Tetraspace and levitation

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

Tetraspace and levitation

Postby Solase » Fri May 07, 2004 9:07 am

First off, I'm new here and I'm not a physics major, but I do find this stuff very interesting. One thing that I constantly remember is that sometimes even us 'amatuers' can open up new insights that the 'veterans' may never have thought of and thus this is why I wanted to post a thought that came to me.

From the examples of Fred, Bob, and Emily, I was intrigued at how well explained it was about Bob demonstrating levitation to Fred and then Emily demonstrating it also to Bob which got me to thinking of simple facts about our own world. We know that we can reproduce levitation in our own world using the properties of metals and magnets. This being the case, I'm wondering if these levitation processes actually occur by manipulating tetraspace. If this is the case, than it would help to explain what actually is happening in the process of repelling magnets and thus propel someone to grasp the concept and be able to possibly produce a way for us to make levitation a way of life (i.e. transportation, production, etc..)

Any thoughts on this theory ?
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Electricity is the key

Postby Solase » Fri May 07, 2004 10:00 am

One other thought I wanted to post was that "electricity" is the commonality that I find. It takes electricity to create magnets (though I'm not a geologist, it only stands to reason that over time this is how lodestones are made as well).

Also, in our own human bodies, without electricity there is no life.

So, in regards to the 4th dimension, how would electricity operate? Would it operate similar as to the water example in most cases? And if so, what would happen when electricity would "jump the gap" ?

Deep thought, deep thought, I know :wink:
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Postby elpenmaster » Sun May 09, 2004 4:46 am

i dont think that either magnetism or electricity have anything to do with the fourth dimension

i think that magnetism happens becausee the two magnetised atoms with the same charge repel each other. why they repel each other, i dont know. but they would repel each other just the same in the fourth dimension, although maybe less powerfully.

if you say that magnets repel each other by manipulating the 4th dimension, that means that there is a 4th dimension. and if there is a 4th dimension, there must be magnets in it also. so how do these magnets repel each other?
of course, magnets could work by manipulating the fourth dimension, as some people say that gravity does. but say that the magnets bend the 4th dimension, causing them to be repeled from each other. why are they repeled from each other? that would be a deaper reaso than just the dimensions.
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