4-d geniuses?

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

4-d geniuses?

Postby elpenmaster » Fri Apr 16, 2004 3:43 am

Would tetronians be able to think quicker? in 4-d each neuron would have many more neurons close enough to touch it, so could the brain of a tetronian process thought faster than the brain of a trionian?
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Postby FK » Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:15 pm

it could also slow them down - to many optians to choose from.

but sereusly - it is obveus, that intelligent life cannot excist in flatland.

in 4d land, becouse of the extra dimension, the gravity forces will work completely different, stronger, than in 3d world ... i do not know for shure, but i assume, that a solar system like ours, could not excist in 4d world.

therefor i do not think any comparable form of life excists in 4d world.

if life excists in 4d world, it would of course be way more complex (and intelligent?) than our life i suppose...
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Postby Keiji » Tue Apr 20, 2004 6:02 pm

I don't know about brains, but computers would have higher specs in everything.
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Postby tezza98 » Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:11 pm

you are both wrong. the forth dimension is a dimension without time. and if there is no time then there is infinite time. if there is no time then gravity cannot be calsulated, even if it is only a phenononomem, it would be eiter infinite or non existant, therefore infinite gratity, and infinite time would equal infinite acceleration, meainning that you could travel faster then the speed of light, meaning that ypu could exist anywhere any possible universe at any givent point in time :twisted:

Edit by BobXP: Please do not double post. Click the Submit button only once and be patient.
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Postby BClaw » Wed Apr 28, 2004 4:09 am

tezza98 wrote:you are both wrong. the forth dimension is a dimension without time. and if there is no time then there is infinite time. if there is no time then gravity cannot be calsulated, even if it is only a phenononomem, it would be eiter infinite or non existant, therefore infinite gratity, and infinite time would equal infinite acceleration, meainning that you could travel faster then the speed of light, meaning that ypu could exist anywhere any possible universe at any givent point in time :twisted:

Not wanting to start a flame war... ~his face purpling with supressed rage~ :twisted: but... TIME IS NOT THE FOURTH DIMENSION!!!! :roll: :oops: Whew! Sorry about that. :)
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Postby Keiji » Wed Apr 28, 2004 4:35 pm

*proud of moderator status*
*deletes tezza's double post*

Anyway. Let's get this straight, shall we? Some people consider the fourth dimension to be time, some people consider it to be spacial. This site deals only with the fourth spacial dimension. So please post your theories about this on a board belonging to a site that deals with the fourth dimension as time.

Thank you and good bye.
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Postby Solase » Fri May 07, 2004 9:28 am

bobxp wrote:*proud of moderator status*
*deletes tezza's double post*

Anyway. Let's get this straight, shall we? Some people consider the fourth dimension to be time, some people consider it to be spacial. This site deals only with the fourth spacial dimension. So please post your theories about this on a board belonging to a site that deals with the fourth dimension as time.

Thank you and good bye.

What if the 4th dimension is actually a combination of both? Has that ever been discussed? The reason why I bring this up is the theory as you approach the speed of light, time begins to slow down. In the two dimensional realm, time maybe even more difficult to understand than the 3rd dimension would be to them. Think of something like a snail. It can only interpret what it is facing at that very moment. It reacts to it's senses and from what I understand about them, they don't remember things spacially (i.e. if you kept putting a block of food at a certain point in a fish aquarium, it would only move to it if it sensed it and would not remember the location of where you put that block).

On the topic of intelligence, I too would believe that a 4th dimensional being (or should I say a being operating in a conscous state in the 4th dimension as I feel that when we die we may go to such a place) would have a higher understanding as well as a higher intelligence of our own world than we ourselves do.

Returning to the topic of the 4th dimension being a dimension of both tetraspace and time (i.e. they being one dimension in and of themself), I feel it would help to explain why time slows down as you approach the speed of light. Think back to the 2d Fred and 3d Bob. Bob can put himself on any part of Fred's world, but how could Bob actually enter Fred's world and be able to experience it the same way as Fred does?

Now, here in our 3d world, what if being "born" is the only way 4d entities can enter and live in a 3d world? They actually have to inhabit a flesh and blood "vehicle" in order to live in and percieve what it is to be 3d .

I know these are deep thoughts and need more clarification, but I'm hoping it might open up some other trains of thought to the concepts.
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Postby elpenmaster » Sun May 09, 2004 4:53 am

why does time slow down as you approach the speed of light?

for us trionians (i'm assuming everybody else here is, because i am) to be able to experience a 2-d world, all we have to do is build a matrix in which you only receive senses from 2 dimensions, and plug yourself in
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Postby PWrong » Fri May 14, 2004 3:59 am

I'll start a new topic in the relativity/time forum about how relativity really works, including why time slows down as you approach the speed of light. I've read and understood Brian Greene's explanation of it in the Elegant Universe, and I'll also explain why relativity still works even without any reference to the fourth dimension. I want to get the subject out of this thread, because I'd like to answer the original question.

My idea is that intelligence is governed by neccessity and evolution, rather than the physics inside the brain. The human brain has great potential that it doesn't use, partly because we only ever need a genius every now and again, and partly because intelligent people simply don't survive very well.

*gets attacked by bear*
*knows pi to 50 decimal places but gets eaten anyway*

Tetronians would indeed be smarter than us, because their brains have to deal with a lot more. They have three directions to run in, probably more limbs to control, the world is more difficult to analyse visually, and probably lots of other handicaps on their brain. I'm not sure whether abstract thought would arise sooner or later though. I guess it depends on whether nature overcompensates or not.
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