Flat Sphere?

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

Flat Sphere?

Postby Flathead » Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:32 pm

Ok, this is about 2d, not 4d, sorry.
But, I was reading about people in the second dimension. It says that a sphere would look like a circle growing then shrinking.

How is that possible? To see a circle, it must have width and must be perpendicular to the flat-creature, which would mean it was now 3d, not 2d.

Um, if that didn't make sense, read on, if it did, please answer how is that possible?
This is if we are looking upon the flatworld, like a picture.
If the flat creature always faces left, and this sphere comes along, according to the site, it says it will look like a circle growing, then getting smaller. It shows the flatcreatures field of vision to be 3d as well, as it has 2 lines on either side of the circle.
If it saw the sphere like we see a circle ( O) it would have to have depth as well as height, to us, so it would look like a line to us. |, as it is side on.

To the flatcreature, the page says it looks like a circle, which means it has to have width TO THE CREATURE. However, the width is already right-left, which means that it would have 3 dimensions, not 2.

How is this possible? This is really hard to explain.
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Re: Flat Sphere?

Postby Keiji » Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:47 am

When we see a sphere, we are actually seeing a circle and our brain decides that the object is actually a sphere by using parallax depth perception and also from the shading on the circle.

Similarly, when Fred sees a circle, he is actually seeing a line, and his brain tells him that it's a circle by doing the same things.
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