I'll use lowercase letters for scalars (a), lowercase bold for vectors (a), and uppercase for general multivectors (A).
We want to describe some "surface" or "submanifold" of Rn, which is a set of points/vectors {x = x1e1 + x2e2 + ... + xnen}.
An implicit description of the manifold is a set of equations
f1(x) = 0 , f2(x) = 0 , ... , fk(x) = 0,
where each fi is a function from Rn to R. These can be combined into a single vector equation f(x) = 0 (or f(x) = constant), where f is a function from Rn to Rk. The manifold is (n-k)-dimensional (in general).
A parametric description of the manifold is an equation x = f(t), where f is a function from Rk to Rn. We call (t1, t2, ... , tk) the "parameters" or "coordinates". The manifold is k-dimensional (in general).
I'll allow the function f to have multivector inputs and outputs. This isn't really a generalization, because multivectors are equivalent to vectors in an abstract sense; they just have different rules for multiplication, and different interpretations.
Let's focus on implicit equations first.
2 dimensions
Circle : x2 = a2
Line : x^a = B
By taking the dual (multiplying by e1e2), this equation is equivalent to
x.c = d
The line's direction (tangent vector) is a, and its normal vector is c. If ||c|| = 1, then d is the line's distance from the origin.
Pair of parallel lines : ||x^a||2 = d2
or equivalently (x.c)2 = d2
Point : x^a = b
or equivalently x.C = d
where C is a bivector. The wedge product with a scalar (a) is the same as scalar multiplication, which is invertible: x = b/a = constant.
Entire plane : x^A = 0
where A is a bivector.
3 dimensions
Sphere : x2 = a2
Plane : x^A = B
or equivalently x.c = d
The plane's direction (tangent bivector) is A, and its normal vector is c.
Pair of parallel planes : ||x^A||2 = d2
or equivalently (x.c)2 = d2
Line : x^a = B
or equivalently x.C = d
The line's direction is a, and its normal bivector is C.
Cylinder: ||x^a||2 = d2
or equivalently ||x.C||2 = d2
Point : x^a = b
or equivalently x.C = D
where C is a trivector.
Entire space : x^A = 0
where A is a trivector.
4 dimensions
Point : x^a = b
or equivalently x.C = D
where C is a quadvector.
Glome : ||x^a||2 = d2
This is getting tedious. Here's the general pattern.
A k-dimensional linear subspace has a direction (tangent k-blade) A, and a normal (n-k)-blade C which is the dual of A. The equation is x^A = constant, or x.C = constant.
A "boundary of a normal tube", or I guess a "spheration", of the subspace x^A = 0, is the set of all points at a certain distance from it. This is isomorphic to the Cartesian product of Rk with the sphere Sn-k-1. The equation is ||x^A||2 = constant, or ||x.C||2 = constant.