Fred's damaged safe!

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

Fred's damaged safe!

Postby viralplatipuss » Sun Jun 26, 2005 1:59 pm

Just looking at the story of fred, bob and emily.

And looking at it.

Bob punches a nail through the air in fred's safe.

So it appears to hang in mid-air.

It says that the walls of the safe are not damaged when the nail goes through.

But surely if Bob put a nail through Fred's world. the nail would extrude across the whole width of fred's world damaging the walls of fred's safe!

Or are we assuming that fred's safe has no side walls because his world is infinatly thin.

And it's saying the front, back, top and bottom walls of the safe aren't damaged.

It's probably me mis-interpreting it.

But just checking anyway. :)
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Postby wendy » Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:53 pm

Fred's safe is a square. Fred's space needs no sides to contain things.

When we drive a nail into the middle of a square, we do not need to damage the square. But Fred can not access the interior of the square, except by crossing its surface.

Likewise, in three dimensions. we can not access the interior of a cube without crossing its surface: we can't look in a safe without opening the door. But in four dimensions, the whole of three-space is visible at once. One can easily poke in and add/remove things.

But while we might see money as solid, in 4d, ours would be very thin, like fragile film. Even what to us is most solid.
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the dream we dream together is reality.

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Postby viralplatipuss » Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:56 pm


thanks for clearing that up

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