4D is Infinity (my theory)

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

4D is Infinity (my theory)

Postby Redfield630 » Mon May 10, 2004 3:19 am

Infinite Space is the 4th Dimension (in my opinion)

My theory is that since we live on earth (a 3dimensional object) we're never exposed and therefore cant really comprehend a 4th dimension....but if the fourth dimension was an extension of the 3rd dimensions, in the same way that 3d is an extension of 2d...then it would extended infinitely.

that probably sounds confusing, so i will use an example to clarify my theory of why the 4th dimension is infinite space.....
Ok, lets say that the planet earth represents 3 dimensions (just like a drawing of a cube represents 3d)....well if the 4th Dimension was an extension of a 3 dimensional space...then it could never have an end BECAUSE if it had an perimeter it would just be 3D.....Just like if we extend a drawing of a cube and try to expand it into a drawing of a hypercube, as soon as you outline the perimeter it becomes a 3D object... no matter how many overlapping squares and diamonds it forms, a tesseract drawing is a 3D DRAWING....therefore, if 4d is an expansion of 3D, there can be no outline, no perimeter, and no limitations....which brings me back to my original thought, when i said earth represents 3D (ala cube) then outerspace which is probably infinite is the 4th Dimension........no limits, no end....we cannot really grasp 4D because everything we see and create in this world has a limit (making it below 4D)...we can build the tallest sky scraper, we can swim the largest river, or climb the highest mountain....but all those things have ends....everything spacial we know of has a limit.....except for outerspace which goes on infinitely....making it not 3D but 4D

so to summerize my theory....outerspace is the only known 4D that exist...in scifi movies we may see fictional 4D things, such as a bottomless pit for example...however no true 4D exists to us in this 3D world....if we understood and conquered the secret 4th Dimension....we could build worlds within worlds (like the game myst)

perhaps dreams are also a form of 4 dimensions, because there are no limits as far as we know.

well thats my opinion, thank you for reading it
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Postby RQ » Mon May 10, 2004 10:53 am

space isnt infinite, it is only curved in the 4th dimension with a finite extent, just like the surface of the Earth but with one more spatial dimension.
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Re: 4D is Infinity (my theory)

Postby Keiji » Mon May 10, 2004 11:02 am

Redfield630 wrote:Just like if we extend a drawing of a cube and try to expand it into a drawing of a hypercube, as soon as you outline the perimeter it becomes a 3D object... no matter how many overlapping squares and diamonds it forms, a tesseract drawing is a 3D DRAWING....

No - it's because you are used to seeing 3D images as you live in a 3D world. If you forget about the fact that it looks like a 3D image and just see it as a bunch of lines, you will think it's 2D. The same can be done the other way round, as long as you try to recognise it not as a 3D image, but as a 4D image, you can say "oh yes, that's a hypercube". If you still can't get your mind to accept that it is a hypercube rather than just a bunch of lines, you might want to try some Java applets to see how rotating a 3D cube seems to change the length of it's sides, then look at a 4D hypercube to visualize how the seemingly morphing squares actually show that it is indeed rotating.
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Postby RQ » Wed May 12, 2004 7:17 am

Of course extending 3D into the 4th dimension is an infinite stacked pile of 3D objects into the 4th dimension. That's the definition of it.
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