Complaints about the Glossary

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

Complaints about the Glossary

Postby Vector_Graphics » Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:37 am

Y'know, this one.

1. Ana and kata are referred to as analogous to up and down. However, they are actually "sideways": instead of two directions, "sideways" for a 4d being is an entire 360 degree circle, and ana, kata, left, and right only exist with reference to something on that circle.
1a. This makes the following terms unnecessary: reel, tumble, apos, zakos, tarrow, trong, trength.
2. I generally tend to apply things to n-1 dimensions rather than 2 dimensions precisely. For example, "area" could refer to 2d or 3d measure in 4d, and "surface" can apply to the boundary of a 2d, 3d or 4d shape. For the same reason, I do not use "bulk". Neologisms, thus, are generally necessary for two-dimensional stuff in 4d, rather than 4d stuff.
2a. Thus, "swock", "surcell" etc are unnecessary, and I would prefer a word be introduced for a 2d sheet in 4d.
3. I have personal problems with the mathematical use of "sphere" vs. "ball". This isn't a problem with 4d (though it echoes into glome/gongyl), just with the fact that as someone who does art and 3d modeling etc, I find the restriction of "sphere" to refer to the boundary to be kind of strange from a casual language point of view.
4. While I know "bionian" comes from "bi-", I kept seeing "bio-" in there and got confused the first time. Surely "2d being" isn't that mcuh harder to say?
5. Anth and kenth, not marp and garp. Actually, I would use anst and kenst (or palst and kest or whatever), again due to the fact that they're more like west and east than north and south, but whatever.
6. List of terms which introduce linguistic ambiguity with casual usage: ball, bulk, chasm, gully, hole, realm, sheet, sphere, surface.
6a. I especially dislike "realm" because it gives very... "3.5d" vibes, same with "on" and "again" for ana and kata.
6b. Are the "hole, chasm, gully" series really necessary? Nobody uses 'chasm' in technical language in 3d, and 'gully' already has a meaning.
7. Swirl? Really? Now I've got to keep track of swirl (a type of double rotation), whirl (a type of 5d rotation), and twirl (the rotation through the sideways plane in 4d). That's too many -irls to keep track of.

- I'll probably come up with others.
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Re: Complaints about the Glossary

Postby wendy » Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:32 pm

Making a glossary is pretty hard. you end up stepping on toes. i have a glossary at if you visit that site you can download in in þe thorn version, as nature intended or some papers i wrote while i was writing the glossary. the one on 'walls and bridges is about the effect of being 3d centric.
It starts with poly·hedr·on, which is read to mean many(complete) 2d pathes. The idea here is that a polyhedron is a complete bag sowen together. if the bag is not complete it is a multi·hedron. the cloth it is made of (ie the fabric) is a hedrix. ad sphere is a glomo·hedron, bounded a globe shape path, the word actulyly mean a globe shaped 2d space. the mathematics use 3d sphere to mean the surface of a 4d spher. this is the full extent of a globe shape fabric, or glomo·chor·ix, So if you want a 5d chasm, it is a pet·ous chasm, ie it is sort of a 5d squiggle on the map.
a solid spot of ink on a page as mybe use to redact somthin would in 4d be a chor·id spot, ie a solid 3d thing regardless of the enclosing dimension.
There are things i would have like to have done, but the audience wou not reacted to it well. plane represence a falt portion of space. but edge, could have nent toe solid -2 space, like the edge of a plate. in actuall it comen to mean the line that bounds a square. in SF the edge of te galaxy empire is represent by a wall of spaceships ina hexagonal array. Cell closely means a bubble in a foam, so any tiling will do. this is how it nmeans in cellular automata, also storm cells and cell phones.they have walls which meat at sills, the ll tiees these together.
apeiro just shows that mathematian are basket cases. the word mean unlimited or boundless. yor read the greek wordbook, yoe ged the idea that is the open desert, a·peiro· can be read as without a fence enclosing it. so if peri is takin to mean the extent in space, a peri·form is the portion that exist in some space, like a modeller might make, the periform of a pentagram is a five-pointed star like you see on many flags it hight a 'mullet'
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