Higher Dimensional Eating

Ideas about how a world with more than three spatial dimensions would work - what laws of physics would be needed, how things would be built, how people would do things and so on.

Higher Dimensional Eating

Postby sup2069 » Tue Dec 16, 2003 5:29 pm

I will be using the name Jimmy for a point.

Jimmy is extremely famished one day. He zooms left and right for days looking for food but finds none. Fred sees this and feels sorry for him, so he grabs a set of tweezers and plucks Jimmy into plane space to feed him a tasty 2d hamburger. Since Jimmy's mouth is nothing more than a dot, he takes dot-sized bites of Fred's food and is too full to finish. Since Fred's food is one extra dimension bigger than Jimmy's, it would take him a long time to finish it depending on the size of it.

Fred is extremely hungry one day; he searches through his house for food but finds nothing. He begins to get mad and angry and starts to throw a tantrum.
Bob sees Fred angry and he thinks its funny. It just so happens he's enjoying a tasty club sandwich, feeling sorry for Fred he pulls him out of plane space to let him feed.
Fred takes a bite (or rather a infinitely thin slice off) of Bob's club sandwich. Since Bob's food is one dimension bigger than Fred's it would probably take him longer or eternity to finish since he is infinitely thin.

Bob just got kicked out of his house for back payments. He’s homeless for 2 days and has not had any food, Emily sees this and feels sorry for him. She pulls him out of realm space into tetra space to share some of her pizza. Bob takes a lot of bites similar to eating 5 realmic slices. Soon he feels full but to Emily he hardly ate any of her pizza. Since Emily's food is one dimension larger than Bob, it would take him a long time to finish alone, maybe an eternity?

One problem I can’t seem to grasp with Fred eating Bob's food. If he is infinitely thin, it would take him infinite bites in order to finish...well he would never finish. Talk about long lasting food!
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Postby alkaline » Tue Dec 16, 2003 5:53 pm

looks like we found the solution to world hunger. We should go searching for some tetronian food :-)
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Postby Keiji » Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:35 pm

lol, maybe emily is spying on me viewing this topic right now :lol:
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Postby Aale de Winkel » Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:27 am

Given the relative dimensions (ie sizes) , ("we hanging on Emily's wall") it is doubfull that we could digest slices of Emily's food.
In order for us to digest that food, the dimensions of things ought to be (sorry Alkaline) more or less the same. And the downfall of many an argument given in this forum.

So, don't stop World-hunger by begging tetronians for food :twisted:
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Postby Splatt » Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:41 am

Well i think that if we are assuming that physics are fairly similar then shouldn't the particals from one dimension to another be compatable. If thats the case then moving an object through another space would produce an object of similar compisition. so you could probably eat something from a different dimension. but the problem is that the amount that intersects your plane space is limited and the only way you could get more after that is finished is if its pushed through from the other dimension.

so say Emily has that pizza then part of it could intersect our plane and we could eat that till its gone, then she would have to push it so more comes into contact with our plane. but i don't think there would be a way we could go to her realm space and eat it.
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Postby Aale de Winkel » Wed Dec 17, 2003 8:33 am

The physics won't change if particle dimensions where km in stead of nm, everything would simply scale up accordingly.
The relative sizes between the various dimentia is still open to debate, many arguments I gave where supposing tetronians could toy around with trionian spaces, which I don't see that easily happen when tetronian sizes are simular to ours.

Inserting mirrors into our realm though suggests more simular sizes, or some kind of subatomair tetronian physics no trionian can even dream of achieving. Simular with tetronian giving us devices enabling us to jump in an out of our dimension, if such tetronian where of size simular to our own I would advice him against it, suddenly getting wrapped up in some swock because some trionian decides to hyperjump doesn't look healthy for that tetronian :lol:

It's fun to toy around with these idea's, so don't bother specifying the relative dimensions :lol:
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Postby alkaline » Wed Dec 17, 2003 2:21 pm

When I wrote the page and talked about Fred hanging on Bob's wall and Bob hanging on Emily's wall, I hadn't known about the fact that beings in lower dimensions would actually be larger. Maybe i'll mention that and use the wall thing anyway just for the sake of illustration. As for food, the tetronian food would be smaller in measurements than ours, but there would still be an infinite number of slices of it, so we could still get full on it. Maybe each slice would be a bite size.

Btw Splatt, Emily is from tetraspace, not realmspace :-P

Aale, why do you say that tetronians couldn't toy around with us if they were a similar size? Do you think they'd have to be bigger to do that?
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Postby Aale de Winkel » Wed Dec 17, 2003 3:30 pm

It'll be the other way around, the higher the dimension, the larger the being, we are hanging on Emilly's wall, an we might have bionian worlds on our wall.

Try imagine some infinitlely large sheet of paper with say 1m50 high bionians. I can't see me simply wrap this up and toss it into my waste-paper basket. Given this picture yeh I would expect the higher the dimension, the bigger the dimensions :lol: :lol:, common sense I think.
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Postby alkaline » Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:42 pm

i believe it is smaller measurements as you go to higher dimensions, as i mention in this post. I believe it would have to do with more difficult heat dissipation and greater compactness in higher dimensions.
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Postby Aale de Winkel » Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:36 pm

You seem to hang big things on small wallls, curious picture.
Emily might not notice the swock that hyperjumps around her, I agree, but that tetronian engineer that constructed that hyperdrive must have spent an entire tetra-fortune.

As said with unspecified dimensions between teh dimensins :lol: one can toy around with these kind of stuff.

Note that I consider everything in related size, so that heat dissipation etc. simply would be the same scale in the various dimension. Heat is just particle motion :!: so the dissipation will be occording to particle size, and thus this also scales accordingly.

it is just what picture one protraits, when I were faced with an infinit sheet of paper with some moving bionans on them of my own size ( :idea: are shadows bionians :?: ) I probalby tear those bionians apart wanting to get to the other side of that paper.
If I'm smaller then a bionian our relmspace must be some molecule on some (really huge) plane space, and not a picture on a tetronian walll.

All equaly valid pictures one might work out. :?
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Postby alkaline » Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:05 pm

as far as heat dissipation goes, i was assuming that the speed of heat conductance would be the same in each dimension. The difference in heat transfer between dimensions is relation between the heat generation in the inside of an object and the surface area of the object to dissipate that heat: the higher the dimension, the higher the internal volume relative to the surface area for any given shape. Thus, for two shapes, one trionian and one tetronian, that have the same numerical value of surface space (surface area & surface "volume"), the tetronian one would generate a large measure more heat. The two surfaces would dissipate heat at the same rate since they have the same "surface space", but the tetronian object would be generating heat at a much higher rate. To get around this problem, objects in tetraspace would have to be smaller.
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Postby Aale de Winkel » Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:47 am

alkaline wrote: i was assuming that the speed of heat conductance would be the same in each dimension.

I don't even assume that tetronian light travels at trionian light-speed.
Tetronian physical constants might be quite different than ours, probably there are also more fundamental forces then the 4 we have, there is none-the-less one extra dimension to work with.

Tetronian physics I concider simular, but certainly not the same.
gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak force probably work simular in the dimensions that have them, what size the intermediary particles have, I haven't the faintest. Our entire universe might well be one tetronion gluon for all I know.

Trionizing tetronia is something simular as assuming the Lord is a humanoid, I won't do that :lol: . According to some He can't even make us of biological mechanisms we puny humans can understand :twisted:
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Postby Keiji » Sat Dec 20, 2003 5:15 pm

Aale de Winkel wrote:Our entire universe might well be one tetronion gluon for all I know.

what is a "gluon"?
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Postby arsenic » Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:32 am

We can also gain infinity of iron,copper,fruit,place to build houses,
place to store garbage,water,oil,fuel,titanium,diamond,wood
if we can go in to 4d

I think if we can go into 4d we will have much more comfortable life
that would be great for us and I think we will never ran out of resouce

going in to 4d will not make us have 4d bodies so even a very small tesseract of resouce can feed all of human in the world so I think
those 4d resouce still important for us even we can go in to 4d
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Postby Keiji » Fri Feb 06, 2004 6:14 pm

you posted that in another topic, now someone delete his post
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Postby RQ » Fri Feb 06, 2004 11:23 pm

I agree with Aale in saying that dimensions have to be the same (i.e. bob cannot observe Fred and fred cannot observe Bob), but just talked about in disproving matters.
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