Man Made 2d World

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

Man Made 2d World

Postby anderscolingustafson » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:48 pm

Knowing about the theory that our world is just a membrane in a larger multiverse with at least 11 dimensions I was thinking it might be possible in the distant future for humans to create a 2d world within our universe. This would be a world that would basically be a giant bubble that would curve back in on itself in the third dimension.

I was thinking that one of the details would be that its atoms would be 3d like ours but that the third dimension of this man made 2d world be would be no thicker than an atom so it would be 3d when looked at on the atomic scale rather than at the subatomic.

It would be held together by two sheets that would be kept in place by some molecules that attract the other sheet and some that repel it. One sheet would have either only positive or only negative molecular poles facing the other wile the other would have a mixture of negative and positive molecules. This way the sheets would neither collide nor move to far apart from each other. The sheets would also need to be made of molecules that require a large amount of energy to be split apart and each sheet would need to be held together by covalent bonds to ensure that it would be at its maximum strength even if it were to have a circumference of many light years wile being only a few molecules thick at the most.

Each sheet would also need to be able to deflect any plasma between the two sheets so that no plasma would collide with the two sheets and possibly cause damage to the sheets. The sheets would also need to be able to hold each atom in between the sheets in place with magnetism in case the sheets would need to be a certain distance apart.

On each sheet there would also need to be a highly reflective substance so that very little light from between the two sheets would escape and very little light from without would get in. The sheets would also need to be very poor at absorbing light so that very little light coming from sources between the two sheets would get lost wile traveling between the two sheets. The sheets would also need to be able to reflect light in a way that would cause light traveling between the two sheets to be able to travel beond the curve of the sheets.

Also when making the man made 2d world we might put hydrogen atoms between the sheets and try to allow them to form 2d stars. The 2d sheets would need to also be flexible enough that a large cloud of hydrogen between them would cause them to warp in a way that would cause objects in and around the hydrogen cloud or other body to fall inward.

Also in the man made 2d world we might only allow certain elements to be in the 2d world and only allow those of certain rows to be in it. We might limit the number of elements in each row in order to simulate 2d chemistry. Also the sheets that would hold the 2d world together might need compartments that can clean up the atoms of any elements that would not be on the list and replace them with atoms that would be on the list. These compartments could also be used to regulate the percentage of each element in the 2d world.

The 2d world would also need to last long enough that planets could eventually form in it and the sheets that would hold it together would need to be of the right mass and flexibility so that planets in the 2d world could form stable rotations and orbits.

Now the man made 2d world would possibly need to be in a place between galaxies to minimize interference from outside light and gravity as it might need to be hundreds if not thousands of light years in diameter.

The purpose of a man made 2d world like this might be to see if life could arise in a natural 2d world. Another thing would be rather or not any sentient life that might arise in a 2d world like that would be able to figure out that its world was not a natural world.

I wander what the other members of this forum think of this.
Posts: 316
Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:39 pm

Re: Man Made 2d World

Postby Halfbaker » Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:03 am

I totally came up with the same idea. (:
Posts: 18
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:15 am

Re: Man Made 2d World

Postby anderscolingustafson » Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:42 pm

I totally came up with the same idea. (:

What a coincidence then.
Posts: 316
Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:39 pm

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