A theory on dimensions and gravity

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby X-soldier » Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:51 pm

Ok so we are 3 dimensional meaning we can move in 3 direction, but we don't have total control over the 3rd direction (height) when gravity is factored in. The same way a 2D person can only go left and right when gravity is effecting him but he doesn't have total control over is up and down direction. The 2D man would need a rope or bridge to climb up to be able to use his 2nd direction and move over something blocking his path. We however can freely use both of the 2D mans directions with out restriction, but when we want to use our 3rd direction (height) we need a ladder or something to help us, we dont have full control over it. So I'm thinking maybe the 4D man can freely move in our 3 dimensions (the way we can freely move in the 2D mans 2 directions.) but i think the 4D man would need a ladder or rope to have control over his 4th direction (assuming he is being effected by gravity). Then if you want to take it further a 5D man would would be able to freely use the 4d mans 4 directions but would need help using his own 5th direction.

I'm pretty new with the hole 4D theory's and all (i actually just started reading into it today and I'm fascinated by it) but i didn't see this topic discussed anywhere so i thought I'd bring it up ;)

any thoughts?
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Re: A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby Keiji » Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:46 pm

Yes, that's all correct (at least, as far as our own models go).

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Re: A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby X-soldier » Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:30 pm

Oh this is already a known thing :XP: oh well least i got it right anyway :)

and thanks for welcoming me I'm glad to be here :XP:
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Re: A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby Nick » Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:43 am

Actually, what if we consider the possibility that 4D has two dimensions controlled by gravity? I wonder how that would work.
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Re: A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby The Keeper of Secrets » Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:48 pm

You have to remember that we wouldn't see all of the 4d beings if they could only move in 3 directions as stated in the first post. We would only see the soles of their shoes, and these would be 3d.

Just like as we walk on the 2d floor, the dionians can only see our shoe soles, and these are 2d.
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Re: A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby edn » Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:00 am

[quote="X-soldier"]Ok so we are 3 dimensional meaning we can move in 3 direction, but we don't have total control over the 3rd direction (height) when gravity is factored in. The same way a 2D person can only go left and right when gravity is effecting him but he doesn't have total control over is up and down direction. The 2D man would need a rope or bridge to climb up to be able to use his 2nd direction and move over something blocking his path. We however can freely use both of the 2D mans directions with out restriction, but when we want to use our 3rd direction (height) we need a ladder or something to help us, we dont have full control over it. So I'm thinking maybe the 4D man can freely move in our 3 dimensions. . . . ."

Hi Keiji and X-Soldier: I'm new to this site also (joined 03/15/09). I 'm not sure of the proper protocol and I'm new to the multi-dimensional world, so I'm just browsing and thought I'd comment on a post that is 14 months old.

I can't picture what a 2D man would look like, but I'll assume he would look like a "dot" on a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper that is Infinitesimally "thin." If this piece of paper were placed "flat" on the surface of our 3D planet, then I would think that our 3D gravity field would not affect the movement of this "dot" in either the "x" or "y" dimension. However, if the piece of paper were placed "vertically" on the surface of our planet, then I could imagine that our "dot" could only move either left or right, since gravity would restrict its movement in the "y" axis. Although the "dot" would have mobility in the "y" axis to the extent that the "dot" had "dimensions" in the 2D world, i.e. a dot of let us say 1/8" in diameter vs. a "dot" of 1/16th" in diameter. As a 3D being in a 3D world, I have movement in the "x" and "y" dimension, but I'm restsricted in movement in the "z" dimension, which is limited by my physical height and the height to which I might be able to ascend by "jumping," assuming of course, that I had no access to a "ladder" of any type. A 4D person, whatever that entity would look like, according to our analogy, would have an equal facility to move in the "x", "y" and "z" dimensions, and as such, would have one additional facility not afforded to us 3D earthlings, namely, that of "levitation." The speed and agility to move in our 3D dimensions "up-down, left-right, back-forth), would of course, depend upon the makeup of the 4D man, just as we have limitations on our ability to move in two dimensions, and our third dimension. Would this 4D being appear to us to be a "god" or a "supreme being" or just another "clod" such as ourselves who happened to be able to levitate? Or would this 4D man appear to us a "superman" who could travel faster than a speeding bullet and hurdle over tall buildings in a single bound? I don't know since I can't imagine what a 4D man would look like. As with my previous post, I can't imagine that a 4D nail driven into our 3D world would look like a "sphere." At any rate, I'm just rambling. If you two would like to comment (or anyone else), I would appreciate it.
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Re: A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby wendy » Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:00 am

The standard model for deriving gravity, light, and electrics in any geometry, is to treat these as a radiant vector. That is, one supposes that the sun emits a flow of gravitons at t_0, this radiates from the sun at some velocity. At time t, this becomes a sphere of diameter r, and at 2t, a sphere of diameter 2r. Accordingly, the total flux at time t is unchanged, but the density is spread over a the surface of a sphrre of diameter R.

The observed effects are proportional to the density of the flux, which is inversely proportional to the total emmitted flux.

In three dimensions, this is proportional to the square of the radius. So, gravity, light, electromagnetics, have an inverse square law. In four dimensions, this becomes an inverse cube law. In hyperbolic geometry, the dimension does not really matter, because the surface is proportional to the exponent of the radius.

The capacity of the solar or terestial flux GM is known more precisely than G or M. The units are in L³/T², which is surface * gravity. In four dimensions, the unit of gravitional flux is L^4/T^2. This means, that whereas the size of a black hole is proportional to its diameter in 3d, it is proporitional to the square of the diameter in four dimensions.
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Re: A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby Tessa » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:14 am

Question !

As mentioned by a previous post, a 2D being could technically exist either in a plane horizontal to our eye, in which case gravity would have no effect, or vertically to our eye, in which case it would.

Could this same phenomenon then happen to 3D beings? In the eyes of a 4D creature, could our plane of existence be rotated so that we would not experience gravity? Or would we experience gravity in every direction?
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Re: A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby wendy » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:39 am

gravity in an embedding space does not affect objects in the space: things in 2d have no 3d mass, and thus 3d gravity has no effect.
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Re: A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby Tessa » Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:38 pm

But gravity is perpendicular to the ground, therefore if a 2D being existed in a plane perpendicular to the ground, wouldn't gravity affect him? If he jumped up, wouldn't he come back down?
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Re: A theory on dimensions and gravity

Postby Sideshow » Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:35 pm

It would be perpendicular to his ground, wherever that may be. That also assumes two dimensional gravity, and that two dimensional gravity behaves in a manner similar to three dimensional gravity.
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