Interdiminsional rewards and punishments

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

Interdiminsional rewards and punishments

Postby anderscolingustafson » Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:00 pm

One fact about rewords and punishments is that for a reword or punishment to be most effective it must be immediate, specific, and consistent. Of course though in reality when both the rewarder/punisher and rewarded/punished have the same number of dimensions it is virtually impossible for a reward/punishment to be immediate, specific, and consistent. A person/animal can hide an undesired behavior in order to avoid being punished or can avoid the punisher in order to avoid being punished. A person/animal can also fake a desired behavior in order to get a reward or may be able to use an undesired behavior such as a threat to get a reward. Also sometimes a desired behavior may be done at the same time or in close proximity to an undesired behavior so that a punishment may inadvertently punish the desired behavior along with the undesired behavior just as a reword may inadvertently reward the undesirable behavior along with the desired behavior.

If the rewarder/punisher were to have one more dimension than the rewarded/punished person/animal/life form then it would largely solve this problem. For instance if the 4d Emily were the one in charge of the 3d Bob she would be able to know everything about Bobs behavior and so if Bob was to do an undesired behavior such as stealing a cell phone she would instantly know about it and be able to immediately punish Bob. Bob would be unable to lie to Emily or hide it from her as she would be able to see every part of him even the parts hidden from the view of other 3d life forms so she would be able to punish Bob even if he tried to avoid getting caught so he could never get away with any undesired behavior if Emily were the one watching him. Likewise Emily could immediately reward Bob instantly if he did a desired behavior such as making a new friend as she would also be able to instantly see that as well. Bob could never lie to Emily about doing a desired behavior in order to get a reward so he would never get rewarded by Emily unless he did a behavior that Emily desired or wanted. To Bob Emily would be the perfect discipliner.
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Re: Interdiminsional rewards and punishments

Postby Secret » Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:13 am

Going one dimension higher does not completely eliminate this problem

Some actions whether it is a negative or positive action, when being utilized, results in unphysical outcomes (cannot be seen throughout the course of time or in a spacial location)

An ideal negative utilizer (I.e. A perfect faker or lier) can fake actions that result in no visible spacial outcomes, such as altering the emotions. As long the person here does not leave any spacial events throughout the course of time which can reveal it's true plan (e.g. Any form of interaction with someone else involved in the underlying plan or an action that results in a event in a certain point of space-time, in other words only the faked actions plus the underlying plan, which is unphysical, are the only allowed actions) , he can evade detection no matter how many dimension higher the dicipliner is.

So the point is, unless you can read minds, it is still possible to evade punishments and get rewards unethically
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