectivity, subjectivity, as well as the perception(projection) process).

In the same way as I explained you, that self-reference does not cause problems in the development here and in the development of mathematical logic.

it was not me starting talking about problem of pseudo-self-referentiality, nor did i present self-referentiality as a problem, nowher. i claimed it's essential to certain feedbackloops in perceptual dynamics, and that's what was the issue.
...avoiding the content of what was said.

maybe i am too broad for some, but then, why keeping your horizons fixed ? continually explanding horizons, coming back from infinity, flipped and glowing...
and don't you mean 'your content', as You understand it ? every content is contained somewhere, it has context. meanin of content is context-dependent. and you cannot suppose that your context is other's context, in the same way that you ain't jinidu. in the same way, you mean I and You differently form how i mean it, although it might seem syntactically same, semantically (contex-drivenly) it is different.

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Postby bo198214 » Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:31 pm

First a bit of discussion style:
you don't get it, as i've seen you not getting it all

which you did instead of understanding them

but your affective ignorance blinds you

you don't wanna know what you don't know already, like a baby that doesn't want to eat some food that it never tried yet, but it just refuses stubbornly to try it, claiming in tears "I DONT LIKE IT!"

perhaps you were unable to refine enough

you did not understand me well, because you cannot observe well

This is not what I regard an upright discussion style. It s not even useful, or do you think, you convince me by blaming me?! I know myself that much self discipline is necessary to discuss by arguments. Maybe we despite can agree on this.

Next: you are not my teacher! Only for the case you feeling as such. Which one could guess not only by reading:
godamnit, bo i thought you more open ! here, an attitude-vitamin:
buddhist heuristics 1(of4): "...on teacher's message not his personality...on what is meant (intent), not just on the words...on ever-fresh awareness, not on judgemental awareness...on what is definitive, not on what is provisional"

Now to proceed.
thigle wrote:check out my 200 and something posts, and tell me again that i never develop anything, or that i don't apply at all.
What I most perceive of you is, that this or that must not be seen this and that way, but your way, otherwise either it does not work or the person is a bad guy. If you can not convince someone of something you think is true, its your fault and not that of the person to be convinced.

RE: (using mirroring process analogy)
let's travel a little mi(c)roRing, looking at the mirroring:
a mirror has nothing in itself, it's empty, that's why it shows spontaneously(beyond willing) whatever is put in front of it, your face, my face, world's face.
so the mirror's essence is emptiness, void, nothingness, it has no self, no own face, it's very essence is essencelessness. mirror's essence is invisibility.
but STILL, regardless of, and just because of that, it doesn't stop mirroring ! it FUNCTIONS continually, it mirrors whatever.
so it DISTINCTS all the time, despite and because of being empty: each object has its image (a subjective manifestation from the POV of mirror), this duality of object-image is what mirroring brings about due to its openess.

So, this seems to me the first time, that you uttered something one can work with. So let us start, I see two problematic points:
1. it assumes already a reality where the mirror, the objects and images are contained in. So it resembles the approach objectivity->subjectivity, and not my approach here subjectivity->objectivity.
2. The mirror distincts "you" and "me". And in your terms my question was then how does the mirror perform this?
2.1 What are (the objects/images?) "you" and "me". Are this again mirrors?

This is for me: saying one thing and doing the other thing.

is it still, after thinking through the above 'mirroring' symbolic explanation ?
The mirror explanation *is* what I call "bringing together your worlds". Whether it is successful (for me) I can not yet say. (And is also not that important as actually doing it.)

you react again to a different thing form what i meant. (you see ?)

No I dont see, and I strongly encourage you to stop using preoccupied philosophical terminology, if you want to be understood by me.

In the same way irrelevant as the 5 skandhas and the 4 buddhistic truths are to the mason that wants to build a house.

that nothing that you can back up

Thigle, this a really simple and obvious case: regardless whether masons know the 5 skandas and 4 truths they can build a house in the same quality. So it is irrelevant for them. If you deny the most obvious things, only because they dont fit into your conception, there is no base to discuss anything. You not even care to explain why it should be relevant (instead you start to offend me).

If you have something relevant, I guess it (s relevance) is explainable in simple words and examples.

if the above mirroring analogy ...
the mirroring analogy was a good start explaining things with normal words, so it is understandable to a broad set of people (including me), I am looking forward to see this more often.

Though of course "I understand you" does not mean "I agree with you" or "I follow you". What was maybe the misunderstanding here:
if you understood me well, why did you state
I can not quite follow you.

nor did i present self-referentiality as a problem, nowher.

Then you should read again what you wrote:
so to consider consciousness, you cannot use (simple) consiousness,
you can but then its your problem and stuck you are
I would consider these as problems.

and don't you mean 'your content', as You understand it ? every content is contained somewhere, it has context.

Yes, I mean my content and my opinion in my context. And that is what makes a useful discussion: talking in the same context.
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Postby thigle » Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:06 pm

First a bit of discussion style:
you don't get it, as i've seen you not getting it all

which you did instead of understanding them

but your affective ignorance blinds you

you don't wanna know what you don't know already, like a baby that doesn't want to eat some food that it never tried yet, but it just refuses stubbornly to try it, claiming in tears "I DONT LIKE IT!"

perhaps you were unable to refine enough

you did not understand me well, because you cannot observe well

This is not what I regard an upright discussion style. It s not even useful, or do you think, you convince me by blaming me?!

those are not blames, those are mirrorings, my glances. you might not like that, even consider it blaming, i am sorry for that, but these are plain observations, my critical observations. you don't have to take it seriuosly, depending on how you think you, which seems again as so many times before to differ from how i mean i. which is ok, and i don't blame you, just that it's not nothing.
as for an upright discussion style i prefer gently rough and edgy one to upright. but that's ok, you don't have to switch faith :lol:
I know myself that much self discipline is necessary to discuss by arguments. Maybe we despite can agree on this.

Next: you are not my teacher! Only for the case you feeling as such. Which one could guess not only by reading:
godamnit, bo i thought you more open ! here, an attitude-vitamin:
buddhist heuristics 1(of4): "...on teacher's message not his personality...on what is meant (intent), not just on the words...on ever-fresh awareness, not on judgemental awareness...on what is definitive, not on what is provisional"

you are my teacher as i am your teacher. i learn you learn. you teach i teach. i don't know what else we're talking for.
you know it's like your perception input and will output that you stated in the top of this thread. remember ?
and whether I seem lovely as person or not or whether my discussion style is politically correct or just fucked up rant-like roar, is irrelevant to the crux of what's important(let you have it) in our discussion - the meaning. (which is rougly why those heuristics were mentioned)
What I most perceive of you is, that this or that must not be seen this and that way, but your way, otherwise either it does not work or the person is a bad guy. If you can not convince someone of something you think is true, its your fault and not that of the person to be convinced.

that's inaccurate. bad guys live only in the worlds of blaming, wherewhen personalities function. it's noone's fault ! it's a just a cosmic joke, an accident. :shock: :lol:

after I use the mirror metaphor for 3rd (!) time in this thread, it passes through your attention threshold and you claim:
So, this seems to me the first time, that you uttered something one can work with.
? :twisted:.

to proceed,
So let us start, I see two problematic points:
1. it assumes already a reality where the mirror, the objects and images are contained in. So it resembles the approach objectivity->subjectivity, and not my approach here subjectivity->objectivity.
2. The mirror distincts "you" and "me". And in your terms my question was then how does the mirror perform this?
2.1 What are (the objects/images?) "you" and "me". Are this again mirrors?

ad1. you can break the mirror, but once you explored it fully, it dissappears anyway.
but if you wanna have it, well that space is 'The body, as the common ground for objectivity and (inter)subjectivity', the lived body, the embodied mind, the spirit that is the body,

btw, you state in the first post of this thread that:
1. What I really know, that I perceive something (subjectiveness).
you can see that you cannot really do without object(your 'something') even if you wanna start with just subjectivity, you t(r)icked in the first one already. knowing that one perceives something is far from just subjectivity.
my approach is not o->s nor s->o, it's a constant bifurcating process, constant cutting-through of totality of input(objective as well as subjective perception), by the very presence of faculty of output(objective as well as subjective).
i mean, we're talking about processs, not a structure, right ? i mean, consciousness is not a thing, an entity, its eventing, or processing. or at least a dynamic structure.
so whether the metaphor resembles o->s or s->o is not what it is, it precedes this distinction, by its very indivisibility. before one can state subject or object, there's this space of intersubjective raw experience, the space of awareness. you see, o&s are two points on a rolling circle that feeds on time-flow, the nature's thrust.

ad2. you and me are not distinct by the mirror, mirror just distincts totality of experience into objective and subjective modalities of appearance, like 2 image-spaces or something. it doesn't distinct you from me from stone from flower, it just unintentionally spontaneously mirrors, there's no will in it. it can show "me" in your subjective experience-space or you can shake my objectively appearing hand (in which case subjective feeling run parallel in subjective mirror-space, together with that 'objective' experience of hand-shaking.) it makes no difference to the mirror whether you're me or i you or who's bad boy and who's good boy. it just mirrors.
it does this by its very being, no mystery, just contemplate mirror. it is its essence to mirror by its very presence.
mirroring is a metaphor of invisible distincting.

ad2.1. that's an interesting question, without that "you"and"me" part, which is inadequate as i explained in ad2 above.
objects+subjects/their images before they are distinct, are the raw energy of experience, the Hyle (or 'forest-stuff'), what 'tantra' means etymologically, in tibetan rgyud, which is continuity, or chain-reaction, incessant flow, the very facticity of the timeflow, of the change ! the facticity of the time-dimension of what you call (inadequately-sorry) reality.
so objects and subjects are just distinctions made due to habitual mode of grasping experience, which is mirroring. but there's no need to break the mirror too soon, one might want to look again, and there would be nothing to see nor even anyone to look. how scary.

you react again to a different thing from what i meant. (you see ?)
No I dont see, and I strongly encourage you to stop using preoccupied philosophical terminology, if you want to be understood by me.

if you wanna understand me, then don't wobble that much on terminologies, philosophical or whatever, words are not equivalents to meanings ! i understand your stance in this thread, but i am having all this vast conversation with you it due to the fact that i disagree on your approach, and i believe methods predetermine results and so one cannot succeed at what one aims at if one reduces that much from beginning. and get attentive and read in objective text-context and interpret in your subjective personal-context.
In the same way irrelevant as the 5 skandhas and the 4 buddhistic truths are to the mason that wants to build a house.

that nothing that you can back up

Thigle, this a really simple and obvious case: regardless whether masons know the 5 skandas and 4 truths they can build a house in the same quality. So it is irrelevant for them. If you deny the most obvious things, only because they dont fit into your conception, there is no base to discuss anything. You not even care to explain why it should be relevant (instead you start to offend me).

bo, they can not build the house in the same quality. how can you claim that ? they are not robots, they have subjectivity, they are individuals. so they don't do nothing when they build the house. their thoughts run, their feelings mingle, tingle or stress them, their conceptions make them more or less attentive to this or that, their learning either is running or they are degenerating into stereotype, they either refine their techniques, or just mechanically apply rules, etc. and they also don't build a house in 1 run, they go home, live their lifes, talk to others an sleep.
we are not mechanisms, so whatever we do, we do it as open systems. the more we act as closed ones, the more we approach mechanism and less resemble organisms.
and the 4 truths and the skandhas are tools to live life easier and more in truth to its suchness, and that can surely help mason to build a house better, or faster, etc. if he has his personal life messed up, he even might not come to work and the house doesn't get finished.
and again, i don't offend you. who are you that you can get offended anyway. ? what is that 'you' ? surely not what is this 'i', as this 'i' cannot get offended. i don't identify with words, i don't identify with i. :lol:

nor did i present self-referentiality as a problem, nowhere
Then you should read again what you wrote:
so to consider consciousness, you cannot use (simple) consiousness,

you can but then its your problem and stuck you are

i would consider these as problems.

i would not. i stand up to that again: you can do it(to consider consciousness using (simple) consciousness), but it doesn't bring understanding/results. you yourself wrote :
Thatswhy I mentioned that you only detected a pseudo-self-reference. When I try to observe how I observe, I come into difficulties.

and whatsmore, you didn't sexplained (though i asked that) what do you consider pseudo and what proper self-reference.

btw, instead of going to library, i have a good trick to get you many of the books from Advances in Consciousness Research, published by John Benjamins. it's in your message box. :wink:
especially Varela's 'On Becoming Aware: the pragmatics of experience', you might like to read perhaps, but these are many mind-blowing ones, you gonna love it.
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Postby bo198214 » Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:23 am

thigle wrote:those are not blames, those are mirrorings, my glances. you might not like that, even consider it blaming, i am sorry for that, but these are plain observations, my critical observations. you don't have to take it seriuosly, depending on how you think you, which seems again as so many times before to differ from how i mean i. which is ok, and i don't blame you, just that it's not nothing.
as for an upright discussion style i prefer gently rough and edgy one to upright. but that's ok, you don't have to switch faith :lol:

and whether I seem lovely as person or not or whether my discussion style is politically correct or just fucked up rant-like roar, is irrelevant to the crux of what's important(let you have it) in our discussion - the meaning.

and again, i don't offend you. who are you that you can get offended anyway. ? what is that 'you' ? surely not what is this 'i', as this 'i' cannot get offended. i don't identify with words, i don't identify with i. :lol:

Here you again say one thing and do the other: You say (correspondingly) "that bit edginess is not to be taken seriously", but you were very offended, when noticing the (misunderstood) buddhism insult.

See, I have heard so many times (especially esotericly inclined) people stating , for example:
"That does not much affect me, I take it with serenity."
"I am happy (with my partner)."
"I have no problems with death."
And in every case it was facade. A mental attitude only valid as long as it does not depend on. And buddhism philosphy (and that of most religions and esoteric streams) indeed invites to merely take the attitude without the substance. (Thatswhy for me its about doing.)

Perhaps I should also mention that my note about discussion style was mainly intended to protect you. And there is also a sense for integrity and I wondered whether I could make it appeal to you. (And this has by far nothing to do with being "nice person".)

you are my teacher as i am your teacher. i learn you learn. you teach i teach. ...

Bah, I was speaking about the teacher-pupil-relation. It even has a certain stronger flavor in buddhism. And not about learning something from someone other. You again avoid contents.

after I use the mirror metaphor for 3rd (!) time in this thread, it passes through your attention threshold

You *use* and mention a lot, I can also use many things you never have heard of. See? If you explain something, then damn do it with context (especially words), understandable to the listener! You even state
if you wanna understand me, then don't wobble that much on terminologies, philosophical or whatever, words are not equivalents to meanings !

So and how is the meaning conveyed? Via words. And what happens if the meaning of the words differs between the discussion partners? confusion. Of course it is absolutely irrelevant insisting on using words in a common context, what only counts is the meaning *ironicly* :evil:.

So back to the mirror metaphor. Indeed you *explained* it overall 2 (!)times. At least it passes my attention threshold at all. What one can not say about you, regarding my base assumptions/questions of this thread. I even heard of the mirror analogy. When I read it first in my youth it was in context how materialism explaines consciousness, not to say that it was one of the greatest nonsense I ever heard (bit exaggerated). And though you dont mention it in materialism context, it has materialism context as I already stated. So if you want to discuss the mirror analogy please open a new thread.

I also realize over the time of our discussion, that the typical philosophical discussion type is not my cup of tea. It is about saying this and that has to do with this and that and this can be seen by looking at this or that analogy. I prefer clear and reliable conclusions and statements near to mathematical rigorousness (when I argue).

1. What I really know, that I perceive something (subjectiveness).
you can see that you cannot really do without object(your 'something') even if you wanna start with just subjectivity, you t(r)icked in the first one already.

No, you are tricked in your hidden objectivity-assumption ("what really IS"). My "something" is in no way an object it is the percept.

knowing that one perceives something is far from just subjectivity.
yes, it is what I call self-objectiveness (perhaps as the knower of philosophical terminology you can tell me how one would call it there, before of course you must understand what I meant with it.)

The rest of ad1 and ad2(.1) is all inconclusive (this superior word I learned from Wendy!) babble not coming to the point. (insert a smiley if you want)

If you want to show that some contemplation is wrong, then the acceptable way for me is to lead it to a contradiction. And not to simply impose a completely different system and assert that this is the true one. Of course leading something to a contradiction is much more difficult, because first one must transform the own terminology into the other as far as possible.

bo, they can not build the house in the same quality
Ok, here we have simply a different opinion. I never have heard that buddhist builders are favoured over other, or even about great buddhist builders.

i would consider these as problems.

i would not. i stand up to that again: you can do it(to consider consciousness using (simple) consciousness), but it doesn't bring understanding/results.

*boring* mathematical logic does exactly this (what regards the self-references) and brings understanding/results. So self-reference can not be the point.

and whatsmore, you didn't sexplained (though i asked that) what do you consider pseudo and what proper self-reference.

"sexplained" *gg* *nudge*
No, I didnt explain because it was not that important and the term was not well-chosen. I meant pseudo-self-reference simply a self-reference that does not hurt, is not important, has no grip, dont causes problems.

instead of going to library

I already have a book "Bewusstsein" by Metzinger (though not here yet but lend to someone), which contains collected articles to the topic. I hate reading long texts (and this book is thick). And I couldnt find some striking ideas or solutions in it either.

ADD: I wonder what book this was, where I read about the mirror analogy. Was it Ouspensky "Tertium Organum"? Do you perhaps know it? Except the mirror analogy, it appealed very sophisticated to me and I could agree with everything. (*dwelling in memories*)
Last edited by bo198214 on Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby moonlord » Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:06 pm

You seem to be using only the Buddhist phylosophy, although there are many more. But that's not the point. The discussion still seems to 'get off the track' of consciousness to a topic about (more or less) general phylosophy. Taking into consideration that this is (again, more or less) a math-related forum, I'll try to apply PWrong's example (the one on the Time Travel thread) and stick to platonic logic. This should not be taken as flaming against your or thigle's (more or less) phylosophycal approach, but as a different approach on the problem itself ('the core').

Therefore, I'll try to state the basis in axiom-form and try to derive conclusions ('theorems') from these. But before that, I'd like to state that I see the problem closely related to the subjectivity/objectivity one. I see thus that we should first try to solve that problem, closely related to bo's 'first level' of consciousness, and then apply or someway drive conclusions further.
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Postby bo198214 » Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:54 pm

To progress a bit, I will explain what an object (under the assumptions of this thread) is.

As thought model for (visual) consciousness I again use the computer metaphor. There is the monitor corresponding to the optical perception and there is keyboard and mouse corresponding to the will. And there runs an ego-shooter on the computer. So the completely unconditioned subject (as I would assume a baby nearly has) notices that there something happens on the monitor. Then it tries several keys on the keyboard and watches results in the perception. For example if it presses the up key all points shift down, if it presses the right key all points shift left. If it presses several times the right key the same image is seen as in the beginning (rotation 360°). That way space perception is developed, i.e. a second monitor grows perhaps with a map and a point on it for the current location.
Note: I dont claim that human consciousness develops that way, for example there is no shift oft points, because the optical system does not work via pixels. And there are much more senses, including the own mind. While the optical system has no forcing character, there are other perceptions that are heavily pleasant or unpleasant: for example hunger and sex.

So back to our model. Equally to developing space perception, of course also the space will can develop, i.e. there grow new keys, for example the key "I want to look back", "I want to look right", "I want to move to the light/dark place", etc. And hand in hand also develops the object perception. An intuitive abstraction is made, that certain pixel-groups follow geometrical transformations (movements) and one can (will-)grab them. The subject also realizes the forcefulness of running against a rock or so (it hurts and its impossible to move further that direction).

Till now we have explained (objects and) self-objectivity. I.e. the subject realizes certain laws in its perception and will and becomes able to reach certain goals (grabbing an apple for example) for sure. And this confidence that things always will behave this way and the goal can reached always this way, is objectively true for this subject. And I call it self-objectivity in contrast to things that have to be sure for almost all people. Though this is not applicable in the moment, because the subject has no concept yet of self, world and especially not of "other people". The self-objectivity is not restricted to what we would call reality for the subject, but can also concern to reliably produce certain mental images, or for example the proper use of memory (which is still one of things that waits to become explained, because it seems essential for a subject to have memory, or isnt it?).
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Postby moonlord » Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:26 pm

What you describe here sound very similar to what my informatics teacher told me one day. He was talking about AI used in robotics, and I remember most things were similar. However, I hadn't enough time to build a robot and program it. Maybe this summer.
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Postby thigle » Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:48 pm

bo wrote:
Here you again say one thing and do the other: You say (correspondingly) "that bit edginess is not to be taken seriously", but you were very offended, when noticing the (misunderstood) buddhism insult.

to refresh the memory, i wrote: claimed buddhism being about doing, now it's about putting things into label-drawers. :cry: don't insult buddhism, have nothing to do with th issue and cannot defend, only through silence. if you can't or don't want to use it, ok, just state "no more x-ism in my thread" and i respect that. but if you don't see that it's just words we use to make more refined distinctions that can we feedback with experience, thus refining it as well,...

you surely agree, now that you see clearly what i wrote, that your "you were very offended" is more than inappropriate, as i was not offended at all. i just pointed out the inadequacy of what you stated about buddhism.
though you're right that the emphasis, the touchstone fo buddhism, is experience, one's own authentic experience.
but that doesn't necessarily mean dualizing thinking(talking) and doing. non-action is not this or that. it's not even neither.

then you say:
See, I have heard so many times (especially esotericly inclined) people stating , for example:
"That does not much affect me, I take it with serenity."
"I am happy (with my partner)."
"I have no problems with death."
And in every case it was facade. A mental attitude only valid as long as it does not depend on. And buddhism philosphy (and that of most religions and esoteric streams) indeed invites to merely take the attitude without the substance. (Thatswhy for me its about doing.)

i am not esoterically inclined. i am dialectically turning around both exo- and eso- teric teachings of all the cultures and time-periods i can come across. that's why i see your inclination towards "it being about doing" as dualism, just a reaction to another extreme (the 'esoteric people's' failure to live up to their lofty ideals)

you are my teacher as i am your teacher. i learn you learn. you teach i teach. ...

Bah, I was speaking about the teacher-pupil-relation. It even has a certain stronger flavor in buddhism. And not about learning something from someone other. You again avoid contents.

now i admit i must have completely misunderstood you. i dont know then how you meant it first time you mentioned it, nor do i understand it now.
what contents do i again avoid ?
or did you mean 'exclusively one-way relationship?' like teacher>student ? if so then my last post in Tetraspace Beings on the difference between duality & dualism, and especially the part on what is dualistic tendency in (thought/expression/action) is appropriate to you. then yes, you can consider it one-way, and i might seem to you as teacher.
but that would be a misunderstanding, an inappropriate generalisation.
andWhatsMore, in buddhism, if you mention it, the teacher-pupil relationship is in different context totally. the pupil is not a specialist in certain knowledge-domain, and is not usually leading life independent of living with his teacher - master. he completely relies on him/her, and especially, what master transmits is essentially a state of Being, not this or that information or knowledge-structure in text-based form, as we do here.. so it's up to the pupil to figure it out authentically - to do it personally, and thus to transcend the need for external objective master by finding the true Guru withi him/herself - to actualize one's own primal mindful awareness.

after I use the mirror metaphor for 3rd (!) time in this thread, it passes through your attention threshold
You *use* and mention a lot, I can also use many things you never have heard of. See? If you explain something, then damn do it with context (especially words), understandable to the listener!

you can and you do. that's what makes it interesting for me: the difference of expressions over identical base. and as far as the context goes, it's always present, you just choose to ignore it sometimes, like with quoting the builder-exemple from my last post in this thread without context, where it was clearly ex.plained within its validity-context, of when does it apply. you cut it out, paste it and deny it, even telling me to mind context. oh bo.

You even state
if you wanna understand me, then don't wobble that much on terminologies, philosophical or whatever, words are not equivalents to meanings !

So and how is the meaning conveyed? Via words. And what happens if the meaning of the words differs between the discussion partners? confusion. Of course it is absolutely irrelevant insisting on using words in a common context, what only counts is the meaning *ironicly* :twisted:

yes i do state that. and that's what i mean. i mean we can communicate even if our words differ greatly, if we can see where their meanings overlap. it's not a confusion, a problem ,it's a possibility to unify global structure of both discussion-partners into a coherent whole allowing to talk about the same in other words.
the meaning is not conveyed via words only, perhaps not even mainly. the meaning is conveyed via the words, their syntax & grammar, and their context. and it (the meaning) 's (usually, if one is) interpreted.
though it is true that meaning in text-based discussion is more words-dependent than in actual body & speech-based communication.

So back to the mirror metaphor. Indeed you *explained* it overall 2 (!)times. At least it passes my attention threshold at all. What one can not say about you, regarding my base assumptions/questions of this thread. I even heard of the mirror analogy. When I read it first in my youth it was in context how materialism explaines consciousness, not to say that it was one of the greatest nonsense I ever heard (bit exaggerated). And though you dont mention it in materialism context, it has materialism context as I already stated. So if you want to discuss the mirror analogy please open a new thread.

if your base assumptions did not pass my attention, i would not react so much to them, even though you seem to think i react to somethink else now.
second, you ignore semantics, that's why you can write what i put into italics in the above quote. that 'mirror analogy' and the one i mentioned are not the same just because they are both under the same word-label of 'mirror analogy'. there are myriads of mirror analogies, some even very stupid, and the one i stated i a certain particular one, not some other, or even general 'mirror analogy'. it's even a question if such a thing as general 'mirror analogy' or 'chair' or 'self' or whatever even exists.
therfore, i didn't want to discuss some 'miror analogy' as such. i found it partly structurally coupled with your perception/will formulation and so i just offered it. i won't start a new thread on it, nor will i elaborate on it anymore if you didn't find it useful yet.

1. What I really know, that I perceive something (subjectiveness).

you can see that you cannot really do without object(your 'something') even if you wanna start with just subjectivity, you t(r)icked in the first one already.

No, you are tricked in your hidden objectivity-assumption ("what really IS"). My "something" is in no way an object it is the percept.

hey man ! you flippin again. i don't say forget objectivity :evil: ! i say it's unavoidably both at the same time, if there's one, there's other as well, no way round it !
and with that "something...not is percept", you kiddin us both? percept is object ! there is perceiver-perception-percept. what's so difficult about it ? triadic format of (agent - action - object of action).
for any sense(perception): sense-consciousness/sense-organ/sense-field. it's all in your above sentence (I(agent) / percepive (action) / something (object of action).
i suppose you don't wanna argue that 'something' from your sentence is not the object of action of 'I' from your sentence.
so again, in your base there's FROM THE START the polarity of subject/object. IT IS ONE STRUCTURE GODAMIT ! (insert 'furious & mad ' emoticon here )


I also realize over the time of our discussion, that the typical philosophical discussion type is not my cup of tea. It is about saying this and that has to do with this and that and this can be seen by looking at this or that analogy. I prefer clear and reliable conclusions and statements near to mathematical rigorousness (when I argue).

you see, you prefer structure over relation. broad connectivity brings undecidability, and that is not desired by certain mindsets. it needs other skills to navigate the fuzzy.

The rest of ad1 and ad2(.1) is all inconclusive (this superior word I learned from Wendy!) babble not coming to the point. (insert a smiley if you want)

just parroting a word without understanding its challenge, (same as with 'self-referentiality' which links with undecidability which equals inconclusiveness) is nothing to celebrate. :shock:
and those ad1 & ad2.1, well yeah, they were quite modality-free expressions for your habitual mind to grasp (as you can see from your statement of its inconclusiveness).
but if you think so, let you have it.

If you want to show that some contemplation is wrong, then the acceptable way for me is to lead it to a contradiction. And not to simply impose a completely different system and assert that this is the true one. Of course leading something to a contradiction is much more difficult, because first one must transform the own terminology into the other as far as possible.

i never wanted to show that your contemplation is wrong.
that's why i didn't impose (not at all 'completely different') system.
i showed you another one, from thousands of people that dedicated their whole Beings and lifes to finding out what you pondered over in starting this thread.
without your dualist tendency to fight opposites and so to misunderstand offering for an attack, you would see (through words), APPRECIATE THE DIFFERENCE, and see that what i told you:
_is not a "completely different system"
_is actually a meta-system for your little system, embedding it within itself and even giving more reinement and scope to it..
so you would grasp as much as you could, and apply it to 'your' model, thus evolving it. but let you have it so, why communicate at all. let all people change their terminology as much as possible to you before they can explain you anything. :roll: (now i wonder how do you understand wendy's PG ? or is she doing a personal version in your terminology ?

bo, they can not build the house in the same quality

Ok, here we have simply a different opinion. I never have heard that buddhist builders are favoured over other, or even about great buddhist builders.

nowhere did i claim what you never heard. and again this is exemple how you ignore the explanation of statements context and react to it then. in short, if you read my above explanation in its context (at least its paragraph, please) you cannot misunderstand how i meant it, exactly, not over or exagerated. simple.

i would not. i stand up to that again: you can do it(to consider consciousness using (simple) consciousness), but it doesn't bring understanding/results.

*boring* mathematical logic does exactly this (what regards the self-references) and brings understanding/results. So self-reference can not be the point.

cannot only if you don't grasp the challenge of self-referentiality that breeds undecidability, by clinging to the decidable.

and whatsmore, you didn't sexplained (though i asked that) what do you consider pseudo and what proper self-reference.

"sexplained" *gg* *nudge*
No, I didnt explain because it was not that important and the term was not well-chosen. I meant pseudo-self-reference simply a self-reference that does not hurt, is not important, has no grip, dont causes roblems.

then tell me something about 'inconclusive babble'. and again, those problems are possibilities.
nstead of going to library

I already have a book "Bewusstsein" by Metzinger (though not here yet but lend to someone), which contains collected articles to the topic. I hate reading long texts (and this book is thick). And I couldnt find some striking ideas or solutions in it either.

ADD: I wonder what book this was, where I read about the mirror analogy. Was it Ouspensky "Tertium Organum"? Do you perhaps know it? Except the mirror analogy, it appealed very sophisticated to me and I could agree with everything. (*dwelling in memories*)

i, to the contrary, like reading long texts, short texts, any texts as far as they're tasty, sexy and thought-provoking.

and although i read >1000 books, i didn't read ouspensky's tertium organum, so i don't know. the mirror analogy i built upon was rather from dzogchen longsde teachings of namkhai norbu rinpoche, where crystal, mirror, and crystal-ball are used to symbolically represent the ways in which energy can manifest.


now to your 13th march post (to progress a little bit):

as i see it, in the first paragraph you re-postualte perception/will as a feedback-loop. that's ok as far as i think for the moment.

Till now we have explained (objects and) self-objectivity. I.e. the subject realizes certain laws in its perception and will and becomes able to reach certain goals (grabbing an apple for example) for sure. And this confidence that things always will behave this way and the goal can reached always this way, is objectively true for this subject. And I call it self-objectivity in contrast to things that have to be sure for almost all people. Though this is not applicable in the moment, because the subject has no concept yet of self, world and especially not of "other people". The self-objectivity is not restricted to what we would call reality for the subject, but can also concern to reliably produce certain mental images, or for example the proper use of memory (which is still one of things that waits to become explained, because it seems essential for a subject to have memory, or isnt it?).

i would explain through skandhas, but then, you were never interested. actually all that you are trying to explain is explainable through skandhaa.
still, without skandhas, i think that your self-objectivity and objectivity are both just 2 types of objectivity. so what ? it is codependent to subject, even though it doesn't have to be as-yet conceptualized subject, that comes just when the intellectual formation aka concept aka impulse aka 3rd skandha is running as homeostatic application in 5th skandha of consciousness.

oh :roll: i again explain through skandhas. sorry. :oops:
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Postby bo198214 » Sat Mar 18, 2006 12:50 pm

thigle wrote:you surely agree, now that you see clearly what i wrote, that your "you were very offended" is more than inappropriate,

No, I see that it was exactly what I had in mind. You were moping.

i am not esoterically inclined. i am dialectically turning around both exo- and eso- teric teachings of all the cultures and time-periods i can come across.

But you use the same kind of behaviour. I.e. saying you are so and so in accordance with some (buddhistic) ideals (and btw some others are so and so in accordance to some (buddhistic) anti-ideals). But I am not impressed (and indeed doubting) until you demonstrate your self-description in a situation where it depends on.

To your use of 'I' and 'you' you also had nothing to reply than it is *not* the common use. This is a bit as if someone is accused to have done this and that and the only reply is "no, it was not that way". To be plausible I at least would expect an explanation how it was then.

that's why i see your inclination towards "it being about doing" as dualism, just a reaction to another extreme

Thats of course the world: acting and reacting. I do it, you do it.

what contents do i again avoid ?

There is nothing to discuss. You are not my teacher. (In the sense of teacher-pupil relation.) I can not make it clearer by longer explanations.

quoting the builder-exemple from my last post in this thread without context, where it was clearly ex.plained within its validity-context, of when does it apply. you cut it out, paste it and deny it, even telling me to mind context. oh bo.

I thought I understood what you were telling. But perhaps you have to reexplain. My statement was that it has no relevance to the quality of the built house, whether the builder knows/lives after the 5 skandhas and 4 truth or not. Where quality is used in the ordinary sense.

the meaning is not conveyed via words only, perhaps not even mainly
though it is true that meaning in text-based discussion is more words-dependent than in actual body & speech-based communication.

And indeed we do here text-based conversation. And it is not a lyrical one (where someone could already enjoy the speech rhythm of japanese haikus). And it *did* already cause confusion by using different meanings.

even though you seem to think i react to somethink else now.
Actually I didnt think about what you are reacting at all ... :o . So what do you think I think you react to? *gg*

second, you ignore semantics,

Ah, nonsense, I dont ignore semantics more than you when stating that n-fold descriptions are a sign for the naturalness of the 5 skandhas.
I even wonder, if you dont know the mirror analogy I was talking of, how can you know that it semanticly differs :? As far I can remember the only difference is that yours has a buddhistic touch and the other has not.

i don't say forget objectivity :evil: ! i say it's unavoidably both at the same time, if there's one, there's other as well, no way round it !

And thatswhy I say, that you assume already an objectivity (hidden objectivity assumption) to explain subject and object are coupled. I regard this as contradictive.

percept is object ! there is perceiver-perception-percept. what's so difficult about it ? triadic format of (agent - action - object of action).
for any sense(perception): sense-consciousness/sense-organ/sense-field. it's all in your above sentence (I(agent) / percepive (action) / something (object of action).
i suppose you don't wanna argue that 'something' from your sentence is not the object of action of 'I' from your sentence.
so again, in your base there's FROM THE START the polarity of subject/object.

I was not talking about subject-predicate-object in english grammar! I was referring what usually is called an object: An apple, an egg, and so on (hidden smile) ... as might already had become clear by my explanation in the last post.

IT IS ONE STRUCTURE GODAMIT ! (insert 'furious & mad ' emoticon here )

Yes, one structure in your GODDAMN PREASSUMED OBJECTIVITY!!!
And do you call this:
i never wanted to show that your contemplation is wrong.
that's why i didn't impose (not at all 'completely different') system.
i showed you another one,

you see, you prefer structure over relation.

Thats a misunderstanding. When I say, I am thinking in relations, I dont mean associative relations but grip-relations. I mainly mean I try to regard things up to isomorphism.

broad connectivity brings undecidability, and that is not desired by certain mindsets. it needs other skills to navigate the fuzzy.

Oh Thigle you quite mixing up!
For undecidability quite little is necessary (instead of broad connectivity). For example some basic set theory or some basic number theory. Undecidability does by far not cause fuzzyness. The inability to show something (fuzzy) to be true or not (by lack of information or knowledge) is different from the impossibility.

from thousands of people that dedicated their whole Beings and lifes to finding out what you pondered over in starting this thread.

1. I doubt that there were asking the same questions (in the same context).
2. Thousands of people dedicated their whole lifes to nazism. So how conclusive is that statement?

without your dualist tendency to fight opposites

I fight for what I regard as true. You fight for what you regard as true.

_is actually a meta-system for your little system, embedding it within itself and even giving more reinement and scope to it..

1. It is *one* meta-system amongst various others.
2. Its truth is controvertable.
3. Every system has a meta-system. And I prefer to use only as much meta as is necessary, unlike you wobbeling (this superior word I learned from Thigle! ;) ) in as much meta as is possible.
4. If it is anyway a meta system and not a competitive system, what are we arguing here about?

let all people change their terminology as much as possible to you before they can explain you anything. :roll:
Hello! You are the guy with the deviating terminology! I mostly stick to the commonly used terminology. *re-roll-eyes*

(now i wonder how do you understand wendy's PG ? or is she doing a personal version in your terminology ?
Yes, in some kinds she (or the group) invents a personal terminology (i.e. words you wouldn find in the majority of mathematical publications), so that she forces me sometimes to look into her PG if I want to understand her. On the other hand the good about this terminology is that it is not historicly grown but uses a consistent system to entitle things. I.e. if you are familiar with the system you are able to express in a more unambigous and differentiated way. It appears to me similar to esperanto, in that its quite on the edge whether it becomes common or not.

oh :roll: i again explain through skandhas. sorry. :oops:

apology accepted :P
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