Demo of 4 and 5D Golf Game

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

Demo of 4 and 5D Golf Game

Postby PatrickPowers » Sat Jan 25, 2025 2:23 pm

She seems to say that they have interdimensional morphing with right-ana but not with the up dimension. Other than that it seems pretty much like I expected.
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Re: Demo of 4 and 5D Golf Game

Postby PatrickPowers » Mon Jan 27, 2025 1:11 pm

So, how can you show all four dimensions at once? I think there is no general solution : there's too much information in a complicated shape for a 3D brain to absorb. It's necessary to take advantage of the situation. With golf you have the limited case of a 3D surface embedded in a 4D space. The variation in the up-down dimension is less than the others. How about colored contour planes? Here in 3D, topo maps use labeled contour lines. In 4D use transparent shaded contour 2D planes. They'd be colored to help to distinguish one from another and up from down. It would look different in that the tops of the hillocks can point in any direction, even appear to be upside down. That's why you need the colors. Make the tops red and the depths blue. That might work.
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Re: Demo of 4 and 5D Golf Game

Postby PatrickPowers » Tue Jan 28, 2025 2:19 am

This program was written by CodeParade, which is a hobby project of some math guy from Berkeley who does all sorts of stuff. Nowadays it's neural net AI. His main interface is on Youtube.

Fractals, hyperbolic spaces, 4D music (?)
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Re: Demo of 4 and 5D Golf Game

Postby Hugh » Tue Jan 28, 2025 12:50 pm

Interesting to watch and think about!

I wonder if he has ever posted on this forum?
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Re: Demo of 4 and 5D Golf Game

Postby gonegahgah » Thu Jan 30, 2025 6:12 am

PatrickPowers wrote:She seems to say that they have interdimensional morphing with right-ana but not with the up dimension. Other than that it seems pretty much like I expected.

It's probably more accurate to say that they have interdimensional morphing in the 4D ground space always from the changing current kata (or ana) direction.
Moving the mouse while holding down the left mouse button has the following results in the game:
- moving it forward changes between the changing current ana and the current forward direction.
- moving it left changes between the changing current ana and the current left direction.
- and then everything inbetween towards forward-left-backwards-right-forward from the current changing ana, depending on which way you move the mouse.
So ana will move towards and into the space that was occupied by the previous 3D ground space depending upon which way you move that mouse while holding the left button.

It is more natural for a 4D being to rotate their forward to another ground direction than this blend of movements.
But, most 3D people writing games would probably keep left-right with up-down as the game did...
It might feel awkward to not be able to look up and down while turning 3D sideways? I'm not sure?
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